Overlord Naruto

Chapter 14 - 14 Questions and their answers

While returning home Ino changed her direction and went towards the sakura's home. Its first time she is going to her house after her former friend declared that they will be rival for the love of sasuke. After that both of them changed their attitude towards each other. She is now knocking on her door just for asking some questions. If her father was here she would have directly asked him . Mebuki Haruno opened the door.

Mebuki Haruno : Ino , what a surprise ? Did you come to meet sakura ?( really surprised)

Ino : Yes, I come to see sakura. Is she home?

Mebuki : Sakura, come here darling.

Sakura : What happened mom, (looks at Ino) did you forget the way ?

Ino : No I did not forget my way, I just came to the right place.

Sakura : Did you come to ask something ? I hope its not about sasuke.

Ino : Its about something else.

Mebuki : You both can sit down first in the dinning hall and have a chat. While I make the tea for both of you.

Ino : Thanks auntie.

Mebuki : I want to ask you something Ino.

Sakura : What you want to ask Ino ?

Mebuki : Quite bossy are you, I am still your mother little girl. You can listen when I ask her about it.

Ino : Sure I will answer your questions.

Sakura and Ino sit on the dining hall

Ino : I want to ask you something as you are a bookworm and read almost half of the library.

Sakura : Who told you that?

Sakura : Tell me the question and you will get the answer. Just don't ask the date for naruto. (smiled????)

Ino : Tell me what you know about uzumaki clan or uzushiogakure ?

Sakura : I never read anything about it. Are you joking with me Ino , If there is a clan like that then atleast one book in library should have said about it. Even we have a list of clan details from the our and other village like hoshigaki clan for the fish type body , yuki clan for the ice release, uchiha clan for sharingan and hyuga for byakugan. Their is a list of clan details in library. The list keep going. Maybe naruto pranked you.

Ino : No actually shikamaru confirmed it. Nara are known for strategies and they collect a lot of detail by looking on the battlefield. So I trust him in this topic. He even told me that they were allies of konoha from the very beginning of our village. Even sand was not allied with us at that time.

Sakura : Are you sure naruto and shikamaru doesn't pranked you ?

Ino : Shikamaru isn't a lying and pranking type. He said it like an absolute fact. Do you know who was the wife of hashirama senju ?

Sakura : It never mentioned Ino, how could I know ? There is no records about her.

Ino : I can tell you, Its mito uzumaki the wife of hashirama senju and the grandmother of tsunade senju. Naruto told me about it . If you want to confirm we can do it through tsunade senju .

Sakura : How did he know about it ?

Ino : That I don't know but we can still confirm it from tsunade senju. What if it is the truth ? He also told us civilan council removed everything about uzumaki clan . Shikamaru is from shinobi clan. So you can say he can know about it from clan history or village history written by a nara shinobi. Civilan council have no power over clans matter or their secrets.

Sakura : Now you just made me confused. But why civilan council will remove everything about a clan.

Ino : I will ask shikamaru and chouji after they discuss it with their parents. I will talk with my father after he returns.

Mebuki : Tea is ready ladies. So what were you talking about? (serves the tea for them and herself)

Sakura : Do you know anything about uzumaki clan or uzushiogakure?

Mebuki : I knew a girl named kushina uzumaki famous for red hair and high temper. She used to squash boys or girls like bugs whenever they tried to bully her. She was famous as 'Red hot blooded habanero' . Even one time some random boy brought his big brother who was a genin, to beat her .Still she gave him through beating . Hokage gave him warning for attacking an academy student. About uzumaki clan and uzushiogakure the subject was removed from history of konoha during my time.

Ino : So it was removed by civilan council.

Mebuki : Civilan council was added in main council at the same time and all history related subjects are mostly controlled by them. So it has to be them .

Sakura : What happened to kushina uzumaki ?

Mebuki : She died during kyuubi attack, her name is written beside our fourth hokage Minato namikaze. If you visit the ninja memorial stone you can see it there clearly.

