Overlord Naruto

Chapter 40 - 40 Border patrol

....konoha bridge.....

Naruto is waiting for his other teammates to arrive in the bridge with whom he is ȧssigned to patrol the northern borders . Soon two jonin and an old man are walking towards the meeting place of his ȧssigned patrol team .

" Hello my name is Naruto uzumaki and I hope you are my other teammates who are ȧssigned with me for patrolling the northern borders ," Naruto said to his other teammates . He is excited to go on a patrol . If he encounters enemy during this simple C rank mission he knows what to do with them to disturb his peace .

"I heard quite a lot a lot about you uzumaki san , a newly ȧssigned chunin after you killed singlehandedly 300 sound ninjas and other casualty caused by you to them by your summons . I was going to get some genin but lord hokage insisted on sending you with us . Ohh where are my manners I am your team leader and a jonin of konoha , Hayama shirakumo . Here we have another jonin with us Tekuno kanden and a eternal genin kosuke moruboshi ," Hayama said to Naruto . They have a mission together and he wants to get familiar with new faces .

" You are fourth's son . Once I worked with your father too . You look exactly like him ," kosuke said to Naruto . He is happy to see him .

" You are that fourth's son who is famous for his ruthless attacking pattern on the enemy . I thought we are getting a genin but it is nice to have a chunin who can butcher enemy . But you are quite young even for your reputation ," Tekuno said to Naruto . He is quite surprised to see Naruto as a young boy Who is wearing chunin vest .

" Many small things can cause disaster in enemy camps . Even at my age my kakashi sensei was already a jonin .Even maito guy was a chunin by this time . I am quite behind . It's nice to have a experienced team ," Naruto said to them . His words showed them why he is a chunin . Then they remembered he is trained by kakashi himself . So they made a mental note not to comment on his age .

" We have a C rank mission if nothing goes wrong . We have kosuke san with us and he knows that area better than anyone . He has fifty years of experience as a genin so please don't try to underestimate him ," Hayama said to others . Naruto immediately knew after hearing his name that he is a eternal genin and he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve . It's time to confront iwagakure. He has a perfect plan to keep them in check .

" Northern borders , I hope someone is not foolish enough to try to rob our lands in our presence . I don't mind repeating what my father did . You know what I mean . By the way be careful of Iwa ninjas . They are always trying something like expanding their territory . But truth to be told I am itching for a fight after a week full of rest ," Naruto said to them with a smile . Even kosuke has a bad premonition about it .

" Iwa ninja are always like that to grab any chance for showing their superiority . Let's go and see what fate has determined for us in this mission ," Hayama said to them and all of them checked out of the konoha gates for their mission . They ran at full speed towards the northern borders .


Iwa ....

tsuchikage tower ....

A meeting is held in the tsuchikage tower and elites of iwagakure are gathered for the meeting . They are waiting for onoki . He arrived after some time .

" Why you called a meeting and did you contact akatsuki about that minato's brat ," Onoki arrived and started to fire his questions on the people who summoned him for the meeting .

" Tsuchikage sama , we have found the northern borders of konoha is not fully guarded and we can take advantage of this situation as most of their jonin and chunin's are busy in repairing konoha . So we can expand our territory without any problem ," An elder of the council suggested to onoki . Even onoki did not see any problem in expanding his village territory when other ninja village is busy in their own repair works .

" We will expand our territory without any interference . So in few days we will send a small troops of ninjas to eliminate all the threats in those area . It's time to show them who is the boss when they are busy ," Onoki said and gave his permission for expanding the territory . It's common for other ninja nation's to take benefit when a ninja village is recovering from a war .

A shadow demon send message to nazarick from their shadows without their knowledge .


northern borders...

Naruto received the message from demiurge about what onoki has planned for him . He received it when they reached at their destination . Kosuke lead them to the secret cave which he found with third hokage . After they finished searching the area and Tekuno laid his traps they went to the cave to take the rest .

Kosuke collected a lot of mushrooms while searching for the footsteps of any enemy . Naruto used his sensor abilities to sense any danger but he couldn't find any enemy nearby .

"This area is fully clear as no signs of enemy is found nearby . So you can rest easy for now ," Hayama said to Kosuke and Naruto . At that time Tekuno arrived after laying his traps for enemy .

" No signs of ninja , I laid my traps so easily and if some one gets caught we can be notified with a 'boom' sound ," Tekuno said to his other three teammates .

All of them left for the cave after they found no signs of enemy ninjas in the area . Kosuke cooked delicious food for everybody and shared his youth time story .

" You are being genin for more than fifty years . That's a surprise even for me . You are experienced enough for a jonin ," Naruto said to kosuke . Kosuke just smiled at his words .

" I have a goal in my mind which needs me to become ruthless . If I was in the same position as my enemy he will not leave me alive . I hate it when people look down on me especially if it is an enemy . Why I should show them mercy when they massacred my peaceful clan which has no relation with violence . I am giving them what they need a ruthless uzumaki ," Naruto said to kosuke which made even kosuke to think .

"Even then try to enjoy the life . It has many adorable memories you can collect . You can be ruthless when the time requires ," kosuke said to Naruto . Even he knows the horror of shinobi world . It's either kill or get killed .

" You can even beat a experienced lady with your cooking old man kosuke ," Naruto said to kosuke . Old man can only laugh at his comment .

" You can learn it too . Everything comes from experience . I am doing this for at least fifty years ," kosuke said to Naruto .He is happy to receive such compliment from a young boy .

