Overlord Naruto

Chapter 69 - 69 A sin against their own hero

Sebas Tian fulfilled his promised by completing the construction in a week . Under his leadership his men built the bathhouse and big mall in three days . OTC (overlord trading company) built a park which is an indoor park . They removed the sand from the park . They dig the ground by few meters and found the exact fertile soil which is sensed by Sebas . Then they filled it with soil brought from another land on the whole park . Around the park there are huge walls . For making it an indoor park they put strong glasses above the park . It is supported by small Iron rods which connects them together . The made it in such a way that no dust can pass through it only sunlight and fresh air .

Many people who saw the park from outside cannot help but wonder what is inside the walls . As it is not known to everyone what is inside except the higher up of sunagakure . And Sebas is not going to allow anyone to enter inside the park before a month is over and plants will get adjusted to the environment .

Mall and bathhouse started the other day the construction is finished . The camp is closed as it has no use for them . All the products transferred from camp to mall .

Some spies tried to take advantage of OTC but they failed miserably as all the workers starts to beat them as soon as they catch them . Sebas send at least five corpses of spies from different country to lady chiyo . After that no one tried to infiltrate OTC to spy on Sunagakure .



...one week later ...

... Evening.....

Lady chiyo is in the office . Baki entered with Temari to discuss something .

" Lady chiyo , we found nothing on the records of the OTC . There record is clear ," Baki said to chiyo . She looked at them .

" I know that even before you can tell me . But I want to know where they are from . Who is their actual owner ? They have such a speed for working in the construction that it made me think, if there is anything impossible for them . And I saw the construction of park . We look like a fools who never tried this kind of advance method ," Chiyo said to them. She want to know the real influence of OTC .

" The old man is quite a genius . I underestimated him . Even I never thought of a place which is protected from the heat and sand storm can be an ideal place for building a park in a desert . That indoor park is made in such a way that only air and sunlight can pass inside the park from outside ," Temari said to them . As a strategist she can calculate according to her environment . But Sebas created the same environment for his park by his intelligence and experience . She can admire the old man Sebas for his brains .

" We found no lead about the actual leader of this group . No one know who is the leader except those two person . Sebas and Demi, and worse part is that they both are the acting owners of the OTC . We can never lay our hands on them ," Baki said to chiyo . He found no lead in their investigation . Because they never left a clue for them .

" It means the owner of this company is highly protected by his people. The both acting owners are very intelligent . And it seems like they live as a family so by no means they will put him in danger. I wanted to make sure that his business will stay in sunagakure so we gain more reputation from their presence ," Chiyo said to them . She is hoping that the owner of OTC will live a long life for suna's stability . Powerful businessman always have many rivals. To eliminate them their enemy always strikes their main root. But the roots of OTC is invisible to their rivals .

" What if they become partial in their business deal in future . Like charging high prices to our people after they get a good hold on our land ," Temari said to chiyo. She cannot ignore this possibility .

" After looking at their record I think it's impossible . But by the time they try that our economy may fully stabilize . Our economy is already raising due to their arrival in our land . The few spies which Sebas brought to me are from Iwagakure , kumogakure and some small ninja nations . They are in fear that in near future we can become prosperous like land of waves . They infiltrated OTC to know their secrets . But I heard the workers beat the spies very badly till their death ," Chiyo said to them. They looked amazed by how calmly chiyo said it like it is a small matter.

"They murdered inside our village . How can you tolerate that kind of act?" Temari asked chiyo . She couldn't believe her ears .

" It is sebas responsibility after all . If a spy comes inside our village as a worker of OTC . Who do you think we ask for to take responsibility? Any way they are making our village prosper by their business. A spy's death is a very small matter for me and I can ignore it ," Chiyo said to them . She can ignore such small things .

"But how they managed to catch ninja spies ?" Baki asked chiyo .No ordinary man can catch the ninja spies .

" From my information they always lead the spies to a different room and poison them by offering food while their friendly talk . Even if someone tries to fight back after they get poisoned they beat him in a large group . All the reports indicate the same thing ," Chiyo said to them . She already made a through check-up on them . And all reports are same .

" That is an amazing tactic from them . At least I don't want them to poison our villagers ," Temari said to them . She is now calm and find it reasonable that a spy is not something which any organization can tolerate .

" I suppose you saw their work while coming back . So why don't you try and take benefit of that . They have cold water and hot water facility too in their bathhouse . They have different sections for different kinds of customer . They have an option for mixed bath but that is only reserved for family or married couples . There are few extra sections for hot spring . But they will charge it more than the usual . I went their yesterday and it was amazing," Chiyo said to them . She has an happy expression on her face .

