Overlord Naruto

Chapter 54 - 54 Deal with sakura


Naruto has returned from another C rank mission . It was about capturing a small bandit group . He put them in the konoha prison .

He is standing with Kakashi and Sakura outside the Hokage tower . After he submitted the report he was about to leave for the house . kakashi already left after they finished the mission . Sakura stopped Naruto before he can leave .

" Naruto , do you think Sasuke really left our team . I can't believe it even if all the facts are clear ," Sakura said to Naruto . Confusion and love clouded her mind .

" Let's talk about it somewhere else . It is not a good place to talk about him Sakura ," Naruto said and put a hand on her and through shunshin he appeared inside the senju compound . Naruto created the barrier through fuinjutsu so he can bring anyone inside .

" Where are we Naruto ? " Sakura never visited his new house . So she can't recognise this part of konoha .

" We are in senju compound Sakura ," Naruto answered her . He looked at her . Even though he doesn't like what she did to old Naruto when they we're in academy . It doesn't mean he hates her .

" About Sasuke , what do you think ? What we have to do ? " Sakura asked him . She wants to know his thoughts about their teammate .

" What are the laws for rogue ninja . It should be clear to you . You should know it better than me . If he doesn't care about consequences why should we care about it . He threw away his life in konoha for power and I can't do anything about it . It is his decision not mine ," Naruto said to her . He will kill Sasuke one day but not before itachi dies due to his natural illness .

" So you want to kill Sasuke ," Sakura said to Naruto . But she is nervous about it .

" It's not that I want to kill him . Do you think Sasuke escaped from konoha by himself . No . I refused to act on time so that I should not have to kill him by my hand . If I wanted I would have killed him on that day . For the time we spent together I let him go for the last time . Next time it will not happen ," Naruto said to her . She can see he is serious about it .

" We should try to bring him back he will definitely listen to both of us ," Sakura said to Naruto . He laughed at her words .

" Hahhahahahha , Sakura you are stilling living in a world of illusion . On that day he harmed shino . But one day he will harm your parents if he turned against konoha . Only then you can believe my words . I don't want to explain it to you . You are just wasting your and my time to save sasuke . I don't have a personal grudge against him . But he left konoha on his own free will ," Naruto said to Sakura . He is now sure she will do something drastic to save sasuke .

" Sasuke kun will never do something like that to my family . He not that kind of person . It may be because of curse mark ," Sakura said to Naruto . She is sure about it and couldn't believe anyone other than herself .

" You are still acting like an innocent child . But if you help Sasuke in anyway against our village . I will kill both of you and I am not joking Sakura . I will not hesitate this time ," Naruto said to Sakura . She is literally terrified by his words . She knows what he is capable of .

" How can say something like that Naruto . I am your friend and teammate ," Sakura said loudly but no one can hear her words due to barrier . She is angry on Naruto for not supporting her .

" Even Sasuke was our teammate . Currently he is not our teammate . He serves Orochimaru who invaded our home . Do you think it is a joke that Sasuke played on us . Whatever he does it is serious in his eyes . Don't talk about saving a traitor who can harm his own comrades in front of me ," Naruto said to her . He is angry on her for saying some nonsense due to her obsessive nature .

" But it was all due to curse mark he got from Orochimaru . Can't you see he is manipulated ," Sakura said to Naruto . If she wants to bring Sasuke in konoha she has to convince Naruto about it .

" Curse mark is a power boost and from it Orochimaru couldn't control him . It is a fuinjutsu which stores senjutsu chakra of ryuuchi cave and their snake sage . No one can manipulate it like how you are describing it to me . You are saying it like Sasuke got a slave mark from Orochimaru rather than a curse mark . It looks like you want to save sasuke at any cost even after he went rogue ," Naruto said to her . He can see she is not worried about the consequences about saving Sasuke .

" I really want to save sasuke . Even if curse mark didn't manipulate him . After all he is our teammate ," Sakura said to Naruto . But Naruto didn't believe it .

" I know why you wanted to save him . You love that guy . I tell you the truth about yourself . If he kills your parents even then you will forgive him . If he destroy konoha even then you will forgive him . If he rȧpės you or Ino even then you will forgive him . If he kills hokage even then you would love to bring him back in konoha . Even if he does all this thing even then you would love to have him back in your life and konoha . No one begs for a rogue ninja even if he is your teammate . For you Sasuke is everything . Even if all of your friends die it will not matter to you . What matters to you is only Sasuke kun should remain unharm ," Naruto said to her . He is totally frustrated by her attitude . He spoke everything what he thought about her in both of his lives .

