Overlord Naruto

Chapter 8 - 8 Ruins of uzushiogakure

After class Naruto meet with Iruka.

Iruka : Naruto you shouldn't harm your fellow comrades.

Naruto : After today that boy will understand it too. Lets talk about it during the meal. hehehehhee.

Iruka: You have not forgotten about that incident.

Naruto : I am hungry.

They both walk silently to ichiraku ramen stand. Teuchi and Ayame looked at Iruka and they knew another guy is tricked by naruto.

Teuchi: My favorite customer is back , I am so happy now.

Ayame : Your friend came in the morning and she got the shock of her life.

Naruto: Did she like my surprise? I hope she is not mad on me.

Iruka:* (surprises??, Friend ??, shock??, Mad)*

Iruka : Naruto you shouldn't surprise a girl which will shock her to madness.

Iruka : I am paying for naruto today. one bowl of pork ramen for me too.

Ayame : Please wait for a moment.

Iruka : Do you have a girlfriend naruto?

Naruto: No. (busy with ramen)

Iruka : Dont be shy I am your teacher .I can give you ton of advise.

Naruto: I dont want a lecture on girls .Another bowl please ayame neechan.

Iruka : You are a growing boy , its natural to feel in that way for girls .Like the crush you have on sakura. Dont tell me its sakura.

Naruto: Please I dont want to die from her loud voice. Another bowl please.

Iruka : Then maybe Hinata. ☺☺

Iruka : Dont tell me you are looking for an older woman.

Naruto: I am eleven years old sensei. Another bowl.

Ayame : Is anko your girlfriend naruto? You broke your neechan's heart .(teasing the naruto with fake tears. )

Naruto : She paid for my ramen. Thats all.

Iruka : Now I understand why she was shouting in the morning. You tricked her. Maybe you both have done something unappropriate to each other.

Naruto: Its nothing like that. Another bowl please. I am 11 years old for godsake I am unable to do something like that.

This conversation lead to another misunderstanding about naruto. After finishing 16 bowls he felt sufficent.

Naruto: Thanks for the food Iruka sensei. (Before it lead to more misunderstanding, he ran for his house.)

People who heard their conversation started a new gossip. Naruto has seduced the special jonin Anko mitarashi and after using her. He dumped her near the ramen stand.

Iruka: How much I have to pay.

Teuchi : 1700 ryo .

Iruka : I eat only 1 bowl of ramen.

Ayame : But naruto ate other 16 Bowls of ramen alone.

Iruka *(ohhh shit I didnt pay attention on his bowls. I am going broke this month. )*

After paying for naruto and his food he walked toward hokage tower.

Hiruzen is having a nice day. Early in the morning he heard the rumor of fire damiyo backing naruto which he knew is false. He became happy after listening it for few reason. Civilans will not act against a boy which is protected by fire damiyo. That means no more complaint about naruto.

Secretary informs him that Iruka wanted to see him for an urgent report. Iruka enters the office after the permission is given.

Iruka : Lord third I am here to inform you about mizuki sabotaging with naruto's progress.

Iruka : Today I saw that mizuki handed naruto rusted kunai and shuriken for practice.which he somehow exchanged with sasuke. And today sasuke got his lowest score in his throwing practice. And naruto who practiced with sasuke's equipments got his highest score . When mizuki came to know about the exchange of equipment between them, he started questioning them. When I asked him about this he told that he forget to replace that rusted set. But he is giving him this same equipment for 2 years.

Hokage: We cannot accuse him , based on this incident alone.

Iruka sensei: Yes lord third.

Hokage : Keep an eye on him for me inside the academy.

Iruka : Lord third I suspect that there is an illegal relationship between naruto and special jonin anko matarashi.

Hokage : What!!! No that cant be true. As far as I know naruto meet her yesterday for the first time and they bet for 1000 ryo , which is a win for naruto . At last anko decided on paying for his lunch. Which cost her more than 1000 ryo. You would have heard her scream this morning that was time she got the bill of naruto's lunch.

Iruka : Sorry lord third I came on my own conclusion and asked too much from naruto. Please do something to stop this rumor otherwise anko will toast the naruto.

Hokage : Its an easy job for me. Rest ȧssured Iruka it will not spread. Now you are dismissed.

Iruka left the office. And mysteriously the rumors stopped like it never spread in first place.

Naruto : Sorry you have to wait for me yugao.

Yugao: Master its my pŀėȧsurė to be remembered by you what can I do for you.

Naruto : I called you here to know your elemental affinities.

Yugao : I have fire as primary element, earth as secondary element and I thought on developing water as my third element.

Naruto : I wanted to give you a high lightning elemental affinity as a gift. I have no use for it now with some lightning jutsu.

Yugao : Are you sure my lord. I am your weak servant .

Naruto: Don't worry about it . I wanted to make you powerful . I was impressed by your determination yesterday so here is your chance to serve me more effectively.

