Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 176: Hailan's Pride

"Let me try this," Constance took the gem from Ivy's hand, "I'm also a half-elf, so I should be able to do it, right?"

"Maybe I'll have better luck than her."

Ivy was speechless: "This is not a blind box, the things inside were packed by those guys from the Hailan Empire hundreds of years ago, so what's the good luck..."

"That's what the circus's turntable draws say," Constance shrugged, "Who can say for sure about this kind of thing."

"But... why can't this be correct? Could it be fake?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is something my teacher helped me find personally," Axuri couldn't sit still, "You are 'rejecting' him!"

"It's slander." Victoria slapped her forehead.

"Anyway, that's what I mean," the black dragon slapped the ground with its tail impatiently, "I've learned too many languages ​​from my teacher these days, and I'm all 'Kun Yao'!"

Ron understood this sentence, this guy deliberately used the Elvish pronunciation, and his accent was quite heavy.

"Try turning the slate over again," Ron helped. "Its two sides correspond to magic items from different sources, so there are two sides."

When Constance turned the slate over, the pink gem was embedded in it normally, and a gorgeous necklace immediately appeared in her hand.

"What a big pink diamond!" Even the half-elf who had lived in a wealthy merchant for decades couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, "It's unbelievable!"

This light purple pink diamond is definitely the largest one used in a necklace. When Ron took it, he felt it was heavy. And if you use detection magic, the magic aura revealed on it is even stronger than that of the kite-shaped shield.

"Don't just look at the pink diamond," Sylvia said, "look, what is it strung together?"

"Amber, bloodstone, citrine, coral, jade, pearl, quartz..." Constance listed the names of every bead on the necklace like a treasure. Even she had never had such precious jewelry.

"This must be the property of a noble lady in the Hailan Empire!" She exclaimed, "Look at these, there are even blue crystals, black pearls and topaz on them - these are real magic materials, I can't think of anyone in Rose City who is so generous to own such a piece of jewelry!"

"So it doesn't belong to Rose City, but to Hailan, a short-lived but extremely powerful empire. And the name of this jewelry is Hailan Pride." Ron was also amazed at the preciousness of this necklace, and what amazed him even more was the magic on this treasure.

"This piece of jewelry belongs to the only eldest princess of the Hailan Empire. In order to ensure the safety of this noble who loves fighting, the best craftsmen in the empire made this necklace. Almost every gem on it contains a spell, allowing the holder to release it once a day," Ron read out the results of the appraisal like a menu, "Mark Slash, Summon Mount, Secondary Restoration, Magic Weapon, Protection from Toxins, Realm of Honesty..."

"And this largest pink diamond can release up to six rings of spell nullification and one of the instructions!"

"It's like tying a dozen holy warriors to your body!" Ron licked his lips, "I guess if the craftsman's level is not enough to infuse more High-level magic while ensuring the gems are intact, this necklace may even have meteors exploding inside! "

"The only eldest princess..." Several people with elven blood present looked at each other, "Isn't that only Princess Oriana?"

"The woman who messed up the rules of gladiatorial combat? Oh my god, it's really her!" Ivy shouted in disgust, "If that's the case, it's not surprising that she wears such a necklace!"

"What do you mean?" Ron didn't understand, "What does this have to do with gladiatorial combat?"

"You said 'love of fighting'," Constance explained, "The reason why the gladiatorial combat tradition of the western city-states exists is because of her ”

“She likes the arena very much, especially beast fighting and monster fighting, and she often participates in the competition. I used to worship her as an idol, but now looking back...”

Ivy curled her lips: “Beat the beasts and amputate the monsters and then put them in the arena to compete with her, can this be considered a fight? It's just to satisfy her own desires!”

“I am so happy for you, Connie, that you can now see the nature of those "fights" that are read as "shows". ”

“One of the most famous black histories of the princess is that she fought a big horned deer with bare hands, and then what? The deer had its horns sawed off and beaten. Broke both hind legs! Beaten to death by her fists!"

"And he was knocked to the ground by the deer. I was there and bought a ticket," Yelena interrupted, "After that, she forced everyone to applaud and cheer for her. Imperial citizens who didn't do so would be whipped, and slaves would be killed directly - more than 300 slaves were executed that day."

"I was spared from this torture because of diplomatic immunity - what are you looking at? I hadn't completely left the Shadowfall at that time, and I went to Hailan to perform official duties."

Sylvia hugged her shoulders; "Didn't you try... to rescue the slaves present?"

"Why should I..." Yelena was about to answer smoothly, but she turned around and met a pair of blood-red eyes that were almost burning, "Okay, okay, I actually tried hard, just for a little while."

"After all, the Hailan Empire was at its peak at that time! That was the eldest princess! I am just an ordinary shadow spirit. If I insist on being a famous shadow dancer, I am really powerless."

"You won't mention your noble family bloodline now?" Ivy couldn't help teasing.

"I..." Yelena smiled bitterly, "You don't want me to tell you, why can't you?"

It's okay to deceive outsiders with some things, but if their family can really rise to the top and dominate the world, how can there be anything going on with the Lane family?

If you really want to do something, everyone will be embarrassed.

Fortunately, Sylvia only expressed dissatisfaction and did not really want to blame Shadow Spirit for this, so the matter was brushed aside. She looked at the necklace in Ron's hand: "So, congratulations to the benefactor for getting another treasure?"

"After all, you also need such a multi-functional magic item for self-defense, don't you? This will undoubtedly help you."

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