" That is not the truth . I love Sasuke but what you said other than are not true ," Sakura became confuse after hearing his words . She couldn't come to agree or disagree with him for some reason .

" You are unable to decide what is reality . It happens when you unable to accept the truth . Such a pity for you so much talent but you never paid attention to it . But I should give you a chance after all you came to me for help . I am right Sakura ," Naruto changed his reaction from his usual self which he shows to public to the overlord Naruto . Which he shows when he can see a profit for himself . After all no one can can enter in senju compound except his servants .

" Will you bring back sasuke ?" Sakura asked him as she didn't pay attention to his change of reaction .

" Are you stupid . I can bring him back but he will run back to Orochimaru . I can pull some strings so his life will not be in danger by our anbu and jonins ," Naruto said to her with a smile . Sakura looked relaxed but suddenly she looked at Naruto . ' Why he is suddenly helping me . Nothing make sense ,' Sakura was amazed by his sudden personality change .

" Thank you Naruto ," Sakura still thanked him even if nothing is making sense to her . How fortune can smile on her .

" Sakura once I told you nothing is free in ninja world . Everything has a price . For his life you have to give your life to me ," Naruto said to her with even more smile . Sakura suddenly understand why he is helping her now .

" How can you do something like that ? I am your friend ," Sakura asked him . She is thinking that Naruto will kill her .

" Foolish girl , I am not ginna kill you . In exchange of sasuke's life I want yours . If you are thinking I cannot kill Sasuke right now then it is your mistake . I will show you what he is doing right now ," Naruto said to her and and casted his magic power and both of their astral body separate from their actual body and they can see their body is standing in the same position . Someone froze their body in that place .

" What have you done to me ," Sakura said to him . Naruto laughed at her words .

" Let's go and I will show you what your love is doing at this moment ," Naruto said to her . It is an astral projection which is used by Naruto with the help of his system . Sakura tried many times to get out of this situation but soon she realized it is real .

Naruto took her to the Orochimaru hideout in few seconds .


.... Otogakure ...

In the hideout Orochimaru is talking to Sasuke .

" How are you feeling in my hideout . I can see you are becoming more powerful after reaching the second stage of curse mark . I hope you are not feeling homesick after spending a month here ," Orochimaru said to Sasuke . He is happy that Sasuke is under his grasp and the true power of sharingan is step away from him .

" I am not homesick Orochimaru . That village is just holding me back . I am an avenger . I don't need friends and village . It was meaningless for me after my clan died . I am on the road of revenge . I am with you because you are making me powerful ," Sasuke said to Orochimaru . He normally talk with him and didn't even add 'sama' like others . Orochimaru didn't mind it as he will take his body when his current body will expire .

" I will teach you everything what I know but you should not take it for granted . With it you can defeat your brother easily . But don't expect that it will be enough to defeat your current hokage and jiraya . Even your friend Naruto is very crafty and can survive it . For defeating your brother you should start with mastering sharingan . You also need experience and when you get experience in battle field you can defeat your brother itachi and even jiraya with it . Even your friend Naruto will not be a match for you ," Orochimaru said to Sasuke . For some reason he remembered Naruto when he mentioned tsunade and jiraya .

" One day I will defeat itachi with my own hands . If Naruto would come to stop me I will kill him . He is a trickster nothing more . At what time I can start my training ," Sasuke asked impatiently . He is here to train but Orochimaru stopped him for a month because when he came to hideout he was heavily injured by shino's bugs and he was in no position to train .

" You are fully fit and now I can train you . Actually what happened with that aburame brat that you are heavily injured ," Orochimaru asked him . Sasuke never talked about that incident with him .

" He wanted to take me back but I refused to go back and we fought like our lives are on line . After that he countered my jutsu easily . I have to activate my sharingan to counter him . I killed his bugs with fire ball jutsu and he became furious about that . Even though he was very weak in taijutsu he indirectly injured me with his bugs . They were making me weak by eating my chakra . I went to curse mark stage and it evolved into second form and I was able to counter him but in the process he injured me a lot . I couldn't charge my chidori otherwise I would have killed him . I sensed some people are nearby so I left silently . His bugs they are the main problem they attacked me even when he was unconscious . Even though I won he gave me a tough fight . After looking at him I felt he is different kind of fighter ," Sasuke said to Orochimaru . He never knew that shino can make him feel inferior to him . He was always under the impression that Uchiha are the best .

