Overlord Naruto

Chapter 1 - 1 Rebirth as ????

After my death from a thunderstrike. My soul is drifting in a white space. Then suddenly a voice called me in my head .

???: Hello boy .

Me: Hello who is there ?

???: You can call me GOD if you want to.

Me: God why I am here

???: haahhaaahaa because you died boy.

Me: Don't tell me you killed me by mistake.

God: I sneezed in the wrong direction and you died.

Me: But I was hit by thunder if I remember correctly.

God: My sneeze produced thunder and you died from that.

Me: So I am going to heaven my god.

God: nope. You died too early. But I am surprised you didnt ask for rebirth.

Me: Its too much work . Many people wants too reborn . But its not guranteed to live a kings life or have a harem.

God: Yeah thats true. Many wants that kind of life. But they have to work for it like having a talent and using it to full potential.

God: Boy I told you . You died early and you are not suppose to die . You suppose to live for 109 years but you died at the age of 25. So I can't send you outside of reincarnation cycle.

Boy: So where I am going?

God : Except your old world , any world you dėsɨrė and to make up for my mistake I can grant you an ultimate system which has everything from power to summons from anime and three wishes of your choice but dont ask something like true immortality or godhood UNDERSTOOD.

Me: Fine by me. I don't want immortality or godhood anyway . For rebirth I want to reborn as NARUTO in an alternate version of narutoverse in which the naruto dies before graduation . Thanks for the system. For my 1st wish I would love to have full guild of ainz oaul gown with its castle except their guildmembers and I should have full control over it and its servants.

God: Granted. *(so simple)* .

Me: I should able to use magic ,chakra, ki and haki or any form of power .

God: Granted . *(basic stuff) *.

(* this sign for when a person or even god is thinking*)

Me: Last wish , I want all the knowledge of fuinjutsu and power and equipment of momonga .

Me : Fine by me.

God: Your wish has granted and you got a system. Before you go , I want to ask you something , why you want to reborn as naruto .

Me: I always thought naruto never got fully justified in his character . The people of konoha hated him when they wanted and adored him after he saved them. What if naruto was little different . Different from the canon. Not revengeful, but not an attention seeking person too. Never cared too much about sasuke , after he left the village. Many other things. He has too much goodness in his heart in the canon which often took advantage by other people. Which I doesn't like and other peoples reaction toward naruto I just can't swallow it .

God: Goodluck my boy. My blessings are with you.

Me:Thanks my god.

With a white light he was gone.

Somewhere far in a distance universe .Inside a prosperous village a boy was waking up in the hospital.

Me: Why am I in hospital in first place?

Nurse : Ohh you are awake . I am going to inform Doctor and Hokage.

Me:*(I am already in naruto's body or more accurately my body. Ohh what are this memories. Looks like he died after falling from a tree . But no one took immmediate action to help him , thats why he died.)*

Aftersome time doctor and hokage arrives to meet the new naruto .

Hokage : Naruto my boy . How are you ?

Naruto: I am not feeling well because of that clone jutsu. Huhh .

Hokage: Clone jutsu????? How that can be?

Naruto: I mastered other academy jutsu except clone jutsu . I practiced it till I exhausted my whole chakra . Felt dizziness in my head and fall down from the tree. You should teach me some other clone jutsu like earth clone ,water clone ,SHADOW CLONE , Tree clone , air clone ,cloud clone, etc .

Hokage : I will see about that after You discharged from hospital . By the way there is no tree ,air and cloud clone and where you heard about shadow clone . I am pretty sure they dont teach about it in academy.

Naruto: I heard from some chunin and jounin when I was evasdropping on them haahhahahha . Pretty cool ha. I can sneak on chumin and jounin sometime hahahhaaa.

Hokage : O.k naruto we could see about your clone jutsu after your discharge .

Naruto: You promise.

Naruto : I WILL LEARN ALL OTHER THREE CLONE JUTSU better than clone jutsu thats a promise .

(Mc direct looks in the eye of third hokage)

Hokage: If you learn earth and water jutsu then I will make sure to teach you shadow clone myself . Thats fine with you.*(oh crap why I am stuck with shadow clone .There is no way naruto can master shadow clone now but he can master earth and water clone with little difficulty.)*

Naruto: yeah fine . But dont forget your promise jiji.

Hokage: Doctor when you can discharge naruto?

Doc: He is perfectly alright but for ȧssurance we have keep him for another day. Tomorrow we can discharge him from the hospital.

Hokage : Thats for the best. Rest for a day naruto tomorrow we can talk about other things.

Hokage says goodbye to naruto and leaves the hospital. No one can see But a malestrom is already in konoha.

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