Overlord Naruto

Chapter 21 - Chapter21 Wave mission 3

Its been almost two weeks. Sasuke almost perfected his tree walking and naruto fully mastered tree walking and water walking exercise. During this time they learnt about kaiza and his heroic deeds. And his death by the hands of gato's men. They felt sympathy for inari and watching his death by his own eyes in such a young age . And haku never able to meet naruto during this time.

Naruto was upstairs when his animal clone popped up and he knew battle already started on bridge.

At the exact same time someone knocked on the tazuna's house.

"Hello , someone is home" . Gato's men said from outside and tsunami opened the door. As soon as she opened the door She get afraid to see the murderers of kaiza her husband.

"Come with us, and no harm will done to you ". rogue samurai said to tsunami with a mocking smile.

" Leave my mom alone ". Inari said while running to her mom. But the second rogue samurai kicked him out of the way and laughed.

"Come with us or we will kill your son ". First rogue samurai said to her with a ŀustful gaze .Tsunami immediately knew they wanted to play with her body before handing her to gato.

"I will come with you. Don't harm my son otherwise I will kill myself ," tsunami said to them while threatening to take her life and they will not get anything out of it.



Both of rogue samurai couldn't understand anything as their head fell from their body and while falling they saw a boy was standing behind their two headless body. Darkness devoured their consciousness forever.

"Are you okay tsunami san, I hope they didnt hurt you so much " Naruto said to tsunami who was already terrified but soon she felt calm after seeing her husband murderer were killed.

"Thank you naruto , if you haven't come they would have taken me and killed my son " tsunami sobs while thinking the unthinkable. She calm down immediately because her son is safe.

Naruto does a hand sign and two clones appeared beside him. Tsunami and inari were surprised to see three identical naruto.

"You know exactly what to do, " Naruto said to his clones and all three of them starts to laugh. The clones gathered the corpses and their head and went towards the village.

"Good job inari to stand up for your own mother ,now go and ask the villagers to come to help on bridge " naruto said to inari. Inari nodded to him and ran towards the village. Tsunami couldn't understand what naruto is planning.

"Dont worry Tsunami san, everything is under control. They will not come back and especially not gato. You should prepare a nice lunch for us today, " naruto said to tsunami and left the place.

In village...

Naruto clones hanged the body in the middle of street with their head. They transformed into civilans and produced some more as other civilans and the disguised clones who were there from the beginning ,started to talk loudly.

"Hahahaha It is a god justice, someone killed the gato's men and hanged them," one of the disguised naruto told to others and people started to gather to see the gato's dead men.

"Gato is not invincible , he is a puny midget. Without his bodyguard even I could kill him, " another disguised clone said to the villagers.

"But we can't do anything to him, last time kaiza died ," one of the villagers said while remembering the old incident which happened infront of them.

"Its because we watched and didn't try anything, today its gato, next time another guy, then another. It will keep going till we do something about or we all die under their boots like a coward we are, " disguised clone said which sparked the fire in the eyes of villagers.

"We will kill gato or die trying, atleast my child will live peacefully ," a villager said who has already suffered because of gato and couldn't take anymore. Now they wanted to do something about gato.

At the same time Inari enters in the street and tells them the whole story, how gato men 'who are hanged now in the street' attacked him and try to abduct his mom. But a young ninja named naruto uzumaki saved him and killed them and hanged them in the street. And he asked their help in confronting the gato on the bridge. With new fire and determination they collected their so called weapon and marched together towards the bridge.

On the bridge....

"Today you are not gonna win kakashi I know all your tricks from last time," zabuza said to kakashi while clashing his sword with a kunai.

"I beat you like the last time, everything will be the same except no one will save you this time ," kakashi said to zabuza fully concentrating in his battle but he was worried about sasuke who was battling the mysterious ninja and sakura who is alone standing to guard tazuna .

Haku side.....

" You should give up and leave the bridgebuilder here, and walk out of here alive, " haku said to sasuke not wanting to kill a young boy. But ready to stop him if he hinders the path of zabuza.

"You will lose today, even if you are too much confident. You are no match for me, " sasuke said it with full of pride and arrogance.


Naruto didn't go directly to bridge but send some of his shadow clones there so no one die from either side meaninglessly . And here he searched for gato and found him near the bridge.

