Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 113 Conversation between the Dead

Ghosts are the angry, unbridled spirits of humanoids who are hindered from rebirth. Ghosts have no connection to their original existence and are destined to exist in the world forever. Some ghosts may be the result of dark magic or the power of spirit binding, which directly strips the soul from the body of the living.

Unlike ghosts, who are often confused with ghosts, ghosts cannot be redeemed. The ghost can return to rest when its unfulfilled wishes are fulfilled. And the ghost has no such chance of rest or redemption. They must remain on the material plane, where the only outcome is the destruction of their souls and eventual oblivion.

Regardless, it is incomprehensible to have so many ghosts emerging from the basement of an "ordinary" businessman.


"Even if he killed all the alchemists and workers who worked for him and buried them here, he wouldn't be able to get so much, right?!"

Ron continued to throw out undead ghosts one after another, and his fingers were almost smoking. However, the ghosts in the workshop were still endless, with no intention of decreasing; "Isn't there a whole team of necromancers inside that are casting spells together?"

"There is no one inside at all!" Dreyfudou hid within the range of the spell and jumped up and down. He tried to rush in several times but was forced back. "There are no living people inside, not even a corpse can be seen. How can there be so many ghosts? Where did it come from?"

"Did you see it? That flask!" Victoria pointed to the dark interior of the workshop, "Can you see it? There is a flask there that is constantly releasing ghosts, and its lid has been opened!"

"Not everyone has dark vision and night vision!" Ron hurriedly dealt with the ghosts that became more and more rampant because the duration of the spirit guard was about to end. "Sylvia, can you go over and turn that thing off? "

"I'm not really an undead creature, they will still attack me!" Sylvia sighed, using the last light of the spirit guard to cast spells. Her figure disappeared instantly, and when she reappeared, she was already inside the workshop. "I saw the bottle, but where is its cap?"

"Arcane lock! Close the arcane lock first and then look for it slowly!" Ron threw a small bag of gold powder from the alchemist's backpack, "These things are still too difficult to deal with!"

For them, a single or even a small group of ghosts is not scary at all, but it is really difficult to resist such a steady stream of ghosts.

Especially in the team, Ivy still has no way to deal with it. Fortunately, they didn't bring Andre to be on the safe side, otherwise it would be even more troublesome.

The location where Ron lost it should be pretty accurate, because after Sylvia's "ouch" sound came from the dark workshop, the number of ghosts quickly began to decrease. After a while, Ron and the others cleared away the remaining ghosts. The ghost lit up the light source in the workshop.

"Here, the lid is here," Sera found the lid of the flask, "but the paint on it is sealed off, so it's probably useless, right?"

"After this flask is opened, if there are living creatures around it, it will automatically release a total of sixty-six ghosts. All of them will be released or the release will be stagnant if there are no living creatures around, and they will turn into ordinary long-necked ghosts after they are released. Bottle," Ron opened the preface of the weaving method, and the identification technique gave the answer, "This seems to be the legacy of some necromancer, and its name has a long list of names in front of it - but how did this thing appear here? "

"Could it be that some alchemist brought his side job to the workplace?" Ivy fiddled with the flask that no longer had any abnormalities. "Although Hendricks said that people who come in and out will be searched, alchemist It’s probably reasonable for a warlock to carry a bottle with him.”

"Jill, this is the name of the alchemist at this station." Victoria looked at the nameplate on the workbench where the flasks were placed. "It seems like we need to ask this person about the situation."

"Only if he is still alive," Drivedo pulled out a body from behind the door, "Guess who I found? Gil!"

"His workstation is at the very back. Someone else probably ran out and locked the culprit inside," Sylvia clicked her tongue. "Look at his fingernails that turned up when he scratched the door. Look again. Look at his shocked look!"

"He must have fallen into great fear before he died, and then his life was sucked away by the ghost and died," Victoria sighed, "May he rest in peace, but before that, we may have to ask him a few questions."

The priest walked to the side of Jill's body, her eyes lit up with green flames. Under the influence of his gestures and spells, the corpse of the troubled alchemist opened his eyes and mouth, and his body lit up with the same dark green light as the priest's eyes.

“Five questions max, please.”

"Hey, talking to the dead," Ron whistled, this thing is famous, "How did you die?"

"Stupid... open the bottle... release the ghost..." The corpse's answer was short and vague, and the voice didn't sound like it came from his throat.

"Why are you opening it here?"


"It seems that this unlucky guy has been deceived, thinking that it contains some kind of catalyst," Sylvia crossed her arms, "But I can't figure it out, why do you think so? What kind of catalyst would be contained in the flask?" In?"

"Deadline... Urgent illness... Indiscriminate medical treatment..."

Just as Daniel had the information, Hendricks was trying to develop a new product, and this Jill was probably one of the people in charge. Seeing that the deadline was approaching but there was still no progress, this guy made a stupid move and paid the price with his life.

"Who sold it to you?"

"Black market... businessman... unknown identity..."

"No matter where it is, the black market is a life-saving rope," Ivy snorted, "but it's hard to say whether it's a noose."

"Do you remember what the characteristics of that person are?"


The fire in Victoria's eyes suddenly went out, and the body fell to the ground again. No spell could make it rise again.

"It's still not as useful as a living person," Sera kicked the motionless body with her foot, "In the end, the clues are still broken."

"Not completely, at least there is a direction," Ron took Driver to Jill's laboratory table and kept searching, opening every cabinet, drawer and secret compartment, "I'll point out a few key points to you, you have to remember them all, understand?"

Ron quickly found Jill's experimental records and began to check the experiments conducted by the alchemist with the records.

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