Overlord Naruto

Chapter 38 - 38 Nine tail beast and three tail beast

Konoha..... naruto's house.....

Naruto is waiting for the night-time to meet tsunade . Suddenly he gets an urgent message from demiurge through telepathy.

*" Lord naruto there is a urgent news which we got from mist just now ,"* Demiurge said to naruto . It might be very urgent for naruto if demiurge said it is urgent . Demiurge uses the word urgent on very important occassion .

*" Yes tell me demiurge what happened in mist that you are telling me it is very urgent . I hope it is very important news for me ,"* naruto said to demiurge . He is a just guessing what could have happened in mist . There is no major incident this time around .

*" The rebel leader mei terumi killed yagura by melting him by her lava release . The chakra of three tails have spread near the sea . Normal eyes cannot see it now but our shadow demon knows the exact location yagura died . We can collect the chakra of three tail now without a problem ,"* demiurge said to naruto . Its a huge news for naruto . But something is not adding up . She was youngest kage in kage summit in canon but if she killed yagura then she will become kage on the same time around tsunade .

*" Anyone helped her from outside or they discovered that yagura is in genjutsu earlier than expected ,"* Naruto is curious about the changes this world can have because of his presence .

*" Zabuza momochi and haku helped her in confronting yagura . They have improved from last time when you met them in land of waves . Haku is a true talent in ice release as he killed 200 ninja's alone with his ice dome . They both were a heavy boost for the rebel army after they joined the rebel army . So in final confrontation zabuza and haku separated yagura from his ninjas by confronting them . Mei confronted him when he was alone and killed him ,"* Demiurge explained to naruto . The biggest change was the nature of haku . He would have never killed anyone before but now it is a different case .

*" I am coming to nazarick . From there we will go to the exact location of yagura's death ,"* naruto said to demiurge . After that naruto opened a gate portal and went to nazarick.


Near mist village sea ....

A portal appears and from it three figures appears . Naruto , demiurge and mare comes to the location where yagura died few hours ago . Mare wanted to come with them as he wanted to see how outside world looks like .

" The environment has a dense chakra , lets go to the heart of this concentrated energy ," Naruto said to both of them and they went to a place where the chakra is denser than other places .

" Mare and demiurge try to manipulate this chakra with your mana and gather it in one place . It will save our time ," Naruto said to mare and demiurge . They are level hundred archdemon and elf and can easily manipulate mana . It was an easy task for both of them to manipulate something with mana .

Mare and demiurge started to manipulate the chakra with mana which is scattered around them . Naruto takes out an orb which is transparent in colour . He bought it from system for sealing high level concentrated energy of biju and they cannot escape from it till he allows it .

He takes it in his hand and raise it high in air and all the energy which is coming towards them started to gather inside the orb . While going inside it burned naruto's hand . It's a very high level energy even for naruto to handle it . But he didn't keep his hand down till the task is finished . The orb became red as all the energy is suċkėd inside .

" It's our fault that you got injured my lord . Please punish us for failing you ," Mare said to naruto . Naruto looked at them as if he is dreaming .

' This is what momonga has to deal in the anime . I don't want to deal with this kind of situation right now ," Naruto thought in his mind .

" Well it's not your fault mare and demiurge . Its a high level energy and while sealing it inside the orb it will burn those who are around them with its concentrated energy . Don't worry about that . You already healed it and its fine ," naruto said to them . The words of naruto put them at ease for the timing . Demiurge was making plans if this kind of situation arises he should be prepared in advance for the next time .

After collecting the three tail beast's whole chakra naruto left to nazarick with others and kept the orb in the 4th floor in care of gargantua . Its a suitable place for three tail as it is very close to sea .


....Konoha..... naruto's house.....

Eventhough he spent a lot of time but he still has to wait for the night time to meet tsunade . Yuri already informed tsunade about the meeting . Tsunade requested yuri to recommend her as a maid for kai for the rest of life . The request made by tsunade surprised yuri and she told her she will tell her master .

When yuri messaged naruto about this incident and the matter regarding their exact time to meet her . Naruto didnt know how this happened in first place . He never planned to control her like hiruzen in first place but he just wanted to maintain a very good relationship with her as his relative .