"It's always nice to have you around kosuke san . You made it like a picnic for us in between the mission ," Hayama said to kosuke . He was silently listening to their conversation earlier but when the mood lightened up he joined them .


Next morning ....

Naruto is searching for any evidence of enemy in the river with a net .

" Could you catch some fish and crabs Naruto kun , we can have a tasty lunch and dinner with it later ," kosuke said to Naruto .

" That's enough Naruto kun ," kosuke said to Naruto . After all he is one who has to cook at the end .


That day all his other three team mates has seen the huge appetite of Naruto during lunch . He almost finished half of the cooked food alone . Which they were struggling to finish .

" You have a huge appetite for such a small body . I am wondering where all the food went in such a small stomach ," Tekuno who can eat more than his other team mates asked him . He has seen such appetite only in akimichi clan .

" Did you said something tekuno san , I was busy in eating my meal so could you repeat it ," Naruto said to tekuno who is embarrassed by his own question now .

" It's nothing Naruto kun . I was talking to myself ," tekuno avoided to ask the same question now .


It's been three days since they are patrolling around the northern borders and found nothing suspicious .

Today when they finished patrolling around the borders and gathered in one place . Nothing suspicious is found by them .

Some of the iwa ninjas got caught in the traps of tekuno which he laid earlier . And the 'boom' sound can be heard from a short distance . A total of 150 ninjas are running towards them . It is packed by genins , chunins and few jonin .

" They should be around 150 ninjas . We should immediately inform in konoha. One of us should reach konoha alive and give the information ," Hayama said to them . He is thinking about staying behind to but them some time .

" You should leave , I will join you later . I have a massacre to attend ," Naruto said and ran towards the iwa ninjas . He took out his blood sword which is full red in colour . Before any of his teammates could say anything he was among the enemy ninjas .

" Damn he went ahead and now he is fighting them . We should not waste time or his sacrifice . It would be an insult ," Hayama said to kosuke and tekuno . He felt bad that Naruto decided on his own and didn't give them a chance to object. They left but they couldn't find any enemy ninja near them for a long time .

.....with Naruto .....

Naruto saw his teammates left . Now he can go all out without leaving any evidence . He saw some ninja were trying to follow his team mates .

"shadow clone jutsu "

Naruto used his famous jutsu and they blocked the path of every enemy ninja . He and his clones used aura defense . All Naruto started to glow in blue outline .

Everybody attacked him and clones with shurikens and kunais but they couldn't harm him . All the weapons were blocked by his aura defense as it is the best defense in the world .

" Who is this boy ? Why we are unable to kill him and his clones ," An iwa ninja was talking to other guy but as he got distracted his head flew out of his body and he died by the blade of a clone .

He cornered all the iwa ninjas with his thousands clones . It was almost a match between ten naruto clone vs one iwa ninja . His clones greatly surpassed their number . All the iwa ninjas were getting tired from all side attack .

Soon all the iwa ninja are died by his clone hand . Only a female jonin is injured in front of him right now . She is in no shape to battle him .

" Please spare me I will do anything for you ," the female jonin said and started to undress her upper jacket and started to show her nȧkėd bȯȯbs to Naruto . Naruto smiled at her foolishness .

Naruto took out a contract and gave her.

" Sign it with your blood , I can see your will to live is greater than your pride . But you are foolish to think you can satisfy me with such things . " Naruto said to her .

" What's this I can't read it ," iwa kunoichi said to him while laying down half nȧkėd in front of naruto . She is unwilling to write but due to her situation she made up her mind . She can pay any price to live another day .

" It's a demon contract and you will willingly turn into one if you sign it . I am a demon master . You will live as my loyal demoness for your whole life . Either this or your death ,choice is yours ," Naruto said and took out his sword to cut her head . She immediately write her name with blood on the demon contract and it disappeared from her eyes .

She transformed into a demoness soon afterwards and reborn as a new person . She transformed into a suċċubus but different from albedo . She has black horns and two pairs of black bat wings with a thin tail .

" What are your orders my lord ," she asked him . She is bowing like a obedient slave in front of him .

" You have to go to nazarick and help in their security for timing , and follow their orders ," Naruto said and soon a portal opened up and demiurge appeared in front of him .

He bowed to Naruto and looked at the female suċċubus . She is terrified by the aura of demiurge .

" Undead summoning : death knight " Naruto said and a total of 149 death knight summoned through the corpses of dead ninjas .

" Demiurge take her and the death knights to nazarick . Give her in the care of albedo as she needs a secretary for managing things , Now you can leave . My team is coming back after sensing something is wrong as enemies are not chasing them ," Naruto said to Demiurge . He took all the death knight and suċċubus through gate portal to nazarick without wasting his time .

Soon his other teammates arrived at the scene . Kosuke is with Hayama and tekuno arrived just after them .

They can see Naruto is the only person standing in the place which is full of blood scattered everywhere . Signs of battle are everywhere but why there is no corpse .

" We came back to help you but it looks like you don't need our help now . Are you okay . What happened to the corpses ," Hayama asked Naruto . Naruto looked at them .

" I feed them to my summons . They were quick to finish them as meals . Anyway iwa will not accept that they send their ninjas in our borders ," Naruto said to them .

" We should leave to konoha to inform about the incident . Let's leave after you regain your energy , " kosuke said as the most experienced ninja .

They spend some time in the cave and after sometime Naruto and others rested and regained their full strength . They left for konoha to inform about the border invasion by iwagakure .

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