Mebuki : I didn't know about it but she was 9th month pregnant before kyuubi attack. So its possible.

Sakura : What about her husband?

Mebuki : I didn't know who she was dating but she got married to him. That boy was madly in love with her even when he has a bigger fan following than sasuke. I only heard it from my friends who died in the attack.

Ino : That was tragic story . Auntie could you tell one more thing . Why we wear the spiral symbol on our back?

Mebuki : I only know that it was the uzumaki clan sign. Our jonin teacher never had chance to explain it because of the war. Then he died while protecting us. We all were busy in the war with Iwa and kumo afterwards. Even we didn't know we will live for another day.

Ino : Thanks auntie, for such a valuable information .You are a great help. Unlike someone who couldn't answer it even after reading the half of library books.

Sakura : Its civilan council fault, not mine. Who would have guessed they could do something like this.

Mebuki : Jeez! Sakura ,why you have to be so loud ? Some people are trying to sleep . I dont want any complain.

Sakura: Yes mom.

Sakura :Cute and pluffy ? when did you get a pet Ino. ?

Ino : Thats what you wanted to ask ,auntie.

Mebuki : Yes dear, and sakura please don't always read books , pay attention what is happening in the village. That pet is recently the main topic between the ladies.

Ino : That's not my pet. Naruto owns it. Heck, he has 7 of them in total and thats totally unfair.

Sakura : When does he get the time to have that many pet ?

Mebuki : Then how it ended up in your shop. I heard from ladies that you got a huge profit by having it with you only on the counter.

Ino : Naruto came with Hinata, shikamaru and chouji to help me in flower shop .While he went inside to help , he left his pet in the counter with hinata. She get to hold it the whole time ,while I have to deal with customers. I am so jealous.

Mebuki : What it is and its name? Do you know it?

Ino : Its an animal called eevee. The one which is in my shop is Oscar and it is male. I even asked iruka sensei about them earlier and he told me naruto owns 4 female and 3 males of eevee.

Ino : Ofcourse it is an uzumaki clan pet only. It is kept like an uzumaki clan secret. That's why we can't see them with anyone. Iruka sensei told me about it and later I confirmed it with naruto.

Mebuki : I wanted one too. Its better than having a disrespectful brat. I would have kept it like my son or daughter if I had one.

Sakura : Mom I am still here.

Ino : Hinata told me that her sister also wanted to see the pet, so earlier she asked him and he agreed it on having a picnic on sunday behind the hokage mountain, near the waterfall. He even asked shikamaru and chouji to come too. I asked Hinata if she could take me with her and she agreed. I am going to watch all 7 of them in one place.

Mebuki : You should go to sakura and bring the picture of eevee for me. Ino could you help her with that.

Ino : Yeah sure, I am going to do it anyway . My mother will love it too. ????

Mebuki : Sakura you should learn that from Ino.

Sakura : I will do it. *(Ino trapped me)*

Ino : O. k aunty its time for me to leave ,I will see you again soon.

Ino left the sakura's home and new questions rising in her mind like Who is kushina uzumaki? what is her relationship with naruto? what happens to her husband and who was he? After entering her home she went straight to sleep.

Shikamaru house _________

Shikamaru was sitting with his dad and mom.

Shikaku: What do you want to ask both of us shikamaru.

Yoshino : You don't have to be so formal with your own son.

Shikamaru : I want to know about uzumaki clan and uzushiogakure. And why we wear their symbol on our back. I can guess we should have a very deep connection to hold their symbol so close to us. Why academy doesn't teach about it. I read a little bit information from our clan book about konoha and its allies.