If he got this kind of offer in his old world he would have already imagined himself in a lot of situation in which he is with tsunade and they are doing some naughty things . But he is in a child body now and he can't think that kind of thoughts for few years .

' What the hell is going with mind . I can't do something like that . I will just ask tsunade directly about it . No I should not do that . Maybe its the effect of my growing body . In few months I will turn thirteen , ohh it happened with me in the previous world . Maybe uzumaki dna is attracted towards senju dna a lot . I am not a pervert by any chance even if I had a lot of videos of tsunade and hinata in past life . It shouldn't effect in this life . Why I am trying to fool myself . I should calm myself with meditation ,' naruto has going through a phase when some one enters in their teens . Before that every child is an angel . He is amazed with his own thoughts which he didn't encountered in this life . It was vanished because of the innocence of previous naruto .

Naruto started to meditate and a notification appeared in his mind .

{[ Ding !!! Mission :First encounter with nine tails beast . Defeat it in a fight . ]

[Reward : 1,00,000 shop points, complete obedience of nine tails and his chakra ] }

Naruto sweatdropped after looking at the mission and reward . Mostly he didn't receive mission from system which can be life threatening . He looked at the mission as it is a suicide which he had to commit for his future .


In the mindscape of naruto ....

Naruto is standing in a puddle of water which is leading him towards a prison of nine tails .

[ I don't decide the mission for you master . It is decided by true gods who produced us . I think you have read too many fanfictions . We are a medium and helper of yours . When gods get bored they also need entertainment and you are like an anime for them . But they can issue missions for you . Till now you were entertaining them without any mission but after chunin exams you became inactive to produce ripples in god realm by your actions . Earlier you were getting achievements because you did everything even before you got a mission . Don't blame me next time . They think you are worthy enough to take nine tails so do it . You are so mean for blaming me for everything master ]

' I am sorry jane , I almost forgot that you are a god product . You are the most precious individual in my life . Don't be angry now ,' Naruto felt bad for putting all the blame on jane earlier .

[ I am not angry ]

' Jane , can nine tail listen to our conversation or read my mind, ' Naruto asked jane in his thoughts . If he can read his thoughts then it will create problems for him .

[No he can't read your thoughts . When previous naruto died nine tail entered in sleeping state and your mind is very powerful as momonga powers act on your will and doesn't like to be read by outside or inside entity . Even then I would have made sure no one knows about my existence in this world other than you. ]

' If he can't read my mind then he can't win against me . what happened to my parents chakra do I have still have it or it disappeared after the previous naruto's death ,' naruto is bugged by this question when he entered in the mindscape .

[ The chakra imprints of your parents disappeared when previous naruto died . You entered in this body when they were taking naruto's dead body to the hospital without realizing he is dead for a minute . In this one minute the chakra imprint disappeared and nine tails went to sleep but he become active recently after receiving his other half. ]

'So I have to tame it inside the seal . Its dangerous but not impossible , lets do it ' naruto thought and walked towards the big prison door . A kanji is written on the gates of prison gate 'seal' .

Naruto walks towards the gate . Two gaint red eyes appears infront of him and looked at him . It can be an unnerving moment for any person but naruto is different .

" Did you think I died and will never found out about you . Think again about it then . You wanted to know why I completed you when My father divided you into yin and yang parts . Its simple I don't want to fight you when you have only half of your strength . You would complain about it later . You want to rip me apart now as it is your chance for getting free from this seal ," Naruto said to kyuubi . He knew kyuubi will not slide a chance to rip him apart for his freedom .

" You have become quite bold in few days while I was in a sleep . Come here and I will treat myself a meal . You are no different in my eyes than rest of your human kind ," Kyuubi growled in loud voice . He hit on the cell gates to rip it apart but it didn't budged from its place . He didn't trust any human .

" The feeling is mutual as I don't trust you either . Now that I think about I don't trust everyone only very few are exception to that . Lets fight I have an appointment at night with a chick and its rude to make someone wait for you ," Naruto said and opened the seal of his stomach . Kyuubi dashed at him as soon as the door is opened .

Naruto vanished from that place and appeared on the head of kyuubi .