" You get that much extra time after your office work ," Temari asked her . Chiyo is like her own granny from the childhood . So she never hesitate to talk back to her .

" Sebas gave me some free tickets for hot spring and it feels amazing after a lot of work ," Chiyo said to them .

" When that happened ? I thought he is busy as hell due to his work ," Temari asked her . She is finding it suspicious that Sebas will give her free tickets .

" When he came to deliver the dead bodies . He also gave me those tickets . I am also going today . Huhuhuhuhuhu ," Chiyo said to them . She loves hot spring from her youth .

" Because he gave you some tickets you let the matter slide easily . How many tickets he gave you exactly? " Temari asked her . It brought a smile in chiyo's face .

" I got at least hundred tickets for that hot spring from Sebas . I still have ninety nine left with me . My old bones need some nice time in a hot spring . All of you are so hard on this old lady . Only an old man like Sebas can understand my pain ," Chiyo said to her . She has a toothless smile on her face .

" Well I am going to see that place anyway . I will take gaara and Kankuro with me . See you later lady chiyo ," Temari said and left her office . Earlier when she entered in her village she heard about this new hot spring in the village . It is a main topic among the villagers .

" Lady chiyo I should take my leave too ," Baki said to her and left the office . He already decided that he will take his family to this hot spring . It is evening and it is a good time for them .

Chiyo became busy with her paperwork . Unlike them she doesn't have that luxury to leave the office because of her work .



...Senju compound...

...Evening .....

Naruto is doing the basic meditation in his room . He is in this focused condition for past hour . Suddenly he attain more focus and his body started to rise from the ground . Now his body is two feet above the ground . His blue Aura started to appear around him . He is doing this exercise when he was in academy . But this the first time his body rise from the ground for the first time .

[Your increased your Aura's density due to constant mediation . Now you don't need the chakra to strengthen your Aura like a shield .]

" That is a surprise . I achieved it faster than I excepted . Mediation works like a wonderful exercise . Cultivators use it everytime . I wonder what can I achieve if I keep doing it for more than ten years ," Naruto said to Jane . He is alone in the kitchen . He took some eggs and started to make omelette for himself .

[ Cultivators focus on gaining the knowledge and power . They always want to ascend from their realms so they can live longer than mortals ]

"Jane you know a lot . I want some missions now . So I can increase my SP ( shop points ) . Due to arrival of other world's obito , Naruto and sakura . I spend a lot of SP points . I kept it for future uses and now I feel like a broke person due to a large spending at that time ," Naruto said to Jane after eating his omelette . He always find it odd . He mostly never gets mission .

[ You want a mission to increase your shop points . I have to search for it now . Let's see which mission has the most shop points . We will go for that ]

" Which mission !!! You mean I can get mission any time . If I had a lot of mission so why you never informed me about it ," Naruto asked her with a surprised tone . Sometime he doesn't understand Jane .

[ Well an elder true god made me . He makes system and I am one of his master piece , master Naruto . Lower level god dump a lot of mission to the new system user . I can access to any request or mission any time . I am an ultimate system so no low level gods can ȧssign me mission for their fun . I keep their missions on my dump box .]

It is first time he found the reason why he never get any lame missions from Jane .

" The elder god who made you . Is he the same person who killed me ? " Naruto asked Jane . He is curious about that God .

After hearing her . He is surprised by his luck .

{[ Misson : Defeat urashiki in another world and protect another Naruto uzumaki ]

<Note : Their is no urashiki coming from your future so you have to travel to another Narutoverse to defeat it . This mission is compulsory . Take your time . >

Condition : Never reveal your name as Naruto Uzumaki before defeating urashiki .

Bonus 1 : Feed another Naruto 100 bowls of ramen .

( You make others wallet empty , so karma is a bitch and can also bite in your ȧss )

Bonus 2 : Hug their world's tsunade while putting your head on her brėȧst .

( Boobs are heaven , feel it )

(Rewards : 3,00,00,000 SP points , 20 stat points )

( Bonus 2 reward : ??????)}

" This is an insane mission ? Why the bonus 1 and 2 looks are like a punishment for me ," Naruto said after he looked at his new mission .

[ It should be given to you by a perverted god . ]

" Well the rewards are tempting and the bonus rewards should be good too . Well I can ignore the bonus but what if they also have some insane amount of shop points ," Naruto is thinking about this recent misson . It is a like a god level mission for him .

