Overlord Naruto

Chapter 35 - 35 A day with Yuri alpha

Tsunade looked at yuri alpha like she is the most beautiful woman she has ever seen in the world . Even in her prime she never had this kind of beauty . In her mind she was thinking what kind of guy is this kai .

" Please come inside yuri san , what can I do for you . What a beautiful woman like you want from me ? " Tsunade was curious about this woman and his master . She has many thoughts going in her mind .

" Thanks for the compliment tsunade san , you have pretty much guessed already . My master cleared all the collectors from your back . Its a planned action by him . After all you are still a senju , " Yuri is giving mysterious vibe to both tsunade and shizune . Both tsunade and shizune cannot read her like they do with other people with their years of experience and training .

" What's your master wants from me , you are so beautiful yourself . I don't think any person wants to leave you ," tsunade is making her own ȧssumption . She was thinking that yuri has some kind of relationship with kai .

" You are taking my relationship with my master in a wrong way . Even though he is the most valuable person in my life you cannot measure it by your normal standards especially by ŀust . Any relation which is based on the beautiful of others face or body do not last . So you should hold your imagination ," Yuri is very sėnsɨtɨvė about her relationship with her master . She came here to do her job . She never thought people will misunderstand the relation between them .

" I am sorry for reaching on my own conclusion . So what your master wants from me . Is he really an uzumaki ? " Tsunade wants to know she is dealing with the right person and what other party wants from her .

" My master is an uzumaki from birth so you don't have to ask that question . But you should know the amount of debt you have taken from others . It should be above 100 millions which is not an easy to earn even by an elite ninjas in this era . My master cannot see his relative in this kind of situation . Its bad for your reputation ," Yuri said to tsunade . For a moment tsunade thought her mother is giving her the lecture .

" I love gambling from my childhood . It is the only way I can get away from past . As a woman you can understand that . I lost my brother and lover . I couldn't do a single thing to save them . I couldn't pay your master this much money right now . As a relative of your master I will not lie to you . I hope you may understand my situation ," For some reason tsunade felt good in the presence of yuri and she told her everything which is deep within her heart .

" Its not an easy to live after your brother and lover die . If I lose my sisters and master I will feel the same way . But even in their death I don't want to make them unhappy by throwing away my life . I will take care of things which are precious to them and fulfill their dream even if their dream was to kill the whole world or make it prosperous ," Yuri's answers are like arrows which penetrate all the logics of tsunade . It was a new revelation for tsunade after hearing her .

" But I still love gambling even if I lose sometime ," Tsunade said it shamelessly . Shizune and yuri looked at her like they couldn't believe her shamelessness .

" Its not sometime tsunade sama its always you lost in gambling . Don't deny it because it is known by every casino in fire country . ," shizune said to tsunade . Yuri looked at both of them and felt like the role of mentor has reversed between them .

" Anyway as a relative it is not good for my master to ask money from you . But he will give you a chance to clear your debts . But you will gamble again and lose your money to someone else . And you will take loan from some else to gamble again as it became your habit ," Yuri said to tsunade as it will be very difficult for a gambler to leave the gambling . Shizune nodded in yes on what yuri said to her mentor .

" Please excuse me a moment , I will be back in few minutes ," Yuri said and left both of them .

Yuri came outside and contacted naruto through telepathy.

**" Master naruto , I need some advice from you ,"** yuri said to naruto through telepathy . As she never gambled and had no experience on gambling . She cannot lecture about it to tsunade . ' It might be not easy like it seems to leave gambling as it is like a mental addiction ' Yuri thought about it .

**" Its a surprise you want an advice from me yuri . I suppose everything is fine with your mission regarding tsunade ,"** Naruto asked yuri . He is sure yuri is right person to send to tsunade . Demiurge temptations will not work on her as she lost most of the things in her life . Other members of pleidas will blew things up .

**" I pointed out on her gambling habit and she told me that I never gambled so I have no right to say to tell her in this matter . There is something in my mind but for that I have to gamble . Still I don't like gambling with your money ,"** Yuri said to naruto .

