Overlord Naruto

Chapter 23 - 23 Karin uzumaki


Karin uzumaki is a 12 year old kusagakure genin in grass country. She is considered a medic nin because of her uzumaki bloodline which is known to heal people worse wounds, if they bite them. Her mother died doing her job as a medic nin. She is still considered as a foreign citizen even after how much she has done for their injured shinobi's.

Its been 10 months since she started feeling all the bite wounds are cured somehow. She has seen her mother bite marks took more than months to fully recover but they couldn't heal because of constant usage of life force to treat shinobi from life threatening situation.

'How I heal everyday, after suffering this much exhaustion its not possible , mother's bite almost never healed because of the bite marks she suffered daily. Its like someone is protecting me from shadows. When I sleep someone comes and heals me, I want to know who is that person,' karin thoughts were stuck on her unnatural recovery she receives everyday.

"Hello there little uzumaki girl, " a voice comes out from the darkness and a person appears infront of her. A man with glasses and a silver tail.

"I didn't do anything wrong, please spare me, " She quickly understood that infront of her , a demon is standing because she can't sense any chakra from him and his aura is different from daily people and shinobi . He is on another level.

"I am not here to hurt you . Its not simple to explain but my master wished that you should be alive till he meets you. That's why you are healed everyday from past 10 months," demiurge explained to her. He is here to deliver a message send by his master.

"Your master, So he is a demon, "karin wanted to know about the person who kept her out of injuries and wanted to thank the person even if he is a demon but first she wanted to know about him and what he wants from her.

"Why my master has to be a demon ? Among the demons no one is worthy enough to be my master , I am the master of all demons . I am here to tell you after few days your higher ups will send you to take chunin exams in konoha. Where you will meet my master," Demiurge smiled at her like an ȧduŀt is playing with a child.

"Why help me from my horrible fate? It's not that I am not grateful to your master but It feels awkward to me . Almost all of my life me and my mother treated like an outsider while used as a medical tools . They never said a genuine thank you for my or my mom's efforts . Someone comes and heals me daily and I don't know about him , how I suppose to feel, " karin said whatever came in heart . She is talking to a demon and feeling more safer than any of her own village people.

" That's up to you to decide, I cannot make your feelings, thoughts or character but only you can. Let me tell you, my master does not want anything from you. He wanted to save you as a fellow uzumaki. Afterall he is an uzumaki, " demiurge said to her. It was his master choice to save her. But he will make sure that she will join him.

" So what I have to do after reaching konoha. "

" Before you go from here pack everything you want to take with you. You are not coming back here. You would have a new place after the second round of chunin exams or I would say your ancestor's place , " Demiurge smiled and karin became emotional by the thought of going out of this hellhole. Before today she didn't know where to go. Now she is going to uzushiogakure her ancestral home.

" What is your master's name ? " Karin wanted to know his saviour name.

" You can call him kai uzumaki for now, his real identity isn't something I am allowed to tell you or anyone. Its for his safety . I hope you understand. If you want to ask him, ask directly. "

Karin wanted to know his name but cannot risk his safety who helped her in dire situation . She didn't ask anything anymore.

" Be ready and tell whatever you want to take to your shadow and it will disappear in it. Its a shadow demon who protects you on dire situation , " demiurge signals towards her shadow and it bends on like a moving person. She is even more surprised now .

"Thank you, I always wanted to go somewhere far from this place, " she smiled . Now she can at least free from this place. She will have a new place far from this place . A place where her mother was born.

"See you in konoha. "

After saying that demiurge disappeared like he was not there.

Aftersome time...

An anbu of kusagakure village is knocking in Karin's door. After she opened up.

" You are called in kusakage's office , don't be late. " He said it without any emotions.

" I will be there in few minutes ." karin said to him in annoyed tone. She is not happy in this village. But she has to wait till she becomes free now that she had a chance.

Kusagakure anbu left after deliver his message to her. Karin gets ready and walks towards the kusakage tower.

Kusakage Tower.....

" Hello karin we are waiting for you . You are doing a lot of work so we have decided to give you some holiday, so we are sending you outside the village but you have to participate in chunin exams. Do you understand karin ," kusakage tells him with authority and he is sure she wouldn't refuse. She has nowhere to go.