" Still your sharingan can detect the bugs . You are inexperienced in this kind of battle . There are people who can beat Uchiha . Senju and uzumaki clan are in the top of that list . Aburame clan can be deadly even for Uchiha clan . That boy was inexperienced in your comparison but sharingan gives you advantage over aburame clan . So no need to take it on your heart . It will only distract you from your goal ," Orochimaru said to Sasuke .

Suddenly Kabuto enters in the room to give information to Orochimaru . He didn't mind the presence of Sasuke .

" Orochimaru sama , I have some information for you ," Kabuto said to Orochimaru . He looked at Sasuke for sometime .

" Don't mind him you can give me the information ," Orochimaru said to Kabuto . Sasuke is not interested in the information .

" Konoha has declared Sasuke as a rogue ninja . Sasuke's teammate Sakura tried to protest against it but without the support of Naruto the current hokage didn't paid attention to it . For some reason our spies are getting killed in konoha . Even spies from other nation are killed under the orders of tsunade . So we will not get any information from konoha in future ," Kabuto said to Orochimaru . Sasuke and Orochimaru are shocked when they heard that the current hokage eliminated all the spies .

" Then how did you get the information about it Kabuto if all of our spies are eliminated ," Orochimaru asked him .

" One of our spy escaped when others are getting killed and he delivered the news to me . He is the only survivor who escaped on time . They chased him but he already crossed the border on time and delivered the report ," Kabuto said to Orochimaru . Sasuke silently listened to their conversation .

" Tsunade is furious due to losing sharingan . Sasuke it seems your female teammate has a crush on you ," Orochimaru said to Kabuto and then later part to Sasuke .

" I don't care about that girl . She is a useless from the academy . She is below average even with a perfect chakra control . If she would have spent her time in practice rather than chasing me she would be an excellent ninja . I totally forget about her after leaving konoha ," Sasuke said to them . When he first saw her perfect chakra control he was little jealous because he wanted to have such control . But after spending few months with her in a team . He looked at her as an useless team member . She was just filling the third place for the team .

" I have other news regarding other nations . Kumogakure is searching for Kai uzumaki . He is a survivor of uzushiogakure . Recently kumo tried to kidnap Naruto uzumaki but no one returned back to their nation . This Kai uzumaki kidnapped two kunoichi of Kumo as he threatened earlier ," Kabuto said to Orochimaru . The snake sanin was thinking about what is happened in Kumo after he put his focus on konoha and why they wanted to kidnap Naruto .

" Kidnapping two kunoichi is easy Kabuto . Let me guess they wanted Naruto because they thought Kai will come and save him . What kind of foolish people are in Kumo . Tsunade is the current hokage and she will not spare the ninjas who tried to kidnap Naruto . Senju and uzumaki are dangerous combo . They have a history of deep bonding among them . No was able to shake it in history ," Orochimaru said to Kabuto . Even he will not act foolishly against Naruto till Tsuande is alive and especially after she became hokage .

" I agree with you orochimaru sama . It was a foolish action by Kumo . But no information about their elite jonins came back to Kumo . Konoha is silent about it . Regarding the kunoichi , the men of Kai uzumaki kidnapped secretary of Raikage and a jonin who trained by his brother bee . They kidnapped them in front of everyone ," Kabuto said to Orochimaru . The snake sanin laughed at kunoichi Kai kidnapped .

" Kukukukukukuu , I take back my words . To kidnap the secretary of Raikage and jonin of kumogakure in front of everyone . It was really something which cannot be expressed in words . Whoever is this Kai he wants to provoke kumogakure . I think his next target will be Iwagakure if I am correct . He will not attack mist village because all uzumaki are bold and will not attack a recovering nation after their civil war ," Orochimaru said to Kabuto . He is right in prediction . Naruto didn't attack on mist because it reformed again after civil war . All the clans from mist village who participated in uzumaki destruction are in the verge of extinction .

" I should take my leave ," Kabuto said to Orochimaru and went to do his work . While Orochimaru took Sasuke to begin his practice . Naruto and Sakura astral projection appears from the wall . Sakura listened their whole conversation .

" You have heard them Sakura . Sasuke is here to train and will not go back even if you try . What should I do ? I will kill him here and now before he can become a threat to konoha ," Naruto said to Sakura . But she didn't believe it . As she can see that their body can pass through every object .

" How you will kill him . I am not a fool Naruto . Our body can pass through everything ," Sakura said to Naruto . Sakura and Naruto came outside of that hideout .

" You are looking at that guy who is a guard of this hideout ," Naruto said to her and she nodded and in few moments a shadow flickered and he died . His head was separated by someone .

" Did you see that Sakura . He died with my one signal . I never said I will kill them with my own hands . I have ȧssassins who can kill anyone ," Naruto said to her . Sakura still couldn't believe him .

