It's a bit strange. If demons and devils die in the material plane, they usually don't have corpses. At most, they will only leave some energy or smell residue. Only those powerful and well-prepared beings can intercept a little flesh or shell as extremely precious materials.

But this rule doesn't seem to apply to Yelena. When she took action, the Babu demon disappeared, but a thin layer of red mucus was left on the thorn chain of the shadow spirit. As her fingers slid, it gathered into a sphere and was then put into her own dimension bag.

"It's a genuine Babu demon!" Polly muttered in a low voice, "How strange! If the villagers' cognition was distorted, it would be understandable that they regarded the demon zombies as their own kind. Why can these demons coexist peacefully with them, and even talk and laugh?!"

"Can't you tell?" Ron looked at the witch, "Why don't we just catch a live one?"

"You make it sound so easy!" Polly glared at him, "How can it be that easy? If you want to catch a live demon, the safest way is to go to their hometown, the Endless Abyss. In the material plane, it's easier to fall in love with the Mind Flayer than this!"

"Let's wait for Miss Shadow Spirit. It seems that she can assassinate the entire team by herself - it's always easier to ask a dead thing than a living thing."

The witch's judgment was correct. According to rumors, those who have fought with Shadow Dancers described this experience as fighting with "living darkness". If Ron hadn't been hit in the face with a fireball before, they would have had to go through this. However, those humans and demons who didn't realize what they were attacked by until the end were not so lucky.

The colleague who was still talking and laughing with me just now suddenly stopped responding. This situation could not help but arouse suspicion, but just when the few remaining patrol members began to whistle and prepare to fight back, the dark magic released by Sylvia provided the best cover for Yelena who was about to be exposed.

As the darkness dissipated, the shadow spirit pulled back the thorn chain, and the last Babu demon danced like a gyroscope under the force, silently dissipated in the wind, leaving only a floating and squirming red slime ball in front of Yelena.

"There's no need to kill them all," Victoria frowned, "At least humans can stay..."

"Stay and resist?" Shadow Spirit separated three spheres and gave them to Ron, "Here, the slime of the Babu Demon can be made into demon traps or refined into demon blood for alchemy in the hands of the devil. Many contract magicians like me regard it as a treasure."

"In fact, there is another way to peel it off, and you get black leather instead of slime, but unfortunately, my master did not give me this knowledge."

"Why give it to me?" Ron did not refuse. This material is very valuable no matter how you think about it. He has no reason not to accept it. "It's just like you said, it's very valuable."

"So I want to use it to exchange for my freedom," Yelena licked her lips, "You see, I can move freely now, all because of your excessive kindness - I don't like this, I want to redeem my freedom."

"It's not easy to get bail for attempted murder," the priest curled his lips, "You have to show more sincerity."

Although there is a bit of personal grudge in it, what Victoria said is not wrong. If it were a country with strict laws, even attempted murder would be enough to be hanged, and they still allowed bail, which is really an extraordinary favor and extra-legal mercy.

"It seems that you haven't made everyone forgive you yet," Ron shrugged, "If you are really obsessed with this, please continue."

"But let me remind you: we haven't built a prison yet, and we didn't intend to keep you in the delusion at the beginning, so you don't have to worry about your personal freedom."

"That's two different things," Shadow Spirit muttered, kicking a bloody corpse of a villager on the ground, "Come on, do you have anyone who can talk to the dead? If not, I can do it."

Although the dead will not be willing to answer the murderer's questions, as an expert in this area, Shadow Spirit naturally has a way to force the dead to open their mouths.

But that requires additional spellcasting materials, and it would be better if you can find an "irrelevant" person to ask questions.

Victoria's eyes lit up with a faint fire, and as she cast the spell, the corpse on the ground also sat up.

"Why are you hanging out with demons?"

"Demons..." The corpse seemed to not understand Victoria's meaning at all, "There are no demons, only survivors...fellow citizens..."

"Their cognition is distorted, it's useless to ask this question," Polly interrupted, "Ask him if there are any particularly long-lived 'people' in the village and the patrol just now."

"Long-lived... wise men..." The corpse's voice was ethereal, "Since the kingdom still exists...lived to this day..."

"A demon called a wise man, it's ridiculous," Yelena sneered, "Why did you come to this place in the first place?"

The corpse seemed to be sighing: "Queen...the devil seduced...degenerate...although victorious, it's hard to return home..."

"The devil's argument is exactly the opposite. They made a deal with the devil before, and the last queen tried to solve this problem by driving the tiger to swallow the wolf, but it went too far." Ron recalled the words of the powerful archduchess, "I'm afraid these people hid here to avoid disaster, but why would the devil be with them?"

"Have they not given up this chess piece and tried to use them to make a comeback?"

"Obviously it's impossible," Sera picked up a spear from the ground. Its owner was once a Babu demon. Although the demon returned to the abyss, this ordinary weapon could not do this. One point, "Did you see it? The spearhead is made of wood and copper. Even among the northern tribes, they are considered uncivilized."

"In the Land of Delusion, we can only compete with bullywugs and the like - how can demons survive so miserably?"

"They obviously don't have the ability to return to the abyss on their own initiative," Yelena recalled the "feel" just now, "The Babu demons themselves are a group of skinny and bones, but this group is even weaker, and even their rage and bloodthirsty traits are difficult to show. come out."

"Otherwise, my sneak attack should be more difficult."

"It can't be because there is nothing for demons to eat here, right?" Dreyfudou guessed, "The lack of food will indeed affect the combat effectiveness, just like we did before -"

"Nonsense," Polly rolled her eyes at this pleasant-looking goblin, "Demons don't need to eat or drink. I guess it's because of the existence that changed their cognition - maybe the wise man - the demon he forcibly changed. camp stance, which caused them to lose part of their source of power.”

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