**" Don't worry about it . Even pandora gambled like a pro in the persona of kai uzumaki . You will be just fine . Your luck is higher than everybody in the town . Take as much money you want and whatever you do win it for nazarick . I will tell pandora about the money and he will come and give it to you personally ,"** Naruto said to yuri and after some small details the telepathy chat is over between them .

Naruto contacted pandora about money issuing to yuri and explained him the situation . Then pandora contacted yuri and asked her location . Now yuri is seen waiting for pandora .

" Hello yuri , here is the money you asked from master ," Pandora appeared as an old man and gave money to yuri .

" Pandora san May I ask how you win in gambling . I don't want to disappoint master ," yuri never gambled before and she is very nervous about it . Pandora saw her in panic mode .

" Big sis how do I look ," Pandora asked to yuri . Yuri saw him and she cannot find any difference in his transformation .

" You look great lupusregina ," Yuri played along with pandora . She entered with pandora in the room of tsunade and shizune .

" You brought another guest with you Yuri san ," Tsunade saw Pandora in her disguise but she couldn't see through it . She is surprised by another beautiful lady like yuri . She looks quiet different and playful in her nature .

" My name is lupusregina beta and yuri is my big sister . She called me because she wants to experience gambling . She never gambled before . So I came along with her so she will not become nervous ," Pandora said it like lupusregina which almost embarrassed yuri but she cannot hit him like she did with her other sister as he is their superior .

" Lupu you shouldn't have said that , its a bad habit to reveal your big sister's secret , So tsunade san lets see how you gamble . I can lend you 1 million and I am using 1 million for gambling myself . Their is a nearby casino for gambling . Lets see how much you can bring back to pay your debt . Its last time I am lending you money as it is my master's money ," yuri said to tsunade . She is doing this to prove a point to tsunade .

" Yuri san I thought you will help me to get rid of her habit of gambling but you are supporting her now . She will lose all the money you lend her just now ," Shizune couldn't help but surprised by the action of yuri alpha .

" Shizune we don't have to ignore money . It is given by my precious relative . So could you not disturb me while I going to gambling ," Tsunade is happy that she is getting a chance to gamble with this much money . Her inner gambler couldn't resist .

" Don't worry shizune san , my elder sister knows what she is doing . There is a reason why she is giving money to her and going to gamble herself . You will find it out yourself in the casino . You will see my big sister in action today ," Pandora is behaving like lupusregina now . He knows what the citizens of nazarick are capable of . He just here to watch .

Yuri handed one million in a suitcase to tsunade and then they went to a nearby casino . In this city there are three casino . So they first went to the biggest one .

" You are quite popular yuri san . A lot of people are following us ," Tsunade said to yuri to tease her . She is feeling like she has a sister who is taking her first big step in gambling . It has something to do with yuri's title 'the big sister of battle maids' . Whatever it is affecting tsunade to the core . She never felt this kind of bond with any other woman . In her life she has only three woman close to her . it was her mother , grandmother and her apprentice shizune . Her dėsɨrė to have a sister is the trigger of this effect .

Shizune is observing tsunade unusual behaviour . She can see tsunade is subconsciously trying to get close to yuri alpha not in a weird way but like they are related somehow .

" Let them follow , they will also taste the wrath of my big sister ," Pandora said it in a playful way . Lupusregina persona is taking affect because of his doppelganger stats .

They entered in the casino and environment became silent . Most of the men noticed tsunade and two other newcomer with her . Like always shizune was ignored by everyone which lead her to depression . Men knew about the losing streak of tsunade so they are not worried about her . They tried to approach her after seeing her suitcase . They converted the money into chips .

" Hello miss tsunade you came back and brought some beautiful women like you with yourself . Our table is free you can join us . If you lose money today I will lend you back some money. If I can have a date with any of this two lovely ladies ," A rich man came to tsunade and said to her . Mostly she will not react as it is part of her training but today she is angry on this guy for hitting on yuri .

