Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 215: Unkind Visitors

With the help of spells, a cliff that is stuck at the physical limits of ordinary people is no longer an obstacle. Even Ivy, who is wearing heavy armor, can jump over it after handing the tower shield to Sera. Ron and Sylvia are at the end. The jumping spell must touch the recipient to be effective. They cannot jump over in advance.

"It's really strange," Dreyfudou muttered as he walked in front of the team. "Obviously this should be closer to their lair, but there aren't that many traps."

"And even if there are only a few, the quality is... Wait, let me dismantle this trap."

Driver leaned against one side of the wall, carefully disposed of the trigger on it, and then pulled out the sharp stone tools made inside: "Interesting, this looks like a temporary setup. They have discovered us and want to It would be ridiculous to ambush with such a crude trap!"

A disdainful smile appeared on the goblin hunter's lips, and he even boldly pointed his eyes at the hole that had no mechanism: "Look at this, there is a hole behind it, connected to a room!"

"Sylvia, can't you turn into gas form? Why don't you drill through this hole and try, you should be able to - what is this?"

Ron had no idea what Drivedou saw. He only heard a rolling sound, and then the goblin suddenly jumped back with his agility, and then, a spherical glass bottle fell out of the hole.

The moment it landed on the ground, the bottle of unknown origin exploded, with broken glass pieces flying out in all directions, and the scorching air waves and red smoke swept everyone into it!

In a hurry, everyone could only hear Ron shouting hoarsely: "Hold your breath! Pay attention to the enemy attacks above you!"

It seemed that the explosion of the bottle of alchemical potion sounded the clarion call for attack. Countless rat-men filed out from the depths of the cave under the cover of smoke, and fighting side by side with them were several waist-high giant rats.

"You really poked a hole in a mouse's nest!" Sera coughed and cursed. The red smoke released by the exploding bottle of alchemy potion had no substantial lethality, but its pungent smell would make creatures with a keen sense of smell burst into tears. Si Hengliu to the point of losing combat effectiveness.

But this had little impact on Sera, who was making a living in a harsh environment. When Ron issued a warning, the Grasp of the Canglan rose in response, and two blood flowers exploded on the vast attack surface. The rat-men among them were seriously injured before they could even attack, and they screamed and fled deeper into the cave.

Victoria and Sylvia followed closely behind to recover. A strong wind blew up in front of the vampire, blowing the smoke back in another direction.

"It helped a lot!" Driver wiped the tears and snot from his face. He almost thought he was going to die like this!

Ivy used her shield to knock a rat man away. She stretched her arms, and in just a moment, the rat man's dagger was inserted into the gap in her armor. In the face of such an overly flexible enemy, the joints of the heavy armor became her fatal weakness.

"Come prepared," Sylvia frowned as she looked at the rat men and giant rats in front of them who had their mouths and noses wrapped in leather and cloth, "The person who came here is not a good person."

Victoria nudged her with her elbow: "That's the opposite, we are the ones here."

The rat people made a series of rat-like noises. Ron remembered that this race should be able to speak common language, but the current situation was obvious that they did not intend to communicate. A few rat men who were more well-equipped than their companions quickly disappeared, while others rushed up roaring again. At the same time, the sound of rolling glass bottles came from the hole again.

"It's not over yet?! I'm afraid there's an alchemist among them!" Sylvia immediately summoned several night-neighing hounds, "Go and kill the people inside!"

The night hounds cannot pass through the narrow hole in the material plane, but it does not mean that they are blocked in the etheric plane. The smoke on Ron's side has not completely dissipated, and the hole where the alchemical potion is thrown is filled with water. There was a hoarse roar.

At the same time, the rear of the rat men here also became chaotic. Under the leadership of the largest night neighing hound, those rat men who were not elite enough were rushed to pieces for a while, and their lean bodies were constantly being beaten. The hounds threw, bit and divided them, and even the elite ratmen were inevitably unaffected. A ratman assassin fell in front of Ron and others because a giant rat behind him was thrown away by the hounds, and his neck was broken. Stretched under Sera's sword.

"We are not an ordinary team of adventurers!" Sera cut the rat man in half with a sword and laughed. "Sylvia, these big dogs of yours are better than those raised in our tribe. Used too much!”

"It's a magical creature after all," Sylvia licked her lips. The smell of blood filling the small space gradually made her a little restless. "Everyone, stay back! My benefactor, let's just use fireball to blast a way out!"

Although the Nightshuck Hounds are immune to non-magical and non-silver attacks like the Skaven, the Skaven "happen" to have magical weapons, which causes the hounds to suffer varying degrees of damage. If this continues, what will happen? It’s hard to say if one side will collapse first.

Although a single Yethis hound is stronger than a ratman, it is still a beast, even a wild one. It is more likely to be timid than a well-trained ratman when the battle is unfavorable. In just a few moments, several Yethis hounds have withdrawn from the "hunt" one after another, even if they were only slightly injured.

Although it is right to use large-scale magic to destroy these ratmen.

"Are you sure you want to release the fireball at this location?" Ron burst a beam of lightning in his hand, but it was easily avoided by the ratmen. The lines in the cave are intricate and the walls are uneven. These ratmen can easily avoid the lightning beams released in a straight line.

The explosion caused by the fireball can certainly go over the corners and fill every gap, but as the "best" spell, its killing range is not a joke. The radius is six meters. If he and Sylvia really release it in this cave together, no one, including themselves, can escape.

"Forget it," Ron hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and fired two scorching rays to drive back a stealthed rat assassin, "Please move aside, I can do a test."

"About what?" Ivy retreated to Ron's side with some concern, but Ron motioned her to continue to retreat, and at the same time activated Mirror Image and Blur to prevent the rats from taking the opportunity to attack.

"Remember the spell model in the basement of the elven wizard?" Ron took out a bottle of weak healing potion, slightly turned sideways, and a dagger from the rat assassin passed over his shoulder, "With the help of Marsalino during this period, I have some ideas."

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