Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 151 The Hot Holy Emblem

Ron is not sure whether he is a heroic spirit or not. But he did have a warrior with a huge sword on his side.

"Me? Prophet?" Sera was called over. She was confused and even more confused after listening to Ron and Spike's explanations.

"Are you kidding? I have nothing to do with prophecies or anything like that."

Sera crossed her arms: "In our place, only a few shamans have this ability. Do I look like a nagging old woman?"

In fact, when he was in the Ocher tribe, the shaman who was Sera's right-hand man was also a fierce man who could fight tigers. But after coming to the south, in order to make it easier for others to understand, she would often describe her shaman as a withered old man.

If he heard it, he would fight to the death. Occasionally when she mentioned this matter after drinking, Sera would always giggle.

"You are an extraordinary warrior. I can never imagine that you will become like that," Spike said quickly, "But this is not what I said, but the information that crazy man told us."

"If you want to know more, I suggest you come with us."


Sera did not respond to Spike immediately, but looked at Ron. She didn't think it was worth the trip, but the final decision wasn't hers.

"People have to be saved. After all, this is our territory, let alone acquaintances." Ron thought for a while, "But to be honest, we just came back from the depths of delusion today, so we are afraid to leave now It’s too hasty.”

"Tomorrow, early tomorrow morning, you will lead the way."

"I hope Wilson and the others can hold on." Spike smiled bitterly, but there was nothing he could do.

As an adventurer, he naturally understands the rationality of Ron's request; but as Wilson's companions, he really hopes that Ron can set off for rescue as soon as possible.

Now, except for the crazy so-called "prophet," no one knows how long Wilson and others can last.

Ron didn't intend to deliberately delay the time, but they really needed to rest and prepare - a place where a regular team of adventurers could fall into, and they would inevitably suffer the same fate if they broke in rashly.

"I thought I would have time to learn some spells." When Ron told his companions about this, Sylvia was the one who reacted the most. "I finally found the magic spell from the green dragon's lair. The opportunity to delve deeper into magic is now simply unavailable.”

"Believe me, I can understand how you feel." Ron sighed. He was also a mage. How could he not know that a mage's confidence comes from spending a lot of time studying and preparing? But rescuing people is like putting out fires, so they had no choice but to take a night's rest under such circumstances.

"Are you ready to leave just after you came back?" Constance asked quickly, "Then when will you be back?"

She also wants Sylvia to continue to teach her swordsmanship!

"I don't know, if the boat capsizes in the gutter, I might not be able to come back," Sylvia said with a casual smile, "Don't worry, it shouldn't take long."

"If you have any questions these days, go to Seymour and he'll help you."

Carlos and several other young people were eager to go along, but Ron and others resolutely refused them.

"We don't want your first adventure to be your last," Ivy said, half-frighteningly, as she persuaded these young people to go back. "A team of senior adventurers have joined us. If we encounter any unexpected situation, , we can’t take care of you!”

When Ron and others gathered outside the trading post early the next morning, they found that the Carolina group had dismantled their tents and left early.

"You ran quite fast, are you afraid that we will chase them away?" Dreyfudeau observed the traces left by these people with disdain, "They are all gone. There are twelve people in total. The footprints and smells all match. They should not have any plot. What we mean.”

Regarding these people, Ron and the others have been extremely cautious, guarding them against another round of assassinations like last time.

"They must be afraid of you too," Spike smiled, "This is your territory, and the longer you stay, the less safe it becomes."

Victoria ignored their words and focused her attention on the trees not far away.

The holy symbol was burning, burning her skin, and the priest believed that this might be Heim reminding her of what she needed to pay attention to.

But honestly, she didn't see anything.

"You seem to be a little absent-minded." As the team marched and gradually approached the waterfall, Sylvia noticed something unusual along the way in Victoria. "You have been staring at other places along the way. Did you notice anything? ”

"No, I didn't see anything," Victoria said with a hint of confusion, "but that's what worries me."

She held Heim's holy symbol in her palm and let Sylvia touch it. As soon as the vampire stretched out his finger, he immediately retracted it: "What is this? For the first time, I know that Heim is also hostile to half-bloods like me!"

"It's not hostility, it's a reminder," the pastor frowned. "Ever since we first came out, I have always felt that there is something watching us and following us. But I can't find any clues. It's really strange."

"Maybe you are too nervous?" Ivy was walking in front, and turned back at this time and said, "After all, we hardly rested, it is normal to be overly vigilant."

"If you don't hold your holy emblem so tightly, you won't feel the heat."

"I hope so." Victoria muttered, and after looking at an old tree not far away again, she put away the holy emblem.

"It's here!" Spike and his companions walked in front, pointing to a waterfall over there, "Just behind it!"

This is the upper reaches of the river near Ron's territory. The waterway from the southeast outside the Delusion Land has a fault here. The turbulent river water rushed down and smashed a river in the Delusion Land.

"Where's that 'prophet'?" Sera looked left and right, but couldn't find any trace of the so-called prophet. "You guys weren't fooled, didn't that guy rob you and kill you, and then he ran away?"

"No," Spike shook his head, but he was also puzzled as to why the man disappeared. "Before we left, Wilson and the others were still alive, I can guarantee that."

"Could it be that he saw that we were late and went back in?"

There's a lot going on these two days, and I really can't spare the time. I can only update 4k twice a day today and tomorrow... I'm very sorry QAQ

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