Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 128 Green Dragon's Lair

"I don't want me to be like this in the future," Exuri muttered. "It seems to have encountered a stronger opponent than itself. It wanted to get into the nest and hide, but was trapped by the enemy. Tail. Look,"

The young dragon took out a fragment of the skeleton and spliced ​​it at the broken spot of the green dragon's skeleton. It was almost a perfect fit: "This was picked up by the kobolds. They probably happened to miss the patrol route of the undead, sneaked in, and brought Gone is a broken piece.”

"Can a majestic dragon die in such a painful way?" Sera looked at the bones on the ground with some sadness. This was not the same as the dragon-slaying battle she imagined.

"The murderers are not these elves and their accomplices," Exuri snorted, "This is not dragon slaying, this is hunting. The one who can kill an old dragon like this can only be a more powerful being."

"It is only five hundred years old, which is far from the peak of our species. We can generally live to be more than two thousand years old, while the average lifespan of a metal dragon is almost four thousand years."

"If I live that long, I will definitely go crazy," Ivy stuck out her tongue. "I think the lifespan of a half-elf is just right."

"That's because you didn't have the chance to witness more," Axuri complained, but the target was not Ivy. "That 'canary' has lived much longer than this, and it still has time to beat me up."

An old green dragon was pulled out of the lair and killed in such a humiliating manner. This may confirm that there are indeed terrifying creatures in the delusion land, but Ron and the others are probably not worthy enough now. The other party is treated this way.

I don’t know if the red copper dragon discovered this, so he abandoned his nest and went outside.

"Are there other dangers inside?" Ron looked at the huge bottomless cave under the banyan tree, "Or let me ask another question: Is it a good idea for us to go down like this?"

"How would I know?" Exuri said depressedly, "I'm not a green dragon, and I can't see the bottom of this cave!"

"But even if there are only green dragon treasures down there, I recommend being prepared - they like rare jewelry, the color of which will coordinate with their forest environment, usually with a greenish color and exuding the brilliance of flowers. For example, they They would collect large amounts of jade and beryl, and then embellished it with amber, ruby, tiger eye stone and bismuth. For the same reason, they also favor exquisite objects and artworks depicting native nature.”

"But unlike other dragons, green dragons will use natural methods of transformation to turn these valuables into truly unique treasures, such as wrapping or connecting treasures with rare vegetation. They will cherish their craft - stealing treasures. The most likely to be attacked is destroying the delicate flowers and vines surrounding the treasure house, let alone touching the secrets within the treasure house.”

"Anyway, I don't think the lair of an old green dragon will be a peaceful and peaceful place. Instead of hoping that its treasures will be intact, it is better to hope that the creature that killed it looted it, destroyed the security facilities, and gave us Leave some leftovers."

"I'll go down and take a look first, Spider Walking Technique."

Sylvia cast a spell and walked down the almost vertical cave wall: "If there is no problem, I will light up the light spell, and you can use the feather fall spell to jump down with them, my benefactor."

Sylvia walked neither fast nor slow, and made no movement. She disappeared into the darkness as quietly as a cat. It was not until a few minutes later that Ron saw a faint ball of light shining below.

Featherfall can lift up to five creatures, preventing them from falling damage until the spell ends. As for Exuri, it didn't need Ron's help. It could flap its wings and slowly land at the bottom of the cave.

"The person who killed the green dragon probably didn't need much money." Sylvia wiped out the light spell, and Ron, who had no dark vision, had to turn on the light himself - by breaking the spoon.

"It's almost intact..." Aiksu Rui sucked back his saliva, "So many good things!"

Emerald, jade. Amber...precious gems of countless types and quantities are regularly inlaid in the green dragon's lair according to a certain aesthetic, creating the underground like a gem garden, and this is just the porch or entrance hall at the entrance.

"Don't touch the passages further down there," Eksuri reminded everyone exploring. "The green dragons will hollow out an extra layer of the ground to torture their prisoners and playthings - that layer is not connected. It’s almost impossible for a creature that falls in to climb out.”

"Is this its bedroom?" Sera opened a door curtain made of vegetation. "The dragon is dead, but its bed made of plants is still alive."

"Don't mention it, it's quite comfortable." Exuri jumped on the bed. This bed for the elderly green dragon was a bit too big for him. "If I hadn't chosen the bed, I would have moved to Come and live here.”

"That's it. You are only eight years old, so what kind of bed do you choose?" Drayford also jumped onto the bed made of vegetation, but he was so small that the gaps between the branches and leaves could make him fall into the bed at any time. "I saw that you slept soundly in the trading post hall that day, didn't you?"

"That's tiring, tiring!" Eksuri emphasized.

"Well, maybe there is a little reason: it is a bit unlucky to put a giant dragon skeleton at the door."

After all, this is not his trophy, otherwise Axuri would definitely hang the green dragon skeleton at the highest point of the banyan tree canopy to show off to all the creatures around.

"Compared to that, can you help me look at this thing first?"

Ron's voice came from next door. He found the private library of the green dragon when he was alive, but because there was a slight difference in size between him and the old green dragon, these books and bookshelves that were just the right size for the green dragon were simply unattainable in Ron's eyes.

"Spell originals, good stuff," Axuri opened his mouth wide, and also looked up at the huge bookshelves that connected two floors, "If you don't plan to just cast spells by copying, but are ready to figure out the spell model and casting principle from the source, so that you can optimize your spells or even create spells later, these spell originals are definitely your best helpers."

"Tell me, which one do you want to read? I'll help you get it."

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