Overlord Naruto

Chapter 33 - 33 Konoha after the war

After the defeat of sound and sand ninjas . The bats disappeared from konoha . The light started to shine again in konoha . The people of konoha cheered that they survived an invasion .

With konoha rookie 11.....

Shikamaru is talking with the two chunin who helped him and his friends earlier. They informed him about the conclusion of war. After that they went to submit the report to hokage office .

" Hey chouji the war has finished . Lets go and see the village and the effects of war on it ," Shikamaru said to chouji who is seriously munching chips as it is his last snack on konoha . Chouji walked with him towards the door .

"I am coming too shikamaru . Hey guys lets go together to see the konoha after the war . I couldn't see the konoha properly during invasion and for some reason I am curious about my own home ," Kiba said to others. Shino and Hinata followed there teammate . Soon Neji, tenten , rock lee , ino , and sakura followed them .

They started to walk towards the stadium . On the way they saw some damages on the walls of buildings . The nearby buildings of safe house is not damaged as its protected by many jonins . Then they saw some men and women were vomiting on the road side for some reason .

" I can't see this kind of brutality . My eyes are spoiled ," one of the woman said to others and they started to vomit again as soon as she remembered the scene which she witnessed .

" Are you o.k shall I call a doctor for you ," hinata said to them . She is worried about them . While Ino and sakura felt pity for them and got interested in what made them vomit so much by a thought alone.

" No need hyuga san and we are fine . We watched brutal death of war for first time that's why we are vomiting . We are not used to see such things and thanks to all of you we are still alive . It doesn't matter what you did to our enemy ," one man among them told to hinata. He is happy that they all are still alive with there family and friends . Soon a ninja came and interrupted them .

" Hello little genins , all of you are called in hokage's office for joint mission . Your friend sasuke is already there waiting for you . Have you seen naruto ? " Genma said to every genin present there . He is quiet happy to see all genins are safe and sound .

" Be there in 10 minutes . Hokage is tired after the war so keep that in mind ," Genma told them and vanshied through shunshin . He has to inform all the other genins of konoha too .

While walking towards the hokage tower they saw some building were destroyed during battle but it can be repaired easily .

" Some buildings are destroyed , I never thought a war can be this gruesome ," Ino said to other genins . She has never seen konoha in this condition .

" It is the least destruction in a war Ino , if battle had continued for few more hours the casulty of lives and stock would have reached in hundreds . We are quiet lucky to finish the war in two hours with less casulty ," Shikamaru said to her . He is quiet calculative in this matter . According to his thought it was the least damage anyone could face in war .

" Hey guys check it out . That building has a sound ninja corpses hanged on the windows. Now I understood why the civilans were puking their food out of their belly . Did naruto do that ?" kiba said to others while pointing his finger on the corpses . Ino and sakura puked on the scene . While others looked at the scene as they were unable to understand the situation.

" Excuse me, " shikamaru asked a random ninja who is standing nearby . He is not shocked by the appearance of corpses like he get used to it .

" Yes what can I do for you, " konoha ninja replied him politely.

" Who did this ? I mean you were not surprised by looking at the corpse like anyone around here ," Shikamaru asked out of curiosity .He want to confirm the news .

" When we were in battle the boy with blonde and red mix hair came and hanged them here . He hanged them after cutting there hands and legs infront of sound ninja's . You can say it is brutal but the sound ninjas got terrifed and attacked him but then his clones ambushed them . They killed them and did the same thing which they did with the previous one . It is the least you can find in konoha . The biggest one is on the gate with atleast 50 sound ninja hanging there . When damiyo saw that he called it 'the hanging corpse garden' . It is one of the biggest reason we won the war ," Random konoha ninja explained them . He was one of the ninja who was present when this thing happened during invasion . He is explaining things as if this is a normal procedure of war .

" You are a rookie I suppose . Whatever is taught as moral values are not enough to win a war . What if we lost the war then what would have happened to us and our corpses. Our family and village would be under the thumbs of invaders . We would be a subject to slavery and expirements . When it comes to war all the moral values goes to gutter and the survival of your family becomes the most important thing in the world , " He said to sakura . He is happy to explain about everything to an immature genin .

" You told it is one of the biggest reason what about others reasons ? " Shikamaru asked again . He is curious about the details. The best information he can get is from a person who is an eye witness.

" You must be the nara who participated in chunin exam . I couldn't come today because of my guard duty . The other reason of konoha winning the war is because of bats who appeared in a large number and attacked our enemies . They even killed some of the big snake summoned by enemies . Do you know the name of that boy? He made a big name for himself in this war ," Konoha ninja asked shikamaru . He wanted to know the boy's name . He has seen him many times before but never bothered to ask his name .