[ Don't worry about this mission . You can think about it later ]

" Thanks Jane , you are the best system ," Naruto said to Jane . He was about to go for a walk . When a shadow demon came and said something in his ear . After he said that he disappeared . A notification appeared infront of his eyes .

{ [Emergency mission : Stop the prisoners before they can escape the konoha prison . Show your might to every prisoner that you are a not a person they can mess with ]

Time limit : one hour

<Reward : Title :- Lone wolf , SP :- 10,000 >}


...Konoha prison .....

Asuma and kurenai are having a difficult time . They came to interrogate Mizuki . But as soon as they came inside they found all the konoha guards were unconscious on the floor who keep the inside security .

Asuma and kurenai are fighting against the prisoner. The prisoner have the number advantage .

" Asuma , I am tired and cannot handle this many prisoner . Damn this Mizuki must have planned everything about his escape for months ," Kurenai said to asuma while fighting . She is blocking the attacks of prisoners with only her kunai .

" I am also having a difficult time . But only we can stop this prisoners from escaping this prison ," Asuma said to her . He is fighting to keep the prisoner from escaping . And he doesn't want them to hurt kurenai . He is also blocking attack from every side .

" Well ,both of you are tired and can fall anytime soon . Fujin and Rajin if you take care of them . Then you will get a lot of food after escaping ," Mizuki said to two human gaint . He is standing behind everyone's back. He is issuing his orders without facing any problem .

As soon as fujin and Rajin came forward others went back . As they doesn't want to be in their attacks range .

Fujin attacks kurenai with a punch but asuma came forward to stop him but he is thrown few meters back by the sheer physical strength of the gaint .

" Argggghhhh" Asuma greeted his teeth . He cannot get up after being hit by a gaint .He also fought most of the prisoner and got tired .

Rajin punched kurenai and she followed asuma and fall behind asuma . She is injured and due to her tiredness . She cannot defend herself now .

" Now , let show our true strength boys to this jonins boys . Beat them till they are unconscious and then we will escape . They can't even move their muscle now ," Mizuki said to his fellow prisoners .

Before the prisoners can surround them a boy appeared in the chunin attire behind asuma and kurenai . The prisoners suddenly went back to make some distance.

" Your dad is here . Come and take your greetings by a nice and warm spanking in your buŧŧs . Your daddy is not in a good mood Mizuki . So stop hiding like a shit eating dog behind everyone's ȧss ," Naruto said to them .He is in a bad mood and this emergency mission came as a stress relief for him .

" Brat , I am gonna kill you . Then I will kill that useless Iruka ," Mizuki said to Naruto from behind .

" You both wait here till I come back . This bunch of ȧsshole needs some bloodbath . And I am in a bad mood today ," Naruto said and walked toward the group .

Naruto activated his Aura defence . And he prisoner started to throw kunai and shuriken on him . But it has no effect on Naruto . He didn't even defend them .

" I am waiting motherfuckers . Try your full strength to attack your great daddy . If you don't kill me I will make sure to kill all of you ," Naruto said and provoked them. They tried with their whole strength but his Aura defence is so strong that even after every attack on him which is coming from almost every direction but they are useless against him .

Naruto took out both his swords and started to run towards them . The first person who came in his range quickly lost his head . Naruto jumped up and and started to collect lightning in his swords .

" Twin lightning strike " Naruto said and swings his swords in a X shape . A gaint X full of lightning is formed above the prisoners and descended on them . The prisoners who came in the attack range were killed by that attack.

Naruto landed on the corpses of the prisoners who came in his attack range . He landed and did a bow like Demiurge.

" I hope you liked the snacks .Now it is time for the main course ," Naruto sheathed his one sword and took out a shuriken . And throws it towards the prisoner . He did a one hand seal

" Multiple shuriken shadow clone jutsu ," Naruto said and his one shuriken divided into thousand shuriken and it embedded into the body of front line prisoners .

" Fujin and Rajin kill this boy . I will give you food for days ," Mizuki said from back of prisoners . Before fujin and Rajin can come forward .

" Well Mizuki sensei still likes to eat shit . Once a shit eater always a shit eater . Nothing can change you ," Naruto said to Mizuki . All the prisoner didn't dare to approach Naruto. Unlike other konoha guards, he is going for a kill .

Fujin attacked Naruto but his punch only made Naruto to move a few inches back from his place . Due to his Aura defence his attack power is nullified but not fully .