"Yes kusakage sama, I am ready to participate in chunin exams for the village, " she said without much emotion. She cannot act suspiciously infront of him and ruin her chances to leave the village.

"Well there is a less member in team shigeri and we would like to include you into it. Do not fail us. Even as an outsider we gave you a place to stay and to eat ," kusakage said to her . He wanted to show her where she belongs and the importance of chunin exams in their eyes. They will get a lot of missions if things go well.

" Hai kusakage sama, I will not fail you, " Karin said as if her loyalty stays with their village. Which was of course one of her mask which she wears in this village to protect herself.

"Tomorrow morning you are leaving for konoha village with team shigeri .Do everything in your power to keep them healthy throughout the competition. We are giving you holiday from hospital today and you can collect your money for shopping in konoha . You may not get this kind of chance again so make full use of it ," kusakage was happy to give her little freedom to have some benefit in a longer term. He want her in top condition for the team.

Karin leaves the office after some time and collects all her money which she earned from the usage of her bloodline limit. She went to her house and collects all the thing she need with the help of shadow demon . At first she was surprised how it swallows everything and can put back outside.

Next morning...

Karin look at her house which served as a jail to her last time. She went towards gate and meet the two boys known as team shigeri. They didn't even bothered to know her name or tell their names.

" Its your first time leaving village so behave like a ninja. Ohh I forget that you are only a medic nin, you can't fight ," the boy named shigeri told him. He doesn't think her as a person but a medical tool which can make them famous in kusakagure.

" She looks so fragile, how she can help us , " another member of team said to shigeri. He was disappointed by the arrangement. He look at her as a burden.

Shigeri said to him " Don't worry you have to bite her when you get injured and you will be all fine. I have seen this girl in hospital" . He is quite happy to share his knowledge with his team mate .

"What's her name?" another member asked. He is atleast curious to know.

" Maybe something 'kharid ' or karis. Who cares she has only one job to heal us. No need to remember her name, " shigeri got frustrated when he didn't remember her name and avoided it like its nothing important.

Their jonin sensei arrived and they are about to leave . He is recently appointed only to take care of them during chunin exam. . Their original jonin sensei health is declined in past few months so he unable to go with them. Their another team member has a fracture which will take time to recover . So they are sending karin and new jonin sensei in their place.

Karin looked back at her former village. ' I am free at last of this wretched village '.

Konoha village....

Karin and Team shigeri reached the konoha village next day in the morning .They checked in the konoha gate.

After few moments

" So this is what great ninja village looks like, " shigeri became excited after entering a bigger village than theirs.

Two green blur was seen by everyone on their team. Two person wearing green spandex stopped to greet someone.

" So many youthful people early in the morning . I can see you are from kusagakure village. Are you here to take chunin exams and started to practice early in the morning ,"Gai began his rapid youth fire round on kusagakure.

" We have just arrived gai san , Its not an easy way to travel from kusagakure to konoha," Jonin sensei of kusagakure sweat dropped while seeing gai and his identical copy ninja. Everyone in ninja world knows gai , because of his insane training regime.

"Gai sensei I have to face them in chunin exams. I am very happy ,and ready for any challenge ," lee said with tears of happiness. Last year he was not ready and this year he is going to participate in it. He worked 50 times more harder than anyone else .

"So lee is participating in chunin exams, Now it is more harder than I initially thought. " A voice which appeared from behind the kusagakure ninja .

" Youthful as always. Naruto kun. I can see you started to push yourself further . Lee lets practice more harder than before, " Gai says with fire in his eyes and determination in his heart.

"Gai sensei "

"Lee "

"Gai sensei "


Now they can see an imaginary sunset .An illusion which cannot be blocked. Then they left for more training in their epic dust trail.

" So you are also taking chunin exam , but you look so small, " shigeri was not impressed by naruto's small body.

"Did you said something ," Naruto is not impressed with the boy either. So he just ignored him.

" Shigeri you should not be rude to anyone you just met ," kusagakure jonin ninja did not like shigeri behaviour. He will talk to him later.

"Hey girl whats your name , you are silent like a dead valley, " Naruto asked him.

"Karin uzumaki, " karin was happy that someone asked her name.

" What a coincidence , My name is naruto uzumaki . I am an uzumaki too, " naruto said it with a smile.

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