Naruto took her to a other guard .

" How do you want me to kill this guy . Tell me don't waste my time Sakura ," Naruto asked her . Sakura thought for few seconds and she was still thinking that earlier the man who got killed was just a coincidence .

" Cut him in half and then cut his hands . Take his heart and crush it ," Sakura said to him jokingly . She could believe someone has power to kill when their body cannot touch anything .

" You hear that my summons . Go and do it exactly as she said it to me ," Naruto said to someone . A shadow flickered and cut that guard in half and then cut his hands . A shadow took his heart from his left side of his body and took it in their sharp claws and crushed it . And disappeared from there .

Sakura was horrified by the actions of Naruto . Now her mind in total chaos . 'Naruto can really kill Sasuke if he wants ,' Sakura is thinking about Naruto . He didn't bluffed till now to her .

" But he is our teammate Naruto . How can you kill him like that ," Sakura said to him again . Naruto took her to the place where Orochimaru is teaching Sasuke . He has casted invisibility and non detection spell on both of them before coming here . Even though no normal human can look at them but still someone can look at them in their astral form . To avoid any consequences he casted spells on both of them .

" Sakura you still remember what I said to you . I can spare his life today and will not attack him but what I will gain from it . He injured his comrades and he is a traitor of konoha . If you want to save his life now . You have only one choice . You have to follow my every orders which means you have to become my servant for life . It is one time offer for you ," Naruto said to her . Sakura was shocked to hear it . This is not the Naruto she knew from her daily life . He is someone else . She is thinking what she has to do in this situation .

" You said you will not kill him now . What do you mean by that ? " Sakura asked him . In her desperate situation she used her brain .

" I will not kill him now but future is not something which anyone can predict . He may attack konoha in future at that time I am forced to do my duty . But I can kill him now to avoid any future problems . But you can still save his life now by sacrificing yours to serve me till you are alive . Choice is yours but I know you will choice his life above yours ," Naruto said to her . He has a smile of a devil in his face . She thought for a few moments

" I agree with your terms . But Naruto please don't kill him till he attacks konoha or it's people ," Sakura said to him . She is helpless about the current situation . ' At least Naruto will not kill Sasuke till he attacks konoha and it will never happen . I cannot go against Naruto he can kill Sasuke anytime ,' Sakura is thinking about the current events . She came to know a different Naruto which is more dangerous than which she and others knew .

" Lets go back Sakura we will discuss other thing on senju compound ," Naruto said to her and both of them vanished from the place .

" I felt someone is watching me or is it just my mind is playing trick with me ," Orochimaru said to Sasuke . Who didn't sense anyone . A guard entered at that moment .

" Lord Orochimaru our two guards are dead . Someone killed them ," He said to Orochimaru . He is sweating in his presence .

" Maybe a spy infiltrated us . Go and search around with others and send Kabuto here ," Orochimaru said to him . He now understand why he felt someone was watching him . 'Who ever is here , he was very skilled . I couldn't trace him . I should change my location and the new hideout is a nice place to conduct my research ,' Orochimaru has his own thoughts . He is weak in his current state so he will not take a chance to face any new enemy .


...Senju compound.....

Naruto and Sakura are standing together without any movement suddenly there body started to move . Sakura looked at Naruto with a lot of fear . She is feeling an emotion which she hasn't felt after the invasion . Fear has clouded her mind now . Fear for Sasuke's life .

" What are you Naruto ," Sakura said with a serious face and she didn't even dare to smile in this situation .

" Your new master . You will speak with a lot of respect to me . I am not your friend and if you are thinking that earlier you were my friend then you are wrong . I was never your friend . Did you get it miss Sakura ," Naruto said to her . The statement shocked her . She thought about it and realized that they were in one team but she was always busy with Sasuke . She never spent time with Naruto .

" I am sorry for not spending time with you . Now I realize we were only teammates but not friends ," Sakura said to him . She has little bit tears in her eyes . She was always busy with Sasuke . She broke her friendship with Ino because of Sasuke and now she realized she never had a friend in her team . She took Naruto for granted .

" Why are you crying . It is your own actions which led you to this situation . You should have backed off from the deal and only your memory about that incident should have been erased by me . I think you are a stupid girl to sacrifice your life for a traitor . You should have find someone who would have appreciated your love in the future . But a deal is a deal for me ," Naruto said to her seriously .

" I am not able to love any one else now . After hearing what Sasuke said about me it broke my heart . But I still want to save him ," Sakura said to Naruto . Naruto can feel she is heart broken after she heard the actual thoughts of Sasuke about her .

