Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 179: Mage's Secret Room

This cellar must have had a ladder in the past, but because of the age, the wooden ladder could not withstand the test of time, so Ron and his friends had to jump down directly from it.

It's not that the Feather Fall Spell cannot be used, but Ivy and his friends have enough time to build a human ladder to hold the ceremony, so it's better to jump down directly.

"This shows the benefits of my potion," Ron moved his ankle that had just been sprained in the cellar, and stuffed the empty medicine bottle back into his backpack. "If I use ordinary healing potions, I will definitely be reluctant to use them."

"Why don't I cast a spell to heal you," Victoria held up a candle with an eternal flame to illuminate the surroundings, "Even the cheapest healing potion is calculated in gold coins."

"Anyway, there won't be anything here..."

The priest raised the candle, but his voice stopped abruptly. When Ron and others came over to take a look, they saw that her eyes were fixed on an old drawing on the wall, and she couldn't move her eyes away for a long time.

"This is..." Ron and Sylvia were also stunned after seeing it. This drawing was obviously processed by magic, so that even after such a long time, the ink on it is still clearly visible. But it is also because of this that the casters were so shocked!

"What is this?" Driver was confused. He looked up at the wall, but he just felt that it was a little familiar. But as for why it was like this, he didn't know, and he was not interested in knowing.

"Is this a spell model?" Ron murmured, "It just seems to be unfinished."

"There is no doubt that the former owner of this place should be a powerful wizard," Sylvia nodded in agreement, "Only spellcasters who can master advanced spells such as Creation (Five Rings) can build their own spell models and write their own spellcasting rules."

"Most of these people have left spells with their own names in the history of various worlds," Victoria exclaimed. Although she did not have such an opportunity, it did not prevent her from paying respect to these famous legendary figures, "Tasha, Tansen, Ma Youfu... They live in every corner of the world, live in every spell book, and live in the mouth of every arcane spellcaster."

"Then what are you sighing about," Driver looked at Victoria unhappily, "Shouldn't we be on the same front?!"

Obviously, you are also casting divine spells like me!

Victoria gave the goblin a look that said "who wants to fight on the same side with you" and continued to stare intently at the handwriting on the drawing on the wall: "This elven wizard...what kind of magic does he want to create?"

"Protection, no doubt - look at his calculations and model sketches here," Ron borrowed Sylvia's cane and pointed to a few handwritings on the drawing, "The target effect of this spell should be..."

"Push away the surrounding enemies to give the caster space to cast further spells," Sylvia added, "then he must create a spell that can be quickly activated like a shield spell, otherwise it will be meaningless."

"And it must be strong enough and powerful enough, at least far more powerful than the caster himself," Ron tried to take the drawing off the wall, but when he touched a corner, it instantly It turned into ashes in an instant, which forced him to stop there. "There must be enough targets to target. It is obviously not enough to only act on one target."

"This wizard even tried to add some extra energy to achieve the effect of hurting the enemy at the same time," Axuri glanced at him with disdain, "Too greedy will not end well. This model is obviously beyond his ability, so he couldn't finish it until the end."

"Maybe I can write it down," Ron thought for a while and opened the preface of the weaving method. "I think the idea is good. Maybe it can be used as a reference in the future."

The preface of the weaving method can help him remember every detail on the entire drawing, and when he wrote down all the content, the drawing seemed to finally be unable to hold on, and turned into a wisp of ash with the breeze blowing in from the entrance.

"The magic on it resonated with the weaving foreword and eventually ran out," Ron explained, reaching out to touch the wall behind the blueprint, "What's going on here, it looks like a wooden board?"

"What's so strange about this?" Yelena said casually, "Even a house made entirely of stone can have wooden shelves."

"No, it seems to be hollow inside?"

"Get out of the way, I'll try and see." Sera pushed Ron away, without taking a sword, and elbowed the wall, shaking the entire basement.

"Even a stone wall can't withstand your blow." Ron pouted a few times. Apart from Sera, he was the closest to the wall. The wall was indeed empty, and the accumulated dust almost filled him up.

However, at this moment, Shadow Spirit's face changed instantly.

"Do you smell... sulfur?"

"Sulfur... you mean hell?!"

With no time to answer, Yelena rushed in without caring about the smoke and dust that had not yet dissipated. At the same time as she entered, a huge pattern on the wall of the secret space behind the wall lit up with a scarlet glow!

"The spiked onyx and the curved horn crown are the symbols of Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Hells!" Constance screamed, "I've seen this symbol!"

"Are there devil believers in Rose City?" Ivy raised her eyebrows.

"There are devil believers everywhere. After all, they are closer to mortals than the gods," Victoria curled her lips, "The elven wizards here are actually worshippers of the devil?"

"No wonder the mimicry can pick up soul coins nearby," Sylvia approached curiously, "Nothing, this should only have the function of emitting light, I can't feel any inducement or corrosion."

"That's because I turned it off," Yelena snorted, "Why do you think I came in first?"

She walked to a table that was obviously used for prayer and "pulled" a notebook from the dust on it: "Written in Purgatory, for fear that others would not know that he is a devil believer."

"Maybe ordinary people won't come here," Constance covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief and looked around the secret room, "Yes, that's right, this is the layout..."

"What did you say?" Ivy glanced at her intentionally or unintentionally.

"No, nothing." Constance was stunned for a moment, then quickly returned to normal. "Like I said, there are also devil followers in Rose City. I went to the scene to join in the fun. It's very similar to the decorations here. Very similar."

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