1st Lane

"You, she, you—" Ivy was so shocked that she couldn't even speak, "How did you do this?!"

"Sylvia! You didn't drink Victoria's blood, did you?" Sera pointed at the white hair on Victoria's head and shouted, "Look what good things you have done! You made Victoria grow old. !”

"Sera!" Victoria sighed and stood up holding Sylvia's hand, which was still a little weak, "Don't talk nonsense, this has nothing to do with Sylvia!"

"Uh, no, it's probably related, but it's not because of blood-sucking!"


Victoria stretched out her other hand and held the Holy Emblem of Heim in her palm, but for some reason, the light on it seemed to become darker.

"What's this?" Ron's nonsense immediately received a collective look from several people - the priest's holy symbol is like a mage's spell book. Who has ever seen a mage turn over his own spell book? Pages falling off? That is a magic weapon for casting spells!

"Maybe the gods responded to me," Victoria was a little confused, but also smiled happily. A gray-green halo appeared on the palm of her hand holding the holy emblem, which she had just learned to guide. Negative energy.

"Is this, this is impossible?" Ron was stunned, "Victoria, are you praying to some evil god?!"

Heim, what kind of god is that? That is the watchman, the ever-vigilant lord, the watchful one! As the god of vigilance and protection, he is the personification of guardians, watchmen and guards. Only those whose duty is to be on guard against enemies and dangers worship Him.

What is a vampire? That's half a vampire, half an undead creature, and rounding it off, it's half a demon! A priest of Helm tried to cure half a demon. Could her god still give her a pass?

"The only god I believe in is Heim," Victoria said with a serious look, "and when I have such a belief that Sylvia is my companion, friend, and comrade-in-arms, rather than a vampire, Heim naturally responded to me."

"My duty is to protect my companions and be wary of external dangers, not the other way around - and what I've received proves that, and it's true."

In any case, it is a good thing that Victoria gained additional abilities, and the problem of Sylvia's race was solved. But now, how should they get out of here?

Or rather, where is this place?

"Underneath the cave," Drayford looked around. There was no one here who knew more about the underground environment than him. The goblin pointed at the stone layer above, "Sera, I need your help to put me there." Lift it up so I can better find the weak spot."

The goblin was just a small man, so Sera picked it up with one hand and raised it above her head. Dreyfudo explored around, finally determined a location, and inserted a crossbow arrow.

"It's right here, smash it open!" Drivedo jumped down and quickly reminded, "Others, please pay attention, this is -"


When Seramu exerted enough strength and struck the stone layer with his sword, the fragile rock was instantly broken due to the pressure from above, and a large amount of putrid liquid poured down, even the shadow spirit inside who was still in a daze was Got soaked in water.

"You should have said it earlier!" Sera wiped her face angrily, "What does this smell like! The smell of rotting corpses?!"

Even she couldn't bear the sudden, pungent-smelling liquid.

"The body and soul are all rotting..."

Shadow Spirit, whose calves were submerged in water, stood up. She walked to the crack, raised her head and raised her fingers to the figures hanging above: "Is that the person you are looking for? They are all there."

"The soul of the short man outside can still be saved, but the sorcerer whose whole body is on fire..."


A head rolled down on the edge of the hole, and then appeared the scarred Devin Booker, whose body exuded the aroma of grilled fish.

"You survived? Very good!" The fish-man paladin was startled when he looked down, and then extended his friendly arms in surprise, "Come up! I have wiped out all the elemental creatures here, but The evil has not diminished."

"You should be upright people, why don't you follow me to close the elemental plane and expel all the evil elements from here?"

"It's not just the elements you should worry about. There are other black hands behind them," Ron was pulled up from the hole by Devin Booker. He smiled bitterly and pointed at Wilson and the others above, as well as that one. Although the furnace has stopped operating, it is still intact. "Have you seen this? If you don't find out the mastermind behind all this, your mission will never end!"

Devin Booker, who had just experienced a bloody battle, had no energy to pay attention to this. He didn't react until Ron reminded him and began to look around at the surrounding environment.

"This is... the technology of the shaman," Devin Booker pointed at the furnace with his trident. On it, there were six elven skulls arranged in the shape of a six-pointed star. There were curls of purple in the holes of these skulls. The green smoke has not completely dissipated, "I just don't know where this is on land. There is no such evil ritual in the sea!"

"Of course, it's me?"

Before the paladin finished speaking, a voice that made Ron's ears ring out from the deepest part of the dark cave. What followed was a classic and evil slow clap.

It's just that the volume doesn't seem to be what Ron imagined - is it too loud? !

"Mindatis!" Sera clenched the Canglan Grip with both hands and looked nervously at the more than a hundred figures slowly walking out of the darkness, "How come there are so many Mindatis?!"

"Mindatis is just a clown, a jester, and a code name," all the "Mindatis" spoke at the same time, causing the dust above the cave to rustle down. "I originally planned to use him to continue to fight with you. Play around until you finally reveal the mystery in your final despair, but you really don’t understand the art of waiting.”

"You killed him, and I 'resurrected' him, but the plan was disrupted by you again and again."

These "Mindartis" seemed to have returned to the arrogance they had before Ron killed him for the first time. The Mindatis who turned around and ran away when the situation was bad seemed to be just a phantom. Their steps were steady and powerful. Surrounding Ron and others layer by layer, they were sure of victory and unstoppable. If Ron hadn't accidentally crashed his plan in advance, after a certain amount of time, these "things" would have rushed to the ground, delusional. There is no doubt that the earth and even the surrounding areas will once again be shrouded in the shadow of the Hylan Empire!

"By the way," the "Mindartis" suddenly stopped, and they all said in unison. Their natural expressions and smooth speech and movements were completely different from the fakes Ron and the others had encountered before, "Before I kill you, right? It would be more appropriate to report your home address yourself?”

"I am the last nobleman of the Hylan Empire! A direct bloodline of the royal family! The crystallization of the great Lane family and the Von Richthofen family! I am Baron Green Marsh, Saran Lane!"

"You stupid ants who come from the north and have never heard of my name! I allow you to tremble, kneel down, and wail! If you can please me in the last moments of your life, I will give you the most generous gift ——Eternal death!”

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