"You seem to have scared her, Sera," after leaving the arena, Ivy looked at the backs of Constance and Hendricks and complained in a low voice, "Obviously it took a lot of effort for you to give her the adventurous spirit. Get excited."

"That's hurting people," Sera muttered casually, as she was busy counting money. "Even if it's the children in our tribe, we won't encourage them to rush into the wilderness and fight with nature."

"It's as if you're trying to persuade a mortal to face Grom. That's tantamount to murder."

"Oh, she is really a different kind," Ivy sighed helplessly, "My aunt was also a member of the Alliance Army, and she was even more powerful than my mother. But she was a born prodigal, and she never stopped in her life. Earth seeks excitement, war, and adventure, and ultimately gets it.”

"My mother gave up this path completely after she met my father - who do you think she looks like? Like my little uncle?"

"Is there a possibility that she is just like most humans and elves?" Ron looked at Ivy and made sure that she was not pretending before he said, "Compared to most, your family is a bit weirder, right? ?”

"Nonsense," Ivy curled her lips, "Elves are often driven by the desire to travel to carry out centuries-long adventurous lives, not to mention humans' desire to explore. Look at us humans again, what you said Who does ‘most’ mean?”

"It's not a bad thing to live peacefully," Victoria advised. "I think Hendricks also takes good care of her. There's nothing wrong with that, right?"

"Forget it, forget it, I haven't seen her in years, why should I care about her life?" Ivy scratched her head, "Ron, where are we going now? Faber's house?"

Guessing that the time was almost up, Ron and others decided to go to Carlos's house to have a look. According to Ivy, it seems unusual for such a family to live on Vilot Gate Street.

"Villot Gate Street, 22B," Drayford looked up at the house numbers in rows, "I think this is the house? The houses here are all even numbers, there is no such thing as 23A."

"Here, fool, in order to facilitate the investigation by administrative officials, the streets in Rose City are odd-numbered on one side and even-numbered on the other."

The goblin followed the sound and turned his head to look, only to find that Ron and others had already arrived on the other side of the street, and the house number behind them read "23A Vilot Gate Street".

The exterior walls of this building are made of marble, which is thick, solid and weathered. The whole building is arranged around the courtyard inside, and at the same time, a solemn street-facing facade is created by stacking arches and columns; through the iron fence at the entrance of the courtyard, one can see that the courtyard is filled with various flowers and green trees. There is an old well in the center; the columns surrounding the courtyard are covered with carefully pruned vines and creepers.

"Hmm, I can see that there must be no elves or half-elves in the owner's family involved in the planning and arrangement of the courtyard," Ivy commented, "Look at these plants, if the varieties are well selected, they can be like the ones in my house that have spring all year round. "

"Not everyone can learn from Night Breeze's environment."

While they were talking, Carlos's eldest brother, whom he had met before, came out of the house and opened the door for several people with a smile: "If my father hadn't said that you look very similar to the mistress of Night Breeze, we two brothers I still don’t know who they are—please come in.”

Under the introduction of the other party, Ron and the others met with the current head of the Faber family, Carlos and his father, old Faber. This is a middle-aged man who looks very serious and serious. Even in his own home, his hair is not messy, his clothes are clean and tidy, and everything he says and does is in order.

It’s hard to imagine that such a person would give birth to two sons who fight in the street and flirt with other people’s fiancées.

"I have heard about all the help you have given to Quanzi," Old Faber motioned Carlos to stand over. "Although I would rather leave him some scars to remember him, I still want to thank you for your kindness."

"I am one of the members of the Rose Council, responsible for the repair and management of the city's square parks and other facilities. Maybe I have not lived in this city half as long as Miss Capellon, but if you want to visit some new I might be able to help more with the facilities being built.”

Old Faber showed a smug smile, and it was obvious that he was very proud of the results of his work over the years.

"Ah, I did find a lot of new places when I came back this time. So it was all done by you?" Ivy looked at Old Faber in surprise, "I thought your works would be as dignified as you yourself. a little."

"Art, work and being a human being are three different things," Old Faber closed his eyes. "Art must be dynamic, but being a human being must not be too detached."

"Unfortunately, my two sons don't seem to get that."

Under the gaze of their biological father, Carlos and his eldest brother lowered their heads in shame.

"As a young man, it's good to have some energy," Sylvia smiled slightly. "Speaking of this, I'm a little curious, who is the Fernando who is fighting with him?"

"He's just a son of a nobleman," Old Faber said. "His grandfather started in the spice business. His father inherited the family business and the title of nobleman. It is estimated that in a few years, it will be his turn."

"According to the law, if a noble title is maintained for more than three generations, it can be assumed to be hereditary. Their family should be working towards this goal, so they chose to marry into the Pierre family."

"But as far as I know, the fiancée seems to have another lover, don't you think so, Carlos?"

Carlos' face turned red, and he just smiled foolishly. He was already on base, so was there anything else to say?

"Spice business," Ron said with a smile, "There are quite a few spice merchants in Rose City. Could it be that more than half of the nobles made their fortunes from this?"

"That's not necessarily true, but there are quite a few congressmen and nobles who are counting on this iron rice bowl," said old Faber casually, "Have you heard of Yuniel Cindy Hendrix? There are quite a few people in the parliament who look up to him, and recently he seems to be preparing to seek a seat in the parliament."

"This will affect Fernando's family. They already have a lot of friction in the business world. If they let Hendrix enter the parliament, their hereditary nobility will have nothing to think about."

At this point, old Faber seemed to remember something: "It is said that Hendrix's business seems to have had some problems recently, and it is probably related to this."

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