Overlord of Sin

59 The Choice Pt.2

Drakos focuses his eyes and raises his Primordial Demon instincts to its highest state. His eyesight was now able to see through the trees and dark. He could see through anything like X-Ray vision.

Behind one of the biggest of forest trees, Drakos spots two hooded figures that had a female body structure, they seemed to be wearing a cloak that resembled that of The Order. Suddenly in a matter of seconds, the hooded figures vanished and teleported over to where Drakos.

'They are fast,' Drakos's gold eyes widen at such speed, the two hooded females unsheathe their weapons as they jumped in mid-air with a skillful backflip and strike down Drakos with their weapons.

One of the hooded females had at a curved magic sword(A Dao Sword-Chinese Sword) made up entirely of mana-crystals, the other hodded female had a Scythe made up of very sharp Tiger Bones and fangs. Both of their weapons strike Drakos head-on.

Drakos uses his Akuma Eyes and the Mana Crystal Sword and Bone Sytche go right through his body like he was a ghost. His eyes starting glowing a dark red and gold color, \"Playtime is over,\" Drakos snaps his finger and activates his Time Core on his ring to stop time itself.

Both assassins in front of him were frozen in time. \"StormSlayer!\" Drakos quickly summons his Phantasm, this time his Phantasm was now in the full form of a scythe made up of Fenrir Bones and the top bladed portion was made with his Dark-Qi and Dark Lighting-Qi, sparks of blackish lighting coil around his entire scythe, 'Dark Thunder,' He darkly says as goes to slash off both of the assassins heads without any mercy or second thought, Blackish Lighting shoots out from the blade edges of his Phantasm and strikes down at the assassins . He was quick to kill. He was a warrior that strikes first to kill.

The female assassins are being shocked by the Dark Lighting and the Scythe blade aims right below their neck as they were frozen in time.

'What the?' Drakos glares at the assassins and then sees one of them actually moving, she slashes right through Drakos's Time Stop Magic with her crystal Magic Sword!

The area around Drakos and the two assassins shatters like a glass mirror. The Magic Sword was powerful enough to slice through time itself!

However Drakos's Dark Lighting attack from his Phantasm was so powerful that both of the hooded female assassins robes and bodies are ripped to shreds by the demonic lighting shoot out from Drakos's scythe. Blood splatters on to Drakos's battle-ready demonic face. The assassins were quickly unmasked and what he saw shocked him.

'I need to know who these assassins are. What if they are part of The Order? Why do they want to kill me? Doesn't matter. I will beat the words I want to hear out of them,' Drakos activates his Akuma Eyes Geass powers, ancient demonic symbols appear around his dark red pupils. They kind of looked like demon horns swirling around his eyes to form a tornado, thee symbols glowed and got bigger as Drakos gives the commands to the two elf assassins.

\"I want you to obey every one of my commands. Tell me who you are and drop your weapons,\" He points at both Elf Assassins. They both nod their heads and throw down their weapons on the snow. They then walk over to Drakos and go to slowly unmasked their mouth masks off from their extremely beautiful young faces. It was time to figure out who they were.


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