" My big sister do not date a person who are strangers , perverts and robbers . If someone tries something funny it is always blood spreading everywhere . heheehehee . Are you sure you can face that kind of situation ," Pandora said to the man . Naruto has told him to go with yuri alpha . So he can handle all kind of ŀustful bastards . Now he understood what kind of situation yuri can face if he left her alone .

" No problem it's in our blood to face all kind of situation . A little bit of blood doesn't scare us ," The rich man said to pandora . Looking at him like he is some kind of lost puppy . In the form of lupusregina , pandora pretending to be angry at his advances on his sister .

" Lets see what this casino has to offer in gambling ," Yuri said to them and looked at the table where people are playing three card poker.

Yuri and tsunade sat in the same table with that rich man . shizune and pandora stood behind them . They started to play . Yuri went for blind and didn't even looked at her cards . She thought that she will get nervous after watching her cards . Bet increased slowly and people were watching her .

After an hour almost everybody in the table lost to her due to her insane luck stats . Tsunade lost all the money she took as a loan from her . Few other joined too but now yuri was placing higher bets . And they were losing all their money quickly .

People were losing there patience after seeing her insane luck . Tsunade is watching her from back side . People who came after looking her beauty wanted to try their luck in gambling to impress her but when they sat with her it was instant kill for their money .

Casino lost a huge sum of money and all the customers were getting bankrupted infront of tsunade .

" Damn I lost all my money. How I will pay my loan now. What I will eat, " A gambler was shouting after losing his mind . He went mental after losing his huge sum of money .

Yuri didn't pay him attention and went for roulette . Even there she was winning by placing bets on the exact numbers . After that she tried slot machines . Slot machines is throwing money after money when ever she try her luck on it . Atlast she collected all the money from casino .

" Excuse me miss what is your name ," Manager came and asked her . He looks like someone has bitten him on the face . He looks very sad while giving her all the money . Yuri collected 60 million from the casino . Even tsunade eyes are rolled back after looking the situation and huge money .

" Yuri alpha," she said without showing any emotions .

" Please miss yuri alpha do not come back to our casino . From today onwards you are banned in our casino . You not only made us bankrupt but all our customers were out of money in your one visit . I beg you please don't come back ," manager said to yuri . He then put a big board infront of his casino with a shabby sketch of yuri . In the bottom their is one big word written on it , 'BANNED' .

" Lets give a visit to other two casino too ," Yuri said to them . Shizune and tsunade were shocked after hearing it . Pandora laughed it like lupusregina for a moment .

" Just lead me to other casino and you will find out ," Yuri said to shizune . She dragged both shizune and tsunade to watch all the calamity she is going to cause . Pandora followed along with them .

Second casino....

" Never come back here , we lost all the money because of you ," manager of second casino said to them after losing a lot of money . They too banned her .

Third casino...

" What I did to you ? Now I have to close down my casino because of you . If I am lucky I can take a loan from bank and our casino will run like normal . I will kill you if you ever come back ," Third manager shut the casino's door at their face . He didn't banned them because like other two manager he is not sure about the future of his casino now . He just threatened them .

" You have won a lot of money . It is almost 130 million for you . But I feel bad for the casino owners and all the other gamblers who lost money from you ," Tsunade said to yuri . Even though she felt bad for losing her money all the time . She never felt like this .

Pandora took all the money and sealed in a scroll as he cannot put it on his inventory afterall there are other people beside them . He cannot show his magic powers to them .

"Now do you understand tsunade san what gambling can do to people . It is not bad to bet something but you should know the limit . I hate casinos even though I won a lot of money for my master . They trick people to gamble more and more . Its destroys their life and still they gamble like their life depends on it . Now these casinos are facing the same thing . Now they can feel how other feels when they lose all their money . Other people who came to gamble against me are on their own risk . They saw I am winning without stopping even then they came to gamble against me . So I don't regret what I did to them ," Yuri said to them and even now there is no regerts in her face . She taught all the gamblers in the town a lesson that don't throw their money in gambling without thinking . Consequences can be very dire for them in future .