" His name is naruto uzumaki ," Shikamaru said to him . He is quite amazed by naruto's brutal behaviour on battle . Atleast naruto made a name for himself.

After the ninja came to know the name he said thank you to shikamaru and became busy on his guard work . Shikamaru and others were walking towards hokage tower and they have seen many sound ninja's corpses hanging in trees or in windows . They have seen many destroyed building .

In the Hokage tower.....

Sasuke is waiting for his classmates in the hall and he is disturbed by what he has seen during his walk to hokage tower after the war . Corpses hanging almost in every corner of streets . He remembered the incident of uchiha massacare after watching so many corpses .

" Sasuke kun , you are alright I was so much worried about you , " Ino entered with others said . She ran and hugged sasuke which gained a tick mark on sakura .

" Ino pig leave my sasuke kun alone . You are making him dirty ," sakura is angry on Ino for taking advantage of sasuke in her presence which is seen on her face .

" They have hidden the fact that we have a kyuubi jinchuriki in konoha . Do you know what a jinchuriki is and how powerful they are . Gaara is a jinchuriki and they call him the ultimate weapon of sand and necessary for this war ," Sasuke asked sakura and ino about jinchuriki . His question surprised every genin present here . Sasuke felt the gaara is different from other people .

" I don't know sasuke kun , its first time I heard about it ," sakura said in disappointment . For the first time sasuke asked her something and she do not have the answer. She looked towards Ino to see if she knows something about jinchuriki .

" Don't look at me that way forehead . Even I don't know what a jinchuriki is . How come we have a kyuubi jinchuriki . Never heard about it from anyone ," Ino was in distress after knowing that some secrets are hidden from their generations .

" Then how come naruto knows about it in first place . He knew the jinchuriki and refused to tell who he is like a big secret of konoha . He attacked gaara as soon as the invasion started . Do you know he used fuinjutsu on gaara . I thought he will kill him but he told them to leave before he change his mind and extract the one tail from gaara and the sand ninjas left the arena ," sasuke said to them . This is a new information for shikamaru and a frustration to others .

" Its common for uzumakis to know fuinjutsu and you can't even copy it by sharingan . Fuinjutsu is an art of knowledge and cannot be obtained by copying . I hope you are not diappointment with this fact , " Shikamaru said to sasuke . It frustrated him even more when he heard he can't copy it from sharingan . Rock lee became more interested after knowing , apart from pure taijutsu there is an art which is not copied by sharingan .

" Well that's amazing shikamaru . So its like a muscle memory which cannot be copied without practice, " lee said while jumping . He is happy for naruto .

" You shouldn't ask about jinchuriki to everyone . Its not a common knowledge but a jinchuriki is a person who contains a tail beast inside him like a seal scroll which holds kunai . You can say it was a scroll just lije tenten carries on her back . If the jinchuriki person dies it will be a disaster for everyone as the tail beast become free . Its a good decision that naruto didn't kill him inside the konoha. How did he knew gaara is a jinchuriki ? What he actually did to gaara when he attacked him ? just out of curiosity ," shikamaru asked sasuke only out of curiosity . He noted that naruto knows many thing which his classmates didn't know or it is a secret from them .

" He put him to sleep and corrected his seal . That gaara guy was in terrible pain when he did that but slept soon after some time . According to naruto the seal work was pathetic and one tail is preventing gaara from sleeping for years, " sasuke is explaining the events as he is remembering it . It is still fresh in his mind .

" So he corrected his seal and he slept during the whole war time. Interesting . It is difficult to fight when a jinchuriki is enraged . Before you ask it how I know it . I read it in clan library and it is compulsory in our clan to know the most dangerous situation we can face during a mission . Jinchuriki is on the top. Even if they are alone don't provoke them by mistake . There anger triggers the power of tail beast inside them . The one who control his own tail beast is the most dangerous jinchuriki . Kumo have 8 tail beast and his jinchuriki killer bee can control him effortlessly ," Shikamaru told them about what he knows about jinchuriki .

" Its a common knowledge for those who know about jinchuriki . Fourth hokage faced killer bee and his brother who later became the fourth raikage, all alone even he didn't provoke their jinchuriki during fight . It is recorded by my father who heard it from fourth hokage before he became hokage . Bee is the only reason why cloud ninjas are not afraid of war against us . He can literally obliterate our army . There is a rumour that they have another jinchuriki ," Shikamaru shocked them with his clan information gathering . Even sasuke was shocked by this new information .

" Do Iwa have a jinchuriki . We are in a stalemate with them like cloud for a long time ," tenten asked this time . She is getting information for free from a nara so she will take the full benefits . It might be useful for their team in future .