" You should always remember what happened today Sakura . I spared his life today because you told me to do it . Especially the condition about him not attacking the konoha ," Naruto said to her and he bite his thumb and put her hand on her head . A uzumaki swirl appeared on the back of her tongue .

" From today onwards you are my servant and if you go against my orders you will feel an immeasurable pain . So please avoid doing that . And you cannot speak about today's events to anyone other than my servants . You can try if you want ," Naruto said to her . She felt nothing different other than a seal which appeared on the back of her tongue .

Naruto signaled her to follow him . She immediately followed him . They went inside Tsunade's house .

" I want tea . So prepare it nicely and bring it for me . Kitchen is on right side ," Naruto said to her . Sakura wanted to say something but suddenly remembered the deal and she went to make the tea .

[ It looks like you made a new servant master ]

' I made her my servant because she wanted my help . I am not even Sakura's friend and she took me for granted . She wanted my help and I gave her what she truly wanted . I spared Sasuke's life . Nothing is free in this world . Even you came at the cost of my previous life . Tell me if I am wrong Jane ,' Naruto is talking with Jane in his mind .

[You are absolutely correct master . Nothing is free . You should have given her the slave seal . Why you gave her the servant contract seal ]

' I am not planning to include her in ainz ooal gown . She is too weak for it . She will become a burden for everyone in our guild . You can say I am bored by using slave seal I should use other seals like this some time . It is fun and I know she will not go back on her promise . No one can remove the seal other than me . If she try to betray me she will feel all kind of pain ,' Naruto said to Jane . And Sakura brought tea for him .

" I brought tea for you Naruto ," Sakura said to him in a displeasure . And Naruto didn't mind it . He took the tea and drink little bit .

" You should train everyday even if you are busy with mission . You are my lackey and will behave like that when we are alone . Not in front of everyone . No subject about Sasuke . He do not exist in your life now , Sakura ," Naruto said to her . Sakura wanted to say something but she felt pain in her whole body . And no sound is coming from her mouth . Within few moment she relaxed and didn't say anything anything about Sasuke .

" I will try ," Sakura said to Naruto . She is sweating after she felt a lot of physical pain . Her life is now in the hand of Naruto .

Tsunade , shizune and Irene came back for lunch . They saw Naruto is drinking tea and Sakura is standing nearby .

" Naruto you are home . What a surprise and you also brought Sakura too ," Tsunade said to Naruto . She doesn't want to reveal anything to Sakura before confirming her actions .

" You can try now Sakura ," Naruto said to Sakura with a smile . She obeyed his order immediately . she doesn't like the pain few moments ago .

" Naruto made me his servant . After he showed me that he can kill Sasuke anytime , I was sca....., I am sorry Naruto I didn't want to tell it to hokage," Sakura said to Naruto . Then she realized all of them looked at her like she is a fool .

" You forgot something Sakura . An important detail ," Naruto said to her and then she realized that she can speak about it to only Naruto's servant . Her eyes are fully opened up in the shock .

" They are your servants , lady hokage is your servant ," Sakura looked at him in horror .

" Why she is screaming . I don't like it . Shall I kill her master . She is extremely weak and a fangirl on top of that . How she is one of us ? " Irene said to Naruto . She is surprised after looking at Sakura .

" She is not a member of our guild . So you don't have to discuss about it to her . It was a servant contract after she wanted to save sasuke from me . And Sakura please speak in low volume when you are with us ," Naruto said to them .

Suddenly Naruto received a message from Sebas Tian about Fuu . He has a smile on his face .

" Good news guys . We got Fuu and seven tails in our guild . I have to reward Entoma later ," Naruto said to them . All of them are happy but one person is confused .

" Who is fuu and how did you get seven tails ? " Sakura asked him . She is confused about him even more .

" You should call him master from now .Otherwise I will beat the shit out of you young girl ," Shizune said to Sakura . Yuri's strict behaviour affected her a lot .

" Aunt you should train her sometime about ninja arts but not the arts of our guild , " Naruto said to tsunade .

" I will train her when I am free . And I will make sure she will become more obedient to you . I need shizune's help sometime in teaching her ," Tsunade said to him and he agreed with her .

" Best of luck young girl . Shizune is strict like Yuri . Tsunade's training is harsh but you will survive it . You will find it later . Hehehhehe ," Irene said and went to kitchen to cook for Naruto .

" What are waiting for Sakura . Go join her . Tsunade and shizune are waiting for you ," Naruto said to her . Sakura looked at Tsunade and shizune they are looking at her . They took Sakura to help them in making lunch .

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