" You just sound like an old sensei of mine. I understood your point . I will not throw my life and money in gambling anymore ," Tsunade said to yuri . Yuri do not react on that too and maintained her serious face . Shizune was another case as she became emotional after hearing those words .

" I am not that bad shizune . You are exaggerating the facts ," tsunade told shizune after she saw her apprentice is getting emotional .

Shizune suddenly became aware of some unwanted presence . After all money attracts a lot of trouble . Some rogue ninjas are in the town and they saw the win streak of yuri . Yuri and pandora were aware of there presence .

" Lady tsunade we have some unwanted guests . What we should do ?" shizune said to tsunade . Tsunade would not worried about them if she was alone but she is with lupusregina and yuri . She is worried about their safety .

" Don't worry I will handle it myself . It is a mess made by me so its better if I clean it . ITS RUDE TO LISTEN OTHERS CONVERSTION , COME OUT ," yuri said to them . Suddenly in a flash twelve rogue ninjas appeared infront of them . They are happy to find a big fish with a load of cash .

" I feel bad to take money from such a beautiful woman but after this I can take care of all of you with the same money you have . No one lays a hand on the girl with glasses , she is mine . You better come quitely with me and give me the money . Then I can spare your life and we can enjoy it together hahahahahha ," The leader of rogue ninjas said to yuri . Yuri didn't even changed her reaction which irritated him .

" Its my master's money now , just go away. I am not in a mood to kill anyone ," yuri is a good person and mostly like to avoid the blood shed if she can . If it is ordered by her master then its a different situation . Someone is asking money from her which now technically belongs to her master this idea made her angry . Still she wanna give them a chance to backoff .

" Your master can fuċk himself I am taking the money whe..... " he could not finish his sentence before his head was burst like a watermelon by yuri alpha's punch . She is in rage now . No one can understand what happened to their leader in an instant . When tsunade saw the blood she couldn't respond what is happening and her fear for blood froze her in the place .

" Well I gave you a chance but you bad mouthed my master . As you all were with him you all can die with him ," yuri said and within a minute the blood of rogue ninjas is splashed on the ground like water . And their headless body fall on the ground .

" Tsunade san I never thought a world renowed medic like you have a fear for blood ," pandora said to tsunade who is shocked and cannot respond properly because of her hemophobia . Yuri turned towards them and felt bad for what happened to her .

She walked towards her and lightly smashed on her head by her hand . Tsunade suddenly came out of panic mode and looked towards her and the blood around her . She was entering in her panic state again .

" You are pathetic in the name of world renowed medic tsunade san , Blood is not something you suppose to fear . It can also save lives and you should know it . If your brother or lover would have seen you in this situation because of them . They would have felt very bad . Maybe you wanna hurt them by getting afraid of simple blood . Its not a new thing for you to watch blood , afterall you are a legendary sanin . You should not allow such fear to exist in the first place ," Yuri said and placed a hand on her shoulder and charged some of her ki inside her to cure her permanently . Ki is a mysterious energy which can do wonders .

If tsunade has willpower she can overcome this situation with a little help from yuri . After hearing her words something triggered inside her . Slowly she gained herself back and she looked at the corpses and she didn't feel any panic attack . Then she looked at yuri .

" What have you done to me . I saw myself in the middle of blood and you called me and some mysterious energy calmed my mind down . I don't feel the fear of blood anymore . Could you please explain it yuri san ," tsunade was amazed by yuri . In her medic career she has never seen anything like this . She knows that to overcome the fear of anything she has to go through a long counseling and psychological treatment .

" You helped yourself tsunade san I just pushed you a little . I felt bad that you are in this kind of situation because of me . Fear is created by oneself so when you became conscious about it . It is easy to overcome . I just helped you to become conscious about it and you overcame your fear ," Yuri explained to her without explaining about her ki . She just made her aware about it and by channeling her ki inside her she helped her to calm down her brain . It would be useless if she do not want to overcome her own fear .