" They have two jinchuriki of four tail and a five tail beast in Iwa . Even there is a rumor about mist that they also possess two jinchuriki . Not yet confirmed . They have their mizukage who controls three tail beast like killer bee . Their mizukage is a jinchuriki , lets end this topic its not a common knowledge . Its troublesome to explain anyway . You better use this information wisely in future ," Shikamaru is feeling tired from their question . He just explained them what they can possibly face in future . He hopes they will be ready at that time . Someone interrupted them at that time .

" Excuse me , hokage is waiting for you shikamaru kun . All the others have to wait for some time . Good luck shikamaru kun , " Secretary of hokage came and said to them . Shikamaru became nervous before entering the office for some reason .

" Why you wished him luck secretary san, " rock lee asked her . She smiled before answering his question .

" You will know it when they both come out from the office or you will enter there before that ," Secretary smiled after confusing them even more .

" You used 'they' . So who is there with shikamaru and hokage . Hokage will not leave the office with shikamaru . Is it some big mission for them ," Tenten asked the secretary . Tenten is curious why shikamaru was called alone from there group . It never happened before .

" It's a secret which you will know soon, " secretary created even more mystery around the issue much to the frustration of girls of group .

Inside the office....

" Welcome shikamaru , you are just on time . ," hokage is looking at shikamaru and naruto .

" Hokage sama what can I do for you ," Shikamaru asked him and looked towards asuma who just smiled after looking at him .

" Hey jiji how are you ? Your student is quite a trouble maker . I hope you kicked his ȧss nicely so he learned his lesson nicely ," Naruto was in no mood of doing any mission. Hiruzen messaged him and told him there is a surprise for him . So he came as soon as possible . He has yet to know what was his surprise but after looking at shikamaru he can guess what kind of gift he will get .

" O. k everyone settle down. Naruto uzumaki and shikamaru nara both of you did a wonderful job during chunin exam and won your matches . Shikamaru kun helped his fellow comrades to survived against powerful opponents during war . I am impressed with your strategies and tactics in war . You have calm mind in a difficult situation . And naruto kun you suppressed the enemy through your trickster mind and killed their morale for battle . You are unpredictable throughout whole chunin exam and in war . You are using some strategy which I have seen but it was on different level . But some of tricks were out of the world never seen or heard by anyone . You both not only impressed me but whole konoha chunin and jonin ninjas who saw you battle during war . So we decided to promote you as soon as possible . Congratulations on becoming chunin ," Hokage praised both of them and gave signal to others to bring a chunin vest for both of them with a scroll .

" Thank you hokage sama ," naruto and shikamaru said in unison.

Shikamaru and naruto recieved the chunin vest . Naruto and shikamaru didn't waste anytime and they wear their chunin vest . Naruto put some chakra on the scroll and a book about chunin behaviour , rules and guidelines is there, a chakra paper , a tanto and other weapons are there as the gift of promotion .

Naruto took the chakra paper and injected his chakra on it . It crinkled with blue and red wrinkles everywhere in the paper and then it splitted into ten parts . At last it became fully wet and fall from his hand . It makes quiet a scene in the hokage office

" Wow naruto kun you have three primary chakra nature . You have lightning, wind and water . You can counter any element now . Even then your lightning is the strongest for some reason with red and blue outline . Other two chakra nature fire and earth you can develop later as secondary element ," Hokage said to naruto. Even though he surprised his own master by promoting him after demiurge gave him the idea to keep it a secret till last moment . He couldn't praise him too much as it will be considered a suspicious act by jonins present in the room .

" I am impressed naruto kun , now you can surpass kakashi in no time . Its the power of your youth ," gai said to naruto and it embarrassed kakashi .

" I just hope he didn't become a pervert like you kakashi other than that he has a great future ahead ," kurenai said to kakashi while smiling with a hidden meaning which is to indicate that make sure he will not become a pervert in his presence .

Afterall kurenai knows the crush of hinata is on naruto . As a jonin sensei she will make sure the bad affects of kakashi will not affect him . Kakashi , asuma and gai understood what she will do if they will not follow her advice .

" Don't worry about it kurenai . It will not happen as far as I know ," Kakashi said to kurenai . He do not want to be a target practice of her genjutsu .

" Do your best buddy ," Asuma said to kakashi with an apologetic expression . He knows what kurenai will do if they will not listen to her .

" Shika are you keeping your chakra nature a secret ? " naruto asked shikamaru who nodded in yes and he didn't ask any further about it .

" Naruto as I promised I can tell your father's name today as you became a chunin today . So would you like to hear it infront of everyone or alone ," Hokage asked him which was an act as it was already decided by them when he became his servant . He also knows naruto knows his father's name . It was his last act for everyone to bring a chill down their spine for treating him like a shit for his early childhood .