"Hey midget gato suċkɨnġ some of your men's rod. I didn't knew you are a gay, " naruto said to gato. He wanted to provoke him. Also he loves provoking people who gets in his way.

"Who are you boy, you are gonna die, for saying something like that to me ," gato spatted the words angrily .He couldn't bear a small kid is calling him a gay infront of his own men.

"I am the one who kissed your wife and make her pregnant so what can you do, she said you have a one incher rod, and she loved mine better than yours hehehehe , catch me if you can, " naruto said that with such a drama that he actually believed that naruto did something with his non existing wife. He even forgot that he never married because of his reputation.

"Kill him for sleeping with my wife , I remember now, I don't have a wife, damn kid you will pay for saying those words, " gato and his new employed goons started to chase after naruto and couldn't see where he is leading them.

While running he contacted pandora actor and told him to start his collecting work on gato base and bank accounts .


"Looks like you have started to fight without me , Any way they are not getting paid for their mission by gato," Naruto clone comes to buy some time for naruto and breaks their fighting rhythm.

"You arrived kid I thought you are not coming today . Are you afraid of me, " zabuza said to naruto to buy some time to relax from fighting.

"What are you doing here, naruto , you have to watch the house, "sakura asks naruto couldn't understand why naruto enters in a dangerous situation.

Naruto clone start watching in a certain direction and see that sasuke is trapped in ice mirror jutsu. Another clone pops out there



Ice mirror jutsu breaks from the strike of his sword. Sasuke runs out of that place. But when he see naruto , he felt like naruto left him behind in a long run.

Naruto clone looks on another direction where another naruto is chased by gato and gato's goons. Gato is taking a long breath and looks to the bridge and tazuna.

"He already prepared for your funeral zabuza, he called this many goons, to take on anyone who left alive after this confrontation. He isn't going to pay you any money ," naruto's clone said to zabuza and haku who joined him after the ice mirror got destroyed.

"You busted my plan kid but still you all are exhausted and you will be killed here, especially you kid for saying something against me, " Gato said it like venom is dropping from his mouth. Others couldn't understand what naruto actually did to gato.

"About kissing and making your wife pregnant, anyway if you have a wife she will do it with another guy . No doubt about it , you one incher, " Naruto said it while looking at gato . It provoked him even more when some of his own goons started to laugh.

"Kill that boy, whoever brings me.... " gato couldn't finish his sentence when three of his own goons attacked him. They put their blades inside his stomach , heart and brain. This act surprised all nearby goons. Gato is dead and now who is going to pay them.

"Are you retarded, you three, why you killed gato , he is our employer and he would have given us.....," that goon couldn't said another word. Another goon killed him. Suddenly in a cloud of smoke 15 of them became naruto.


Splash !

Within 5 minutes all are dead. Naruto and his clones didn't showed them any mercy .All 70 goons were dead with gato.

"I am going tazuna's house, I am hungry . I hope tsunami san finished making lunch," naruto said to kakashi with indifferent tone like nothing happened.

" Naruto wait , how did you do it " Kakashi asked with a surprised tone. Even zabuza was surprised how this boy planned it and executed it like a daily business. Haku, sasuke and sakura were in so much shock and horrified that they didn't utter a word.

" I killed some of them before directly confronting gato and after the kind talk I gave to gato I replaced myself with a clone and disguised as one of them with my disguised clones. I never left his side while running till here, " naruto said it calmly like a plan. Naruto started to leave and then smiled and took the gato corpse by pulling his left leg. Dragging the corpse till the crowd arrived .

" You are late inari, Gato is dead ," he gave the corpse to villagers and left to the river for talking bath and washing his clothes from the blood stains. Villagers look at the corpse of goons and gato and different emotions are running through their mind.

In a few days the news of gato's death spread throughout the nations. The bridge was completed in no time with all the villagers help. Haku and zabuza left secretly after the gato's death. All the corpses were disposed. A huge celebration was held by the people for completing the bridge. In the meantime gato's wealth mysteriously disappeared with some of his expensive ship. Team 7 finished their mission. They said goodbye to the people of waves and they are on their way to konoha.

Naruto gets a notification

[Ding!!! Achievement : Get a bridge name after you ]

'I never thought that they will name it after me, I only killed them , somethings doesn't change even if we take different path. My path is totally different from original naruto. ' Naruto was actually surprised by the notification.

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