Overlord Naruto

Chapter 16 - 16 ????

Orochimaru is thinking about past few years incidents in his life. He achieved an immortality through the jutsu. He joined an organization named Akatsuki after he got an interest in rennigan which happens to be in their leader pain's disposal . Which is impossible for anyone to have it .

But when he tried to take the sharingan from itachi . He realize that even if he knew thousand jutsu it doesn't matter. With one pair of sharingan itachi read all his jutsu like he was a sheet of paper. He was utterly defeated and humilated by itachi . He was terribly injured which never happened before. Now there is another pair of sharingan which he wanted to acquire for himself. And it will be easy for him.

Orochimaru : Kabuto did you find about the brother of itachi.

Kabuto : His name is sasuke . He is in the last year of academy and he will graduate this year.

Orochimaru : Is he genius like itachi ?

Kabuto : I dont think so.

Orochimaru : It doesn't matter as long as he have a pair of sharingan. Either way it is good for us that he isn't like itachi.

Kabuto : I noticed that he has a blinded hate towards itachi. He can do anything to achieve that.

Orochimaru : kukukuku. It will be useful when I will ask him to join me and make him my next vessel.

Kabuto : But he isn't strong as itachi.

Orochimaru : He will become strong under my care as my vessel when I will give him the power to defeat itachi.

Kabuto : Do you want to test him?

Orochimaru : Not now but maybe in next year when chunin exams will be held in konoha.

Kabuto : But you were planning to do the invasion at that time with the help of kazekage.

Orochimaru : I want him to go against , the jinchuriki of sand. What is his name?

Kabuto : His name is gaara. He is a disaster produced by sand village , he kills anyone whom he finds a threat to his existence.

Orochimaru : That's perfect , I want sasuke to go against him . But before that I want to test him myself. If he is really the brother of itachi he should meet my expectations.

Kabuto : Kazekage will not risk his jinchuriki to go against a sharingan user and in the end he is still his son.

Orochimaru : Then we will eliminate him before chunin exams. kuukukukuuu.

Orochimaru : That's why I left konoha when they were holding me back. Speaking of konoha , do you have any news on anko.

Kabuto : Why sudden interest in anko ?

Orochimaru : The curse mark which I gave her lost its connection with me . Maybe its because its experimental one and quite a few errors in it. Anyway I dont want to waste my time on my failed experiments.

Kabuto : Still she was your student . She might have find a way to get rid of curse mark.

Orochimaru : She can't get rid of it herself. I never taught her about fuinjutsu. In konoha not even jiraya can get rid of it. Few days ago he is sighted peeping on a bath in the land of earth near Iwa. So the curse mark failed on itself if I am guessing correctly.

Kabuto : Do you think danzo may stop us from invasion.

Orochimaru : kukukukuku. No he will not stop us or inform my sensei . After all he will become Hokage if hiruzen dies.

Kabuto :What about jiraya or tsunade ?

Orochimaru : Don't make me laugh kabuto. Jiraya will never agree and tsunade hates the job after her brother and lover death. So other than that only danzo is the most appropriate candidate in the eye of advisors.

Neither of them noticed but their own shadow is listening to their conversation .

In the country of rain ....

Konan : Have you heard from zetsu , konoha is reintroducing the syllabus of uzumaki clan in their academy.

Nagato : It doesn't matter after all Uzumaki's are all dead. It will not wash off konoha sins . At last when we are fully ready this world will know pain. Konoha is no exception to that.

Tobi enters the room

Tobi : With that determination we can achieve our true goal nagato.

Nagato : What a surprise madara !

Tobi : I thought you will atleast feel little bit happy after hearing about your clan from konan.

Nagato : Aside from me no uzumaki is left in this world.

Tobi : Then you doesn't know about naruto uzumaki because of him the konoha reintroduced the syllabus . I dont know the exact detail but its top secret. Not even zetsu can find about it.

Nagato : My clan is died , so there is no kinship between us .We are total strangers.

Tobi : I forget to tell you the most important thing , he is the kyuubi jinchuriki . And his father minato namikaze is the one who put it in him.

Nagato : You are talking about the time when you failed because of minato namikaze. He became a hero and left his son to treated like demons truly ironic .

Tobi : I forget to tell you the most important part your jiraya sensei is his godfather. You have to fight him to death if you want to take kyuubi jinchuriki.

Nagato : A god fears nothing , even if my sensei gets in my way I will not hesitate to kill him.

Tobi : Now you are truly ready for the world peace.

