Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 103 Ivy's Parents

Outsiders sell for 15 gold coins, while locals sell for two silver coins, which is a full 75 times the price. To say that he is ripping off customers is an exaggeration.

The sky-high price is too much!

Ron opened the perfume bottle that was only as high as his index finger knuckle, and opened it carefully, fearing that it would spill accidentally.

Smell the smell and check the quality. Ron didn't see too many clues, but there was only one thing he could be sure of: this store should still make a profit.

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"How else do you think Rose City developed?" Ivy laughed, "It's a pity that when I was young, the spice market here was almost saturated. Otherwise, if you moved here to do this business, with your alchemy skills and knowledge, wouldn't you be able to make a lot of money?"

"That's enough," Ron smiled and covered the bottle cap of rose oil, "I want to sell this, a bottle can sell up to fifteen copper coins."

After turning two streets, when Ron and his friends saw the tavern with a style very different from other buildings in the city, they knew they had arrived.

In Rose City, this Night Breeze Tavern stands in a corner of a busy street. The flourishing and diverse vines climb all over the walls according to some special rules. Some of them are in bloom. When Ron and his friends approached, they could smell the fragrance that was very different from the vulgar powder outside.

Like most taverns in this world, the Night Wind Tavern is divided into two floors, with the tavern on the first floor and the guest rooms on the second floor. But the decoration here also shows the owner's unique taste and interest. The decoration is elegant and unique, the walls are covered with gorgeous curtains, and the exquisite glass chandeliers illuminate the entire space.

Climbing the spiral staircase to the second floor, Ron felt as if he had come to the kingdom of elves, not the prosperous Rose City. Each room here is exquisitely decorated, and the exquisite furniture and soft beds make people feel at home. Walking into a room, you can see that the patterns carved on the window lattice seem to be magically aura leaping. Reaching out and touching it, the scenery outside the window can change, from the bustling streets of the city to the deep and elegant forest, and then to the deep and bright starry sky. All kinds of changes are enough to make the tenants forget the troubles of the world and enter the sweet dreamland with peace of mind.

"That's the best guest room here," Ivy said with a smile, "An uncle helped enchant it for free. He was a wizard in the elf resistance army back then and had a close relationship with my mother."

"Mom? Dad? I'm back!"

Ivy searched everywhere in the tavern, and finally, after persistently calling, an elf woman with long, messy light golden hair came out of a locked room.

Following closely behind her was a thin man who looked not very mentally well.

From his eyebrows and figure, Ron guessed that he should have been a handsome man when he was young, but...

Time is a butcher knife, and there is more to butchering than time.

"Ivy? Where have you been for so long? Daddy misses you so much!" The man saw Ivy as if he had seen a savior. He rushed up to her and hugged her in his arms, regardless of the heavy armor she was wearing. "Is my baby daughter injured? Is she thirsty? Is she hungry? Has she lost weight? How is the commission going?"

Compared to the man's concern, Ivy's elf mother seemed a little cold: "You're back, you've only been out for a few days, why are you making such a fuss?"

"Ivy, greet your new friends yourself. Your dad and I still have, uh, some accounts to check. We'll entertain you later-"

"What accounts are we checking!" The man stamped his feet, "Liya, our daughter's commission this time is a mission to Yungang. She hasn't been home for several months!"

"You and your friends go downstairs and sit down. I'll cook for you today!"

Without waiting for Ivy and the others to answer, the middle-aged man rushed downstairs and went straight to the kitchen.

"My parents are good at cooking. When Night Breeze first opened, they took care of everything," Ivy gestured, "Come on, I'll take you to my 'exclusive seat'! No matter how good the business is, there will always be an empty table for us!"

After Ron and the others sat down, Ivy's mother, Leah, also moved a stool and sat at the table. Elves have a long lifespan and almost never age, which makes Leah and Ivy sitting together look more like sisters than mother and daughter, and Ivy may even look older.

"You are Ivy's new partner, right?" Leah looked at Ron and the others. "I have seen her teammates before she set out, and you are not among them."

"Like the spice merchant, they are all dead," Ivy sighed. "The route he marked was too difficult, and there were natural disasters and man-made disasters. We also encountered a raid by goblins. If it weren't for Ron, I would probably have died in the goblin dungeon."

"Oh, and there was also the help of Driver. I was able to survive thanks to him." Ivy mentioned Driver specifically.

Elves are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget friends or enemies. They respond to minor offenses with contempt and serious insults with ruthless revenge. If I don't say more, Leah's attitude towards goblin hunters will definitely not be good.

"I understand," Leah nodded, and she stretched out her hand to Ron. "Humans and elves are firm allies in most cases. I am glad that you can be so upright and brave to save my daughter in danger."

"As for you..." Leah looked at the goblin, "If you can keep clean every day, I will be happy to entertain you."

"Hey! I protest!" Driver jumped up, but the protest was ineffective.

"What about the rest?"

Ivy introduced her companions one by one, and Leah's expression did not change much, as if she was used to her daughter introducing her teammates in batches.

Only when she saw the giant sword behind Sera did Leah's expression change a little.

"Grip of the Blue Tide, right? I hope I haven't forgotten the name."

"Do you know this sword?" Sera was surprised and asked quickly, "Then do you know who Rusek Bloodscream is?"

"Of course, the owner of this sword, an orc, is also a hero." Leah showed a look of reminiscence, "I was still young when she was active, but she was the first person to raise the banner of resistance against the tyranny of the Hailan Empire, leading the orcs and half-orcs to rebel against the Hailan Empire, which was still in its heyday at the time."

"Although the rebellion was not successful, she died alone with the empire's chief wizard Gillianis Galanold, and her two-handed giant sword also disappeared with her death. I didn't expect that I would see it here."

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