Shikaku : I will tell you the important facts , others you should find on your own in nara library. Uzumaki's are our allies from the very beginning of the village. They are very proficent in fuinjutsu. Fuinjutsu is created by them and later they introduced it to whole world. Uzumaki's and senju's are cousin's .They have their own ninja village in the island called land of whirlpools or whirlpool country. After their destruction the island is sealed from others and the weather doesnt support the intruders either. They were destroyed by the combined force of kiri, kumo and Iwa from the fear of their fuinjutsu. From the recent evidence they utterly destroyed the three nations during war but due to low number they lost but they hold out against them for weeks.

Yoshino : Hokage confirmed it himself and told in the council meeting that he is going to put it back on the academy syllabus. Civilan council tried to object it but he told them that they shouldn't have removed it in the first place. Because of the war at that time he couldnt do anything about it but now he made it compulsory even the chunin and jonin have to read about them. Even civilans are not spared. They printed the copy of uzumaki and konoha relations books and now it is in konoha library so it is not a secret anymore. I actually laughed when he told us that we remember madara uchiha but forgotten about our allies who never betrayed us and only supported us, but we removed them from our history.

Shikamaru : How are the people of uzushiogakure ?

Shikaku : They were bold by nature and never participated in war because of their peaceful nature and they fight only to protect . They only participated in senju's war to support them. They never failed to support senju's during their dire times. All the security system in konoha is created by an uzumaki.

Yoshino : They have even larger reserve of chakra than senju's . Aside from fuinjutsu they are very good in kenjutsu and ninjutsu. They are worshippers of shinigami . The first hokage married an uzumaki , her name was..

Shikamaru :Mito uzumaki. I know the last part.

Shikaku : Then thats more than enough for you .

Shikamaru : Dad if we are allied with them this deeply why we didn't help them to survive.

Shikaku : It's not that we didnt want to help them .Their messengers were found dead in fire country. Someone killed them before they can reach konoha. A third party was involved as far as my father suspected it. Your grandfather tried to investigate it . But they covered their tracks and it did not go to other three nations who attacked them. You shouldn't mention the last part to anyone especially not to naruto uzumaki.

Shikamaru : Its troublesome, I am going to sleep.

Shikaku : Yeah its troublesome , I am going to sleep too , honey .

Yoshino : Do whatever you want. But get up early in the morning otherwise I will throw both of you out myself.

In the midnight :-

Demiurge made sure everything is ready for his master, he checked on anko mitarashi . She was alone. So he entered on Naruto's apartment through spell gate .

A portal appeared infront of naruto.

Demiurge : Lord Naruto, your servant is here on your service.

Naruto : Lets go.

Naruto makes a clone just to fool sensors who keeps an eye on him. Demiurge and Naruto walk in another portal and appears on Anko's house. Naruto disguised himself as an ȧduŀt uzumaki with full red hair.

Demiurge : Anybody home.

Anko : who are you... Ohh shit now I remember everything . ( As soon as she looks at demiurge she remembers yesterday encounter.)

Demiurge (voice control) : You will answer truthfully and don't even try to harm my master.

Anko : Are you kai sama?

Naruto : My name is kai uzumaki. The one who can solve your life long problem. But If I save your life from this tragedy it should belong to me. I should do whatever I wish to do with you. Do you accept ?

Anko : I accept kai sama.

Naruto : For precaution that orochimaru will not get alert from this procedure as we have to put his soul piece in confusion. and free it from the mark and it will automaticly return to him.

Anko : O k kai sama

Naruto : Now show me your curse seal.

Anko removed her jacket and showed him her curse mark. Naruto extended his hand and casted illusion spell and memory loss on the soul piece of orochimaru ,even if it returns and alerts him . He will not know what happened to anko and how it came back.

Naruto extended his arm again this time his fingers started glowing and he put it on the seal and it became another seal around the curse mark and naruto said 'release'. And a small light came out of the seal and disappeared .

Orochimaru soul piece has returned to him.

Naruto seal disappeared after the release. Naruto takes out a golden seal like how he used on yugao.

