When Quest returns, if Mindatis can still escape from the quagmire of Carolina, the green dragon's empty lair will be his next quagmire.

It was empty, but there was a creeping monster produced by the Green Dragon.

Seeing that the gathering of hags here has been settled, the golden dragon no longer lingered, fluttered its wings, and went straight to Aixuri to teach the young dragons.


As for the surviving hag, she woke up slightly under Victoria's treatment.

"Cough, cough!" Polly coughed hard, "So, they were all killed by you?"

"My sister, mother, and 'aunt'?"

"You don't want to take revenge on us, do you?" Sera waved the Canglan Grip on her hand, "I would rather kill another hag!"

"No, it's just a pity," the ghost woman sighed, "If I killed them myself, maybe I could become stronger..."

"Like your mother?" Ron glanced at her, "That's what your mother did. She was indeed strong, but she was also crazy. She ended up dead."

"You don't have to feel sorry for this."

"Maybe," the ghost woman stood up with strength, "At least, I can accept her inheritance?"

"There is no legacy left," Ivy said. "She was wiped out. There is nothing left."

"No, there are still some." The hag stretched out her hand towards her two night-neighing hounds. "Come on, my darlings, bring your companions with you."

"Your former master has died, and it's time for you to serve your new master!"

However, no matter how much the hag used gestures, words to persuade or even threaten, the two night-neighing hounds remained motionless. They just stood there and growled menacingly at her.

At the same time, those hounds that had not been killed by Golden Dragon, Sera and others also appeared one after another, surrounding everyone in the final darkness before dawn. Their eyes emit red light against their black fur. Viewed at this distance, you can see that they have a human-like face and a more flexible neck than other dogs. A smell of smoke emanates from them. Come out and stimulate the nasal cavities of other creatures.

"Why, you..." The ghost woman was a little confused, "You should regard me as your master. Why are you standing there motionless? Come here quickly!"

A hound stronger than others of its kind came over, sniffed the hag, and then turned away with a look of disgust.

"No, you should serve a master like me. How could you not choose me?!" The hag was shocked to see that the leader actually turned his attention to Ron.

Then he showed an even more disgusted expression.

"These guys will be more willing to follow the evil master," Sylvia said with her cane, "Oh, they are heading towards Driver, they are going to..."

The vampire took a step back, avoiding the hound that tried to rub against her legs; "Go away, go away! What are you doing?"

"Hmm, it seems that some people are more 'bad' than she thought," Victoria said without seeing her emotions. "If you insist on adopting them, you'd better keep a close eye on them."

"This thing could be a threat to the safety of other residents."

"The benefactor has the final say on whether to adopt or not," Sylvia observed Ron's face, "right?"

"You can keep them," the hag glanced at Sylvia with half jealousy and half hatred. "These creatures will establish a spiritual connection with their owners and will only appear when you call them. During the day, they They must return to the etheric plane; and when they are not needed at night, they will go to the wilderness to make a living on their own and will not threaten the security around your territory."

"In that case, let's stay." Ron looked at the night hounds who were trying their best to flatter Sylvia. "It's always good to have more strength."

"Okay, okay," Sylvia made a pretense and signed a contract with the remaining twelve hounds, and then sent them back to their plane as quickly as possible, "Since the benefactor said so , then I will reluctantly accept it!”

"You don't look like you're trying hard at all," Victoria glanced at her, "But speaking of which, wasn't their original target Dreyfuddo? Why did they turn to you again?"

"I have Baymax," the goblin hunter stroked the big white rat on his shoulder. "The reason why they don't want to follow the hag is because they think she is a loser and there is no future with her."

"As for Ron, they can't stand the 'stink' on him - that's not what I said, that's what the biggest hound said."

"So in the end they picked and chose Sylvia. Creatures like this have to have a master and that's what they were born for."

"Then let's talk about you next," Ron turned to the hag, "Now that you don't need to quarrel with your sisters anymore, what are you going to do next?"

"What else can I do, I'm just a bad old lady," the ghost woman's little eyes rolled around, "I will stay away from outsiders, stay away from everyone, unless they take the initiative to come to me. "

"Maybe the civilians under your rule will accidentally find a hut deep in the swamp when they get lost. An old man will bring him a cup of hot tea and some snacks; if he is injured, he can also get treatment with ointments and potions. ,hey-hey……"

"Then I can only hope that they don't eat rotten food," Ron shrugged, "I hope you can keep your promise, otherwise I will have to visit you again."

"Think about your family."

"Are you threatening me?" The witch didn't understand, "You have killed all my relatives!"

"That's what I mean."


Ron no longer paid attention to the witch's noise, and after cleaning up the battlefield with his companions, he prepared to leave.

As long as the witch didn't go completely crazy, she would know what she should do in the future.

Since most of the luggage was sent to the Axuri by the golden dragon before, Ron and his team returned much faster, but as they got closer and closer to the trading post, they found some unusual phenomena.

"Are there too many outsiders?" When Victoria walked into the trading post, she frowned at the strangers who were dressed in gorgeous clothes and did not fit in with the local villagers. "What are they doing here? Merchants?"

"I didn't see any goods or pack animals," Sera said. "They came from the south. I've only seen those patterns and ornaments in Rose City."

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