Nagato : Don't test me like this intentionally.

Tobi : I am making sure you are ready for what is about to come. I don't like weaknesses and you have the eyes of sage of six paths and only you can give this world the peace which it seek . Don't forget what happened to yahiko.

Konan who was silent during this entire conversation couldn't take it anymore.

Konan : Madara don't speak on that subject infront of nagato.

Tobi : I am just reminding him .

Konan : He already know what he has to do.

Tobi : Don't take it on heart . Its nothing personal.

Nagato : I know that too but could you leave me alone now.

Tobi : I might have hit too many sore points. We will meet again. (Tobi left)

Konan : I don't like this guy.

Nagato : That is not why we are together. Even if you dont like him .It don't change the fact we need him for the world peace.

Tobi is making sure that his goal is fully achieved. Even if he has to go any length to test them and mold them in any way he dėsɨrė.

While this was happening what naruto is doing.

Shikamaru : I do .

Chouji : Naruto , tell me why we have so many ȧduŀts with us.

Naruto : So we don't have to cook the food.

Chouji : If iruka sensei and his friends aren't here who would have cooked for us.

Shikamaru : Definetly not the three of us.

Naruto : Shika is correct .

Now apart from whom naruto called , there is asuma, kurenai, kakashi yugao and anko who came to picnic with them . And of course gang eevee is there too

Kurenai : Anko you shouldn't eat dango all the time.

Anko : I love dango.

Yugao : You should stop telling her that she will not listen anyway. I am waiting for time when she will get some weight on her body and we can tease her.

Kurenai : I will definitely join you.

Anko : You both are so mean.

Yugao : I am so happy today that we are together as a full fledged jonin.

Kurenai : So are you going to take any student on graduation too.

Anko : I am happy in interrogation department .I don't want to babysit some brats , its not my style.

Kurenai : I get it anko. Do you know anything about the eevee he brought .

Anko : Dont tell me you fall in love with eevee rather than asuma .

Yugao: Asuma will be lonely .

Kurenai : I am asking you about eevee and I am not so sure about asuma now, but maybe in future something can happen.


Ino : I want to hug them too hinata.

Sakura : You both have all 7 of them , How?

Hinata : I asked naruto if I can play with them.

Hanabi : You could have asked him when you had chance. They only listen to him.

With the men group

Iruka : How we got in this mess ?

Asuma : I have no problems in catching crabs. What about your fish catching job kakashi ?

Kakashi : Its just going fine. Today I miss gai.

Iruka : Why you remember him in such a dire time.

Kakashi : We once have fish catching competition. Only guy participated in it. But he nailed it . He caught fish for more than 30 people by bȧrė hands.

Asuma : We should have brought gai.

Iruka : Hey naruto, shikamaru and chouji come and help here.

Naruto : coming sensei.

Shikamaru : what we have to do sensei.

Chouji : Where is meat.

Iruka : You will get it if you help us chouji.

Kakashi : You can help me naruto.

Asuma : shikamaru come here I will teach you about crabs.

Naruto : You want help for that. I can bring more help.

Kakashi : How?

Naruto whistles and eevees jump out of hinata and hanabi grasp and run in the direction of naruto .

Ino : Where they are going.

Hanabi : I will follow the cuties.

kurenai : Whats happening with men and boys.

Anko : We have to go close to watch it.

Yugao : Lets see how much they have caught for dinner.

Gang eevee are infront of naruto.

Naruto : Now gang eevee we have a important mission.

Hanabi : What kind of mission you are giving to cuties.

Naruto : You will see. Now three of you go to catch crabs and 4 of you jump in the water and bring the fish.

Gang eevee divided into 2 groups and started to dig and dive .

Hinata : Naruto how they can catch crabs and fish. They are babies.

Naruto : You'll see hinata.

Bella came up from water and in her mouth was big fish. She is dragging the fish out of water and put her in the bucket. and she dived again.

Charlie caught a crab with his tail and put it another bucket.

Max brought another crab but a big one.

Rosie brought a fish on her tail. Within few minutes bucket was full.

Naruto : Thats enough for food, now you can rest. ( to gang eevee)

Kakashi : If you know that they can do that why you didn't tell them to do it before.

Naruto : They wanted to play.

Iruka : Now we can cook the food.

Kurenai : Dont worry iruka, we and girls can handle it.

Picnic was peaceful and there were no more surprises . They took a lot of pictures from ino's camera. After the dinner which turned out to be a food competition between chouji and naruto . They finished it with a bonfire dance.

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