" Its not a problem with me if other know about my fathers name . You can call my other friends to announce my fathers name . I can sense they are restless outside . But I will carry my mother's surname . It is my identity for whole life and I will not change it . I don't want to face my mother's wrath when I die even my father will face the same thing if I change my surname now ," Naruto explained it like it will be a troublesome for him and his father in afterlife .

kurenai is impressed with naruto for carrying his mother's surname . Hiruzen gives a nod to naruto and signal his anbu who goes and inform his fellow classmates to come inside .

All the rookie 9 and team gai is present in front of hokage . They got shock of their life when they saw shikamaru and naruto in chunin vest . Sasuke didn't react on this . Ino and sakura wanted to ask why sasuke didn't get chunin vest . Shino understood better than anyone why both of them got chunin status . He cursed kankuro in his mind for giving up in the match .

" Congrats naruto kun and shikamaru san on becoming chunin ," hinata said to both of them . She felt very happy after she saw naruto in chunin vest .

" You both wait till I become chunin next time ," kiba felt little jealous towards them after seeing them in chunin vest .

" Congrats on becoming chunin , damn kankuro you meet me next time ," Shino couldn't help but cursed kankuro . If kankuro has not given up he would be a chunin with his friends .

" Congratulations, "Sasuke said to both . He has one goal in mind to become stronger than itachi .

Every genin congratulated them . Rock lee wanted to do resume his training to become a chunin next year .

" Naruto kun now don't freak out when I tell your fathers name , he made quite a big name in ninja world , " Hokage comment attracted everyone attention . Jonin who present in room already knows about it . Genins are different case entirely . Ino and sakura ears became more attentive and they are getting a secret news to spread through out the konoha .

" Lets me hear his name jiji .Who was that lucky bastard to make my beautiful mother kushina uzumaki to marry him by the trickery of love ," Naruto said it in such a dramatic way that kurenai started laughing . Even hinata , ino , tenten and sakura couldn't help but giggle at his words .

" Don't call your father a bastard . Its bad manners ? " jiraya appeared behind naruto . Naruto looked at him and started to change it into a look of horror .

" Kurenai san my life is destroyed . I can't believe it . White hair man with a oil kanji in forehead and a scroll in his back . The peeping man who is always caught by ladies and beaten to pulp everytime is actually my father . Wait a minute, kakashi sensei have white hair too . Ohh my god you might even tricked kakashi sensei mother too . I have a step brother kakashi . That's why he has brotherly eye smile when ever he look at me. My father and step brother are both perverts . kurenai san help me . I can't take it any more ," kurenai and others sweat dropped by his performance . Kurenai couldn't stop laughing at naruto antics . Kurenai went and hugged naruto which earned a reaction by jiraya, kakashi , hiruzen and asuma .

" Kakashi you never told me you have a step brother . You are so cruel kakashi . Such a youthful step brother you have . I have to lecture you on the youthfulness to brighten your youth my eternal rival ," Gai said that to kakashi and everyone knew it is like going to hell for kakashi .

" This is the first time I heard about it gai , no need to take it in heart, " kakashi said something quick to escape from gai . He do not want to experience a youthful lecture from gai so soon .

" I am with you naruto kun and will always support you no matter who is your father ," hinata said to naruto while holding his hand . Jiraya didn't mind the comment and started to write in his notebook . Even in this situation he is thinking about perverted thoughts .

" Hold your imagination boy . I am not your and kakashi's father ," Jiraya said it after he finished his writing . Kurenai saw jiraya and smiled . Naruto and kakashi finally breathe a sigh of relief .

" You said it a lot sooner jiraya san . I was getting a free excuse to beat you for peeping in the hot baths . It was hilarious to think that you and kakashi are father and son . I never thought I will laugh this much . Don't go together outside otherwise people might mistake you for father and son heheeheehe ," kurenai said to both jiraya and kakashi and started to laugh . It embarassed both of them .

" jiji tell me who is my father , " Naruto asked again to hiruzen . This time in his face a seriousness is seen .

" Your father's name was minato namikaze . He was our fourth hokage . I have already a talk with bank manager and he will transfer all the money of your parents in your account . There are few other things which we will settle afterwards naruto kun ," hiruzen said to naruto . Everyone who heard it apart from jonin were shocked .

" That's a really big surprise . Naruto is a son of fourth hokage ," Shikamaru is shocked and couldn't say anything more . Same thing could be said about other genins . Hinata is happy beyond imagination . Ino got the biggest gossip of her life . She will spread it with sakura in whole konoha in a day .

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