" You are the first person who made me move back from my place in an actual fight . I will keep you and your brother alive ," Naruto said to fujin and Rajin . He can feel the power behind their punch . In whole konoha only three person can damage his Aura defence . They are tsunade , Shizune and Irene . Even if Rajin and fujin are able to make him move back in his Aura defence they couldn't put a scratch on his defence .

Rajin and fujin attacked naruto with a barrage of punches . At first Naruto is moving back from their punches. But soon he felt his Aura is adapting to their attack . He moved back himself before they can attack him .

"Shadow clone jutsu " Naruto put a cross finger and a thousand clone appeared around the fujin and Rajin . But they didn't attack the legendary stupid brothers . " Go and kill every prisoner who is trying to escape . Bring that shit eating Mizuki alive to me ," Naruto said to his clones and they soon mixed in the group of prisoners . They are moving at an incredible high speed while killing every prisoner on their path .

" Fujin and Rajin save me . I will give you a lot of food ," Mizuki said to the legendary stupid brothers . They looked back and started to run towards Mizuki to save him from the shadow clones of Naruto.

" Adamantine chains ," Naruto said and six golden chains came out of his back and caught fujin and Rajin . The chains binded their hands and legs so they can't move from their place . It is a sealing chains and no one can escape from it . It can even hold nine tails in his place . So how fujin and Rajin can move from it's clutches .

The clones finished their killing and brought Mizuki in front of Naruto . No prisoner left alive in the prison except Fujin , Rajin and Mizuki .

" So you are the Mastermind behind this outbreak . I thought by destroying your seal mark you will not make any foolish actions . But you proved me wrong . Mistakes often made by humans . I should correct it now by killing you ," Naruto said and looked at the beaten figure of Mizuki . His shadow clones give him a nice beating before they can hand him to naruto .

" You are a demon, Naruto uzumaki . No one respects you . Even your father is the one who put that demon in your gut ," Mizuki said to Naruto as he knew that he will kill him .

" Well I agree with you . I am a demon and a demon container . My father made me like that . That is a very old news . I knew that you are a shit eater but I never knew you can produce a lot of venom from tongue and words . Let me take your poisonus tongue out of your mouth ," Naruto said to Mizuki . He casted his sleeping magic silently on asuma ,kurenai , fujin and Rajin who are nearby fall asleep . All the guards are already unconscious and after the effects of naruto's magic . They will not wake up till Naruto will lift his magic .

Mizuki is awake because of Naruto . Naruto took his adamantine chains back . Suddenly a shadow clone caught the mouth of Mizuki and opened it forcefully . He looked in terror towards Naruto .

" I am demon so you wouldn't mind if I torture you. After all I am demon and not a fuċkɨnġ saint who can let you go from my grasp everytime . Any last words ," Naruto said to Mizuki . His clone left the mouth of Mizuki .

" You cannot do that . You damn brat I will kill you ," Mizuki said to Naruto and the shadow clone doesn't like it . He caught his mouth again .

" He finished his last words Naruto . I don't like to hear his words . Always spills a ton of shit from his mouth ," Naruto's clone said to Naruto . He is getting irritated by Mizuki words .

" I know what you are thinking . Just hold tightly ," Naruto said to his clones . The clones around him caught Mizuki from every side so he cannot even move or react .

" It is a closing event . So don't move ," Naruto said to Mizuki . And a shadow clone opened the mouth of Mizuki and another Naruto caught his tongue and with a pulled it outside with the help of his chakra because his tongue is slippery . So Naruto took a kunai and cut the tongue of Mizuki . Mizuki wanted to cry but he couldn't as his voice is gone .

" Let me tell you a secret Mizuki sensei . You have the biggest contribution in making me a demon after Danzo . So I should reward you a little more with more torture . As you cannot express yourself with your voice so no one can hear you . It is a silent torture ," Naruto said and signaled his clones who started to cut his fingers and toes .

Mizuki cannot cry as his voice is gone . He watched the biggest fear of his life is standing in front of him . Little by little Naruto tortured him and then with his magic spell 'grasp heart' he killed him without a second thought .

He put Rajin and fujin in a cell after putting slave marks on them . So they will not pull any stunts later . When they will wake up they will turn into a new person .

He took all the guards , asuma and kurenai to the hospital with the help of his shadow clones . He wasted a lot of time on Mizuki . After he put all of them in the hospital .

He looked at a notification in front of his eyes .

