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It would be fine if Fernando's family could continue their aristocratic status, but after the alchemist named Mino under him assassinated his colleagues because of "jealousy and prejudice", it was impossible for their family to go further. Attitude naturally doesn't matter.

It's just that Ron and the others will feel a little uncomfortable at this banquet where they have to communicate with them.

"Your speech seems to be educated, and your companion seems to be a real aristocrat." Fernando raised the wine glass, his eyes passed over Sylvia's chest, and finally fell on Andre, "Then Please tell me why you brought a stupid country farmer here?"

"I don't think everyone here wants to have such a despicable guy at banquets in the future, right?"

The members of the Rose Parliament are at least citizens, and they have a disdainful attitude towards the countryside around Rose City, let alone Andre. As soon as Fernando said this, he immediately attracted the echo of many congressmen.

"At least country people are very simple and won't commit the sinister act of stealing from their peers and then committing murder," Carlos said tit-for-tat, "Are you right, Mr. Fernando?"


"That's enough, this is not the issue at our banquet this time," Hendricks said to stop the conflict between the two young people. "The last matter has been settled at the meeting, so don't bring it up again. ”

It looked as if Hendricks was trying to dissuade Carlos from settling an old score, but in fact it was him who made up for it.

"Let me introduce this young man to you. He is Andre, an ordinary villager from Delusion Land," Hendricks introduced to everyone, "In view of the fact that many friends have expressed concern about the current situation of Delusion Land, I don’t know much about it, and I don’t know much about it myself, so I invite him to come and if you have any questions, you can ask him.”

"Andre, please tell me a little about your experience first."

"Uh, yes," Andre cleared his throat nervously, "Why my compatriots and I went to Delusion Land begins with a natural disaster in the north..."

His manuscript is the product of many veterans working together to polish it. These days, Andre turns it over and over and memorizes it backwards and forwards. When telling the story at the banquet, he was familiar with the manuscript enough to allow him to add a little country slang, true feelings, and other liberties. In this way, even the most ulterior person would have a hard time realizing that this was not Ender's story. Strong original level.

After that, Ron and Sylvia were responsible for explaining and answering various routine questions. For Ron, this was not difficult.

As for the most cunning and difficult questions, Daniel and the others will help them deal with them.

During the banquet, Ron was convinced that many people had changed their original views and would side with them in the vote after the banquet. As for the change of attitude of others, Sera and the others needed to be "persuaded".

"Ladies and gentlemen, please come over here. If you still have doubts about the strength of the pioneers of Delusion, the following impromptu entertainment will definitely refresh your knowledge!"

Seeing that the time was almost up, the spice merchant knocked on his wine glass: "I bought three ogres from a generous arena operator in the south of the city. This kind of violent and rude creature has been the subject of countless dramas, legends and even nightmares. One of the most evil existences in the world! Although most people, including me, have never seen them with their own eyes, no one will doubt their terror!"

"And now, our future neighbors have decided to help us get drunk while eliminating the scourge, right at the banquet! Did you see this newly built arena? They are going to defeat the ogres with equal numbers, And without using magic!"

Hendrix's words immediately caused an uproar, and the guests talked a lot. No one would question the power of the ogre, so even the congressmen who sided with Ron and the others thought that this was done too hastily.

Without the use of magic, are these ogres all old, weak, sick and disabled?

However, when the three ogres were released from the cage and roared in demonstration to the surroundings in the arena, everyone was convinced that these were definitely three healthy adult ogres - defeating them was simply impossible. Task!

The three of them, Sera, appeared on the scene under the influence of this emotion.

"They are still so young! Can they really defeat those ugly guys?" A lady walked to Liya worriedly, "I heard that your daughter is among them, but you are not worried at all?"

"There's nothing to worry about, Madam Pierre," Liya smiled, "It's just three ogres, they can definitely deal with them."

"Your husband has been worried that they can't gain a foothold in the delusion, right? When you watch this scene, you will know their strength."

"It's not bad, they still remember to issue weapons to the ogres." Sera walked into the field and took off the Grip of Canglan from behind. This legendary greatsword was coated with a layer of black dye to prevent unnecessary trouble from being recognized.

The three ogres wore rough animal skin armor and held giant wooden sticks made from uprooted trees in their hands. When they hit the ground, the tableware at the banquet was shaken and rattled.

"Be serious, Sera, ogres are not easy to deal with." The half-elf was probably the most eye-catching one on the field, not only because of her exquisite full body armor and the terrifyingly large tower shield in her hand, but more importantly, she was the daughter of Leah and a Rose City person.

Based on this alone, even the councillors who disagreed with leaning on Ron's side hoped that she could win - this was the glory of Rose City.

As for Victoria, anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was a priest, so she was also watched. Many people speculated whether this priest would break the rules to turn the tide at a critical moment.


Hendricks had no time to shout to start. The three ogres were unwilling to abide by the rules. They had been locked up for many days and rushed over impatiently when they saw strangers. Ivy immediately became their main target.

Ogres particularly like the taste of dwarves, half-elves, and elves, but they are not trying to turn Ivy into a familiar person. The only cooking method of ogres is to eat her whole.

But this time they provoked Ivy, which was a real problem.


An ogre's giant club hit the tower shield heavily, making a dull sound. The wooden club bounced high under the recoil. Taking advantage of this gap, Sera, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped up with all her strength, and the Canglan Grip in her hand went straight to the ogre's right arm!

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