"All in all, you deserve this gem." As if he finally made up his mind, Jin Long struggled to move his eyes away from the gem. "And now, you should have four gems."

"Five." Ron looked at the pink gem. "Before facing Sera Lane, he summoned some water elements, and one of them also held one."

"The one on the elemental plane," Jin Long nodded, "then there are only two gems left."

"Speaking of which, what was the purpose of making these in the beginning of the Highland Empire?" The five gems rolled back and forth in Ron's hands. "Obviously, these gems and the items stored inside are rare treasures..."

"Of course it's for collection," Jin Long didn't seem to care much about it. "During the time their empire lasted, there were countless legendary figures of this kind and that. Some of them, like their chief mage, dedicated their lives to the empire. Talents; and the other part are the righteous people who started a rebellion and even nearly overthrew the imperial rule."


"The Lane family has almost the same respect for these two groups of people, so they created the amethyst tablet, selected the seven most representative figures, and sealed their relics in it as a commemoration."

"As for how Baron Green Marsh got it, we don't know now, but I think it was because he didn't want the pearl to be covered in dust."

"Compared with calendars, let's take a look at their abilities first!" Drivedou couldn't wait any longer. "Can I have another one?"

"Don't be too greedy," Sylvia knocked on the goblin's big head, "Victoria and Ivy haven't caught anything yet."

"The power in these gems corresponds to their colors," Ron opened the preface of the weaving spell. Although he has long been able to cast identification spells without using the inherent ability of the spell book, spells that do not consume materials do not need to be used in vain. , "This fire gem allows the holder to release scorching rays a full twelve times a day, and both itself and the items worn are in an incombustible state."

"If that Lovi had been wearing this, we wouldn't be in such a mess." Ivy thought of the humanoid self-propelled fireball in the cave, and couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Not because of how strong she was, but because they were at their weakest at that time, and the appearance of that crazy warlock was tantamount to a death sentence for them.

"Fortunately, the big fish head is here," Drivero danced, "with a 'crash'! He blocked her!"

"What does your embarrassment have to do with that warlock?" Yelena, who was tied to the ground, was unhappy. "Then it's obviously——"

"Just shut up!" Ron aimed at Shadow Spirit's ribs and kicked him. Can you please stop mentioning this? For a mage to blow up everyone, including himself, is simply a black history among black histories!

If he is a warlock and can explain that this is the reason for wild magic, what can he do as a mage?

"You should keep the props for attacking and casting spells yourself," Victoria glanced at the flame gem and then withdrew her gaze, "We can't spare any time to cast spells."

Using magic props such as scrolls to cast spells can certainly skip the tedious steps of spells, gestures, and materials, but at least the caster has to have one hand free, or, like Ivy did before, embed the props in the equipment in his hand. ——But she couldn't exert its full power.

"This, you can control the water body three times a day, and the holder will not be frostbitten." Ron picked up the ice-blue gem again, "Saralan Lane didn't use these two gems at the beginning, probably because It must have been exhausted too.”

"Otherwise, it might be difficult for Devin Booker to fight to the end," Sylvia said. "This gem should have helped him a lot."

"Then this is what I brought," Jin Long said. "This mind gem allows the holder to release Terror Slash like a paladin. I think someone here must be able to use it."

"As for that stone slab... I wanted to bring it to you together, but Exuri actually bared his teeth at me for it! He said that his treasure house only belongs to him and you, and no other creature can step into it."

"Oh, except for those two mimics."

Ron was very touched by the dedicated work of the young black dragon, but when he thought that they had to crawl through the swamp for a few more days for this matter, he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, then we have to make another trip for this."

After a banquet in the evening, Jin Long stood up to say goodbye and leave. With his appetite, it would be disrespectful to stay any longer. At this moment, the shadow spirit prisoner called out to him.

"You're not just a dragonborn, right?" Yelena stared at the golden dragon with sharp eyes, her gray-white skin seemed translucent under the firelight, "Can you do me a favor?"

"I can see that your identity seems to be very unusual."

"Do you want me to let you go? Unfortunately, that's impossible." Jin Long shook his head and took another step. "You are Sir Ron's prisoner. I don't have this power."

"No, you don't need to let me go, just beg him for me," Yelena said quickly, "I want to go to Green Swamp Town, but Ron doesn't allow it... Do you know that place?"

"I know, that's where I came from." Jin Long opened his mouth, but in the end he did not choose to deceive Shadow Spirit. "Why do you want to go there? To express condolences? Or do you have a more radical purpose?"

Shadow Spirit was once an elf, but Jin Long didn't think she would have much affection for a group of elves - unless her last name was von Richthofen.

The motto of this elf family with a long history is "Knowledge, Power, and Bloodline." In order to pursue the first two, the Von Richthofen elves will do anything to pursue the first two, and they are even willing to change their own life forms. The third one allows them to consider themselves members of this family no matter how thin their bloodline actually is.

"I'm a von Richthofen."

Jin Long heard the words he least wanted to hear, and the dragonborn's face suddenly darkened: "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do, take my leave."

The members of this family have a good or bad reputation on the mainland, but this is definitely not because they are unknown, but because they have participated in too many major events, so many that others have no way of judging this group of elves. ——Even a giant dragon like him can't do it!

"Wait a minute," Ron, who was still at the banquet, caught a glimpse of the conversation between Jin Long and Yelena, and suddenly remembered something, "I said, have you been to the Nine Hells?"

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