" Now that we are fighting I remembered a very important fact , its my mindscape and I am the controller of my own mind . Even if you are the ten tail beast you are no match for me in my domain ," Naruto said to kyuubi and punched him on his head and kyuubi collapsed on the floor . Naruto appears few steps ahead of him .

" How are you able to use this much power on me without using chakra ," Kyuubi said to naruto . Then fired a bijjudama on him which naruto teleported behind kyuubi . He was hit by his own bijjudama .

" My mind is stronger than any normal human . Mindscape is an area created by my own thoughts . In my thoughts no one is stronger than me . A simple punch of mine is enough to put you down . Struggle as much you want ," Naruto said to kyuubi . Kyuubi stood up and tried to bite him but naruto disappeared and one thousand clones of him appear everywhere in the mindscape .

"Can you find the real me ," All of them said at the same time . They ran towards him but kyuubi is just popping them up from his tails . He doesn't want naruto to come close to his body otherwise he will not able to do anything .

A dozen of clones appeared behind each tail of nine tail and pinned the tails down by gripe of their hands . Now kyuubi is unable to move his tails . Suddenly a series of clones appeared on his four limbs and attacked it and he fell down on the floor of mindscape .

" You have developed special mental energy but that's impossible for anyone . No one knows about it except those who follow the path of ninshu . Humans only think chakra is used for ninjutsu , taijutsu or genjutsu . How do you know something which others don't understand ," Kyuubi asked him so many unknown questions . He was controlled by madara uchiha from his sharingan . He couldn't control him if uchiha's sharingan has not inherited sage's mental energy . They use it subconsciously without knowing it .

" I know the difference between ninshu and ninjutsu . Ninshu is the origin and mystery of chakra but ninjutsu is an art of chakra to harm others . Those two are two different things . Ninshu is for peace and understanding others but ninjutsu is for war . But I developed special mental energy myself without anyone's help . At first I had a theory about sharingan and byakugan's special energy . Uchiha's and hyuga's are born with more mental energy . They can develop it only as dojutsu and that's their limit because that's in their dna ," Naruto said that to kyuubi . Kyuubi charged bijudama as his mouth is free and naruto is infront of him . As soon as it hit naruto . He disappears in a smoke which indicates that it was a clone .

" How did you find out about special mental energy . Even uchihas awaken their mental energy which turns into dojutsu when they feel stress ," Kyuubi asked naruto to find where he is hiding .

" It's not necessary that you find everything in stress . You need a calm mind to find something important . Meditation is the best way to do that . It is a mysterious exercise to improve . It is the best mental exercise to calm oneself ," Naruto said while appearing on kyuubi's head . Naruto is happy to explain it to someone afterall he got this idea from his past life after he read about buddha's life .

In this world no one use that kind of exercise everyday . They only practice it in beginning of academy to focus on their chakra . At first he practiced it for gaining focus for kenjutsu and keeping his mind in a calm state . After he gained a lot of focus and calmness from his everyday practice he realized he became more aware about surrounding and a different energy is born in his mind . He continued to do it everyday as his routine .

" Even if you defeat me today I will find a way to get out from here ," Kyuubi understood that naruto's mental strength is greater in his mindscape . He can't defeat him for now .

" It was a nice fight but you lost . GRASP HEART ," Naruto said to kyuubi and used momonga's favorite spell which he didn't use till now . He knows kyuubi will not die but he will be defeated for timing . He crushed a large heart shape illusion which appeared infront of him .

" Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, what did you do boy . It pains me so much in my ċhėst ," kyuubi said and his huge body fall on the floor . His body became chakra and it want go outside . But naruto once again activated the seal and put a extra seal on the door to purify the kyuubi chakra which is full malice because it was disturbing his calm mind .

{[ Ding !!! Mission :First encounter with nine tails beast . Defeat it in a fight . ]

[Reward : 1,00,000 shop points, complete obedience of nine tails and his chakra ] }

A notification appeared infront of him . He is happy that he got a lot of shop points to spend . He leaves the mindscape and when he comes out he found himself sweating . It was not easy to defeat nine tails even if it is inside the seal . His mind is strong but body is weak .

He looks at the time and he still have some hours before he can meet with tsunade . He went to take a bath .


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