Naruto puts his hand on her head and lightning course through her body without harming her and she also gets the knowledge of lightning wolf jutsu and lightning eagle jutsu

Naruto: How do you feel yugao?

Naruto: Do you know why I made you more powerful ?

Yugao: So I can serve you more effectively.

Naruto: Thats one of the reason but not the primary. When a loyal subordinate or slave becomes powerful the more effective their leader will become. The more powerful you are, the more I can affect this world from you

Yugao: I will give my 200% for you master.

Naruto: You have to learn every lightning jutsu which is in konoha even copy the chidori from kakashi. And try to learn about water element too. Try to learn some fire and earth jutsu as bonus to increase your arsenal. Inform me about any big news regarding other ninja villages and nation.

Yugao: Yes master.

Naruto: You can leave.

Yugao left after receiving her order.

Naruto extended his arm and summoned someone .

Naruto: Go and hide in the shadows of my servant yugao and protect her from life threatening situation. Do not reveal yourself till its necessary. Now go.

Naruto: *( Now I shouldn't worry about her running into an op charaxters like pain and tobi who can kill her easily . Not to mention jinchuriki like me.) *

(**This sign is for telepathy please note it)

Naruto(telepathy) : ** (shadow demons how is everything in uzushiogakure, did you find any intruder. )**

Sd:**(No master The area is very difficult to enter by any normal humans .Only skilled ninjas can enter this area. But it looked like no one can set a foot inside because of defensive barrier around it. We can only enter here because we are shadows.) **

Naruto: **( I am coming to see that place myself, afterall I am pureblooded uzumaki now, nothing can stop me.) **

Naruto disconnects the telepathy link. Create an overpowered chakra shadow clone.

Naruto: GATE.

He enters the gate and he is infront of land of whirlpools. He takes his step forward and he can feel the barrier but it allows him to enter.

Naruto brings out staff of ainz ooal gown for the first time.

Naruto: Summoning moonlight wolf.

A big wolf appears infront of naruto and bows down his head. Naruto sit on his back and then wolf starts running until he saw the ruins of uzushiogakure. He steps down and unsummons the moonlight wolf. Shadow demons felt the presence of their master and they appear infront of him.

Naruto: Did you find anything unusual.

Sd1 : No master, only books and scrolls in underground with heavy barriers. We can bypass it easily.

Naruto: Show me the way.

They bring him to an old ruined library which is burned and half destroyed. Naruto enters and reach near a wall. It opens automaticly and he enters underground. Its full of scrolls. He puts everything in his inventory and finds a secret door which lead to another room but this time he find scrolls in less numbers .He grabs everything and put them in his inventory. He search again but couldnt find anything. He calls his shadow demons.

Naruto: Is that all we can find here?

Sd: Yes my lord.

Naruto : Can you see anything in this place where you couldnt enter.

Sd : No my lord.

Naruto: Lets search on other places.

Naruto leaves that burned library with the knowledge that has not been found by other nations.

Naruto summons few more shadow demons who searched the whole place and bring everything which is considered valuable or useful. Everything goes to his infinite inventory.

Naruto after reading some history from the uzumaki books. One thing is clear to him. Other nations looted the uzushiogakure to attain their knowledge of fuinjutsu and to destroy them for any future threats. They were able to destroy it and took only simple knowledge of fuinjutsu. Uzumakis were happy in their own world they never disturbed other. Yet they got destroyed for there knowledge .

Naruto became sad for few moments and remembered the time of kushina how she was doing in konoha. What if he transmigrated in the body of naruto recently. It is his body now . Now kushina is his mother. They destroyed the clan of his mother and made her sad for some pathethic reasons. They would have killed her too if she was not in konoha at the time of destruction. How would have his mother felt . For the time Naruto's tears started falling from his face. He was sad for his mother . Heck, even kumo tried to kidnap her once, if not for minato his father they would have made her breeding stock. His father was a clanless child, became hokage on sheer will power. But his mother suffered too much because of other nations till she found her love in his father. Only to be die in her sons b'day because someone wants the tail beast. His mother suffered the most. People talk about his father because he saved them but what about his mother , she sacrificed more than her father.

Naruto couldn't stop his tears. He has seen what he has not suppose to see in naruto's lifetime.

Not a single sound came out of his mouth not even the cries. His tears stopped. He searched everywhere for anything he could find to keep. Atlast he came to burned uzukage tower. He found a scroll named by arashi uzumaki.

Dear young uzumaki

If you are reading this then we are not able to see the other day . We must have destroyed by them. If you reading this I will not tell you to take revenge on the nations which destroyed us but try to restore our clan. We doesn't want that our uzumaki clan perish under the other nation. I can only hope uzushiogakure will rise again one day with uzumakis living under it.

Arashi uzumaki


Naruto folded that letter it is also covered in a dried blood which is quiet old. He gently placed it in his inventory.

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