Naruto : I already made you free from Orochimaru. Now show me that you want to follow me by kneeling infront of me. Or you can run away as I didn't finished my deal by fully completing the curse seal mark . *(lets check her loyalty) *

Anko : I will not run kai sama. (knelt infront of naruto uzumaki)

Naruto placed the golden seal on her head. and it entered on her brain and it became small particles and affected her brain and dna. Naruto removes his disguised transformation.

Naruto : Now you will work under me forever anko san.

Anko was surprised by her master transformation and the real appeareance shocked her even further.

Anko : My lord, you shouldn't play with your slave like that.

Naruto : Sorry anko about earlier.

Anko : No worries my lord.

Demiurge : I never knew such kind of things existed my lord. ( voice control) You are free from earlier command.

Naruto : Let's complete the curse mark .

Naruto hand glow again and he put it on curse mark first it became red due to power of naruto's chakra and magic. He corrected the fuinjutsu of curse mark and the curse mark started spreading on her body but now she was in full control.

For making it complete he put a three layered seal on curse mark and now it looked like three ring of rinnegan with big three tomoe. Now a bloody red curse mark is on her shoulder. The curse marks which is spreading returned back on her red curse mark .

Anko : Thank you my lord.

Demiurge : My lord how it works differently now. Not to be rude but I am curious.

Naruto : When someone get a curse mark they should go through pain to adapt the senjutsu chakra. After removing soulpiece, the control of orochimaru faded and she got the control of senjutsu for herself. I corrected the flaws of curse mark so no mishap can happen or back fire like chakra exhaustion from using senjutsu chakra or the corruption of chakra. Senjutsu never corrupts the user chakra and the seal I put on curse mark upgraded and completed it. Now its curse mark 2.0.

Anko : Master but what does upgraded version do?

Naruto :This increased the raw senjutsu storage and even made a storage for your own chakra in your curse mark .The time of entering in sage mode is decreased too that means you are a sage now with perfect sync between your chakra and senjutsu chakra. And you can enter in partial transformation easily. You have to practice to perfect it. Other capabilites of snake sage you have to find it yourself. As I am no expert in it.

Anko : I am so grateful my lord.

Naruto messaged someone through telepathy for a brief moment .

Demiurge : I think I should study fuinjutsu. I really like it.

Naruto : Its like the symbols on magic circle or maths. You can learn it easily. I will send you the notes of fuinjutsu and to the library of ainz ooal gown when I have time.

Anko : Lord what is Ainz ooal gown?

Demiurge : Its our guild and now you are a part of it and our main purpose is to follow the order of Lord naruto. As he is our master and supreme being.

At the same time some one enters the room.

Yugao :My lord, you have called me.

Anko : Yugao is your servant too master.

Demiurge : Master told me about you yugao uzuki.

Naruto : Yes she is my servant just like you. All of you please sit down. Anko wear your jacket. Wear some normal ninja clothes from tomorrow . Too much showing off invites trouble , and we dont want that.

Anko : I understand my lord.

Naruto : I dont like to see my servants are treated like eye candy by others. Now yugao what is happening in hokage office.

Yugao : Hokage is putting back the uzumaki clan chapter in the syllabus. Civilan council tried to stop it but they failed. It seems they are mere pawns and some other person is controlling them from shadows.

Demiurge : My lord, sorry for interrupting , but it was the work of danzo. He tried to stop it but couldn't stop it . He got the late information .

Naruto : Maybe I was fast in my work hahahaa????.We need a base in konoha for meeting like this. We cannot use both of your houses as it will create some suspicion on us.

Anko : Where we will create a base for our meeting ?

Naruto : For timing we will have some more capable servants .Then we will create a base. Yugao be with anko for now explain how we can communicate with each other. Anko now you can also contact how we contact each other.

Demiurge: Any orders my lord.

Naruto : Explain them how we work on nazarick and listen to their problems for now after you all can leave. I am leaving because I have to wake up early in the morning for the ŀȧp.

Naruto teleported and returned to home and he slept. Slowly naruto is affecting the konoha and manipulating them for his own purpose.

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