Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 218 Three Treasures

"It can't be considered as 'living badly'," Ron's mind flashed with the image of the huge skeleton, "but he may not be able to communicate with you in the future."

The copper dragon said in disappointment: "Although I expected it, it's a pity to hear it from a human..."

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"What about my original self? Does she know about this? If she didn't have an additional influence on my memory, she should be traveling around as a bard, right?"

"That was true at the beginning," Ron hesitated, but finally decided to tell the truth, "but later, perhaps for adventure, or for other reasons, she chose to enter Purgatory and fell on the first floor of Avernus."

"I went to participate in the 'blood battle'," the copper dragon seemed She was not surprised by this, but she looked very dissatisfied. Her claws, which were between illusion and reality, were irritably digging at the platform under her feet. "What a bunch of insidious and cunning cowards! They dare not show up, but they want to take it out on me - is my body still in Avernus? If so, can I trouble you to bring my body back?"

"As a bridge connecting the material plane and the Nine Hells, it is not difficult to go to Avernus. If you can do it, I can give you a special treasure!"

"When I was alive, I was threatened by the 'master' to guard this place. Now I have been dead for who knows how long, and I don't care about these things. How about it, deal?"

It seems that although this phantom has its own thoughts, it cannot synchronize its memory with the original body, otherwise she should know the new friends her original body made when she was a bard.

"An adult golden dragon and his companions brought your body back from the Nine Hells," Ron said, "In fact, I have some contact with him. Do you want to meet him?"

"Whether you want your body back or want to know about your life, I think he should be happy to tell you."

"Golden dragon?" The copper dragon was stunned for a moment, then shook his head quickly, "No, I know who you are talking about. We have known each other for longer than you know."

"He is a gentleman and will handle everything properly. As for meeting him..."

This was the first time Ron saw that a lizard head covered with bone plates and scales could actually show such a rich expression. The copper dragon was entangled. She wanted to see her old friend, but for various reasons, she had to avoid this from happening.

"Forget it, say hello to him for me, for my original body," finally, all the emotions of the Red Copper Dragon turned into a sigh, "As for you, since you have defeated the rat tribe, it means that you have defeated all the guards. I will not and cannot stop you. Come forward, I will open the seal for you and give you three of the most precious treasures here."

"This is also the meaning of my original body leaving me here. Those rats are not so kind."

The Red Copper Dragon began to chant a long dragon language spell. As her voice rose and fell, the holes in the entire cave also vibrated, playing an ancient melody.

Just when Ron and others thought that the cave was about to collapse, the platform under the Red Copper Dragon's phantom suddenly cracked and split into two smooth halves on the left and right sides. A stone box rose from under the platform, and the magic seals were unlocked with the melody guided by the Red Copper Dragon, revealing the items inside.

It was a right arm with smooth skin like cream. Compared with the part sealed by the devil, the Red Copper Dragon's here can be said to be well maintained.

"This doesn't look like a human part at all." Driver complained, "Dragon, we found one before, but why is yours so good?"

"It seems that you have already known about the Kingdom of Faramar," the copper dragon used magic to pull the stone box to Ron's arms, "Which part did you get?"

"Left leg."

"Undead creatures guard it, right?" The copper dragon seemed to roll his eyes, "How can a bunch of dead people know how to preserve the body?"

Ron looked at the stone box in his arms, and then looked up at the copper dragon; "Do you know the situation of other sealed places?"

"Of course, this is the second treasure I want to give you, the information of the other sealed locations." The phantom of the copper dragon said, projecting a map in front of everyone.

This map is obviously very old, and there are many details that are different from the ones drawn by the goblins under Kalade, but there is no problem overall: this is a map of the delusion land.

This map uses large and small red dots to mark a total of nine locations, of which five large ones correspond to five sealed places, and the other four small ones, Ron guessed, should be the locations of teleportation arrays.

"In order to prevent the queen who has thrown herself into the arms of the devil from returning, the immigrants of Falama left a backup," the copper dragon explained, "The four teleportation arrays correspond to the four seals respectively, so that future generations can arrive in time to reinforce the seals."

"As for the left leg, it is guarded by a demon and a large number of undead creatures - I think you have defeated it."

"From the results, their efforts have obviously failed," Victoria remembered the words of the corpse, "Their descendants no longer know what the seal is, they just think it is the 'legacy' and 'treasure' left by their ancestors."

"They obviously don't have the means to communicate with you guards," Ron wrote down the map provided by the copper dragon, "They can't even get past the ratmen."

The copper dragon was not surprised; "Short-lived species are always like this - sorry, I don't mean to offend you."

"I don't know why you collected her remains, but I don't care: I'm just a phantom, an echo of the old times and a dead dragon. The constraints of the demon master have no restraint on me. I can reveal intelligence to you at will. This is my revenge on them."

"You are much more reliable than that golden dragon!" Driver smiled, "By the way, did you just say three treasures? What is the third one, your treasure?"

It's common sense that a dragon has treasures.

"But I'm just an illusion. I'm sorry to disappoint you," the Copper Dragon said with a half-smile. "My real body swallowed all the collections before leaving because of the threat, so I can't meet your material needs."

"But look at this cave. It took my real body a long time to slowly polish it. You just heard the music when it was playing. Isn't this a precious treasure?"

The illusion sang again, and the cave suddenly played a cheerful movement: "Don't be so narrow-minded. Spiritual wealth is also a kind of treasure, right?"

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