" I am not a pathetic medic and don't hit me like that . It really hurts and still now my head is aching because of it ," tsunade said to yuri while holding her head . Now she looked at the body and blood . She didn't feel anything like before . Then she noticed something which shocked her . Yuri killed them in a minute and didn't even react to that . She killed them with only sheer force . She didn't sense any chakra usage from her . And what was that energy which calmed her down . It was definitely not chakra .

" What are you yuri san ? Even I have to use my precise chakra control to kill them that fast but you popped them like water ballons . I never pooped anyone like that in the past ," tsunade knows how much power she has to use to kill them like that . She couldn't sense her when she moved .

" I am a maid of my master I told you earlier. But I am a battle maid for to be more precise . A maid who can battle and serve her master anytime . You cannot judge me by your standards . They are pretty low in my eyes ," Yuri said to tsunade . Yuri is like a riddle to tsunade which she can't explain but one thing is sure to her that never insult her master infront of her. It can be a disaster for anyone who do this mistake .

Shizune couldn't utter any word by looking towards yuri . They all walked in silence till they reached the inn in which she stays with tsunade for now .

" So how are you gonna pay to my master now . Not that my master need your money as we have a lot of money for now . But a debt should be payed . My master is not ruthless and couldn't ask money from you as a relative . But that's not the case with me tsunade san . I hope you understand my situation ," yuri said to tsunade and shizune . Pandora just watched their interaction on how yuri is handling the situation .

" May I talk with your master kai . I want to meet him once before making any decision . I hope he would like to meet me ," Tsunade is now feeling regerts to maintain such a big amount of debt and never tried to clear it . In her mind she swore that she will never gamble with money again .

" I will inform my master about it .Later I will come and inform you about his decision . I will find you easily so you don't have stay in this place ," yuri said to tsunade . Tsunade wants to leave the city because of all the incident they caused today .

" Yuri san can we meet sometimes . I like your company and it makes me feel at ease for some reason . We can have some ladies talk if you don't mind . In the first meeting itself I can feel a great connection towards you like a sister . You can visit me anytime you want ," Tsunade couldn't hold back her sisterly emotions after spending a day with yuri . When she was young she used to spend all her love on nawaki . But now she felt like she has the same connection with yuri for some reason .

" O. k I will visit you if my master allows me . Have a good night tsunade san and shizune san ," Yuri said to them while bowing her head little bit and pandora did the same . Both of them left after saying their goodbye to them .

In a secluded area of town....

" You did an excellent job yuri san ," pandora said to yuri while opening the magic gate in the abandoned place .

" Thank you pandora san . You did a wonderful job yourself . I felt like I am with lupu all the time ," yuri said to pandora and both of them disappeared in gate . The gate itself disappeared soon after them .

In the inn ....

" Tsunade sama how are we going to pay the money . I am happy that you left the gambling and got cured of hemophobia . But it will not clear our huge debts ," Shizune said to tsunade . She is worried about the debt . She do not want to provoke yuri alpha . She saw her speed and power which terrified her . She swore that she will not make her angry for any reason .

" Don't worry shizune I thought of something and it doesn't include you . I will become the maid of kai uzumaki for the rest of my life and serve him like yuri . Yuri is amazing and I felt like she is my big sister whom I can adore all day ," tsunade said to shizune . Who has a shocked expression in her face.

" Tsunade sama I will not leave you . I will join you . As a student its my responsibility to follow the path of my mentor . Except gambling I can follow you everywhere ," Shizune said to tsunade and they looked at each other and laughed . Tsunade has a great day after meeting yuri which she will remember for the rest of her life .

" By the way where is tonton I haven't seen her all day . She is with you yesterday what happened to her ," tsunade asked shizune . She looked at tsunade as if she forgot something .

" You forgot again after drinking heavily . You sat on her last night and it is taking rest for the whole day . After all a pig can sleep the whole day as a rest ," Shizune remembered what tsunade did to tonton after the heavy drink . Poor tonton missed all the action that happened today with them .

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