{ [Emergency mission : Stop the prisoner before they can escape the konoha prison . Show your might to every prisoner that you are a not a person they can mess with ]

Time limit : One hour

Status : Completed

<Reward : Title :- Lone wolf , SP :- 10,000 >}

(Title : Lone Wolf : This title gives the power and strength to fight alone and in a pack . You will stand above all in a pack . It provides you with a buff of 25 % stamina , 15 % agility and 12 % strength of your status everytime you fight . Not usable outside the battle.)

Naruto started to walk towards the senju compound . He remembered something about Mizuki . He changed his direction and went towards the house of mizuki's fiance Tsubaki .

He knocked on the door and a beautiful lady opened the door .

"Hello , miss Tsubaki I have a bad news for you ," Naruto said to her . She knows Naruto from all the recent news and old news in konoha.

" What is the news Naruto kun ?" Tsubaki asked Naruto calmly . She feared this day will come in her dreams .

" Your fiance Mizuki tried to cause an outbreak in konoha prison . And in an attempt to escape he injured almost every guard of konoha prison with the help of other prisoners ," Naruto said to her . Naruto used his sensory abilities so he can sense any one nearby . He found no one .

" So did he escape from prison after injuring the guards ," Tsubaki asked Naruto with a lot of worry.

" No, he and the other prisoners were killed by me when they tried to do that . Only the stupid brothers are alive because they doesn't know what they were doing and they were doing it only for food ," Naruto said to her . He can see she can cry any moment after hearing the news of her fiance's death .

" You know it is very hard for me to ask questions to you if you want to cry . But I have a last question for you . I want an honest answer from your mouth, miss Tsubaki ," Naruto said to her seriously. She looked at his eyes and looked stunt for a moment . Naruto's eyes are full of anger and resentment like the old times when he was treated badly in konoha .

" I will try Naruto kun ," Tsubaki said to Naruto . She is afraid about his unknown questions .

" Did you know Mizuki used to sabotage my results and extra partial with me in a negative way ? He used to provoke other academy teachers against me . So I would never pass my graduation exam . Tell me ," Naruto asked her . He want to know the answer from her mouth .

" Yes, I knew about it . I am guilty on this matter . I remained silent about his behaviour against you ," Tsubaki said to Naruto . Naruto took out a paper which has an unknown writing and he gave her .

" This is your punishment miss Tsubaki . Sign it with your blood and all your mistakes are forgiven . You are guilty by helping your fiance unconsciously . You never tried to stop him to act against a small child ," Naruto gave her the demon servant contract . Tsubaki looked at the contract and with a tearful eyes . She felt a lot of guilt in her shoulders .

Naruto never forgets the people who mistreated him badly . Even if everyone tried to make him happy due to guilt . He will never forgot the moment he came to this world . He saw their behaviour against him in the memories . The memories of the previous Naruto still haunts him from the past . The loneliness he suffered will not be forgotten in his entire life .

Tsubaki is feeling guilty when she saw naruto's eyes. Due to recent events she thought that the life of Naruto changed and he will not suffer anymore . But when she saw the anger and resentment in his eyes . She remembered the eight year old Naruto who used to be in tears and anger due to loneliness .

She signed the contract with her blood without saying anything . She felt the change in her body . An uzumaki swirl appeared in her ċhėst .

" Tsubaki san , I hope you understand your position now ," Naruto asked her . She looked in his eyes which changed back to her usual self .

" Hai , master Naruto ," She said to naruto . She looked at Naruto again and again . As if searching something .

" You will never see that face again . So stop staring at me . I keep it bury deep inside my heart . Tomorrow you will change your house . I will tell tsunade about it , you will get a house near to senju compound . This place is quite lonely . Pack everything and come on that place tomorrow . Don't sell this place . We can use it for another purpose And don't call me master Naruto in front of others . Did you get it ? " Naruto said to Tsubaki . He is looking at her for few seconds .

" Hai naruto sama ," Tsubaki said to Naruto . Naruto summoned few shadow demons and they went in her shadows . He started to walk towards the senju compound .

' If people think I forgot everything . It is their illusion . Everything is fresh in my mind . I just enjoy their guilty emotion everyday in konoha . If my father never saved this village . I would have destroyed it . I made them realize that they are the true monsters who made a child suffer and the worst part about it is that I am their own hero's child . It is fun to watch them everyday struggle with their ultimate guilt and sin . A sin against their own hero ,' Naruto is thinking about the past memories . He walked slowly while thinking .

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