Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 230 The Cursed Shapeshifter

"Actually, besides having the same name, there is another possibility," Quest coughed lightly, "It's our little brother Andre."

"Some time ago, he converted to the service of the God of Justice."

"Is it really him?!" Ron was stunned, "But why?"

"I don't think there is anything that can allow Tire's paladins to fight with fists and kicks - they can't come for me, a lord who is in league with the devil, right?"

"That's not the case," Quest smiled and shook his head, "He still respects you very much. He told me that when he made mistakes in his judgment, it was you who helped him correct it, and Andre also He has fulfilled his promise to you. At least for now, he will not have any objections to you."

"Then why did he..."

"The secondary reason is probably that when you went to Rose City, he went to listen to several sermons given by Tire believers." Quest shrugged. "The main reason is probably that they encountered monsters in the swamp a few days ago. In order to protect his companions, he chose this path."

"Thanks to him, otherwise you would have had a few more reports related to casualties - the male owlbear is not an easy beast to deal with."

"Andre killed the owlbear?" Ivy asked curiously, "This kid grows up a bit fast."

Quest hesitated for a moment: "No, he just saved other militiamen who were traveling with him. The owlbear fled deep into the jungle after being injured."

"Actually, I didn't plan to tell you this - my compatriots need to increase their presence from time to time to gain trust."

Ron understood this: "Are you ready to help with the aftermath? Are you sure?"

"I will personally lead the team and prepare to leave when I get back tonight," Quest nodded seriously, "Twelve adult doppelgangers, eight of them have combat experience. Even if the owlbear still has a mate, we will I can handle it.”

Ron is naturally trustworthy when Quest takes action. This monk who has always been a tiefling is equally trustworthy in his skills and thoughts. I believe that within a few days, we will hear the good news of their triumphant return.

However, reality is always full of surprises.

Two weeks later, Ron was taking Professor Massarino's arcane course as usual. He used a thin piece of lead as a casting material and cast a spell on a newly built wooden house outside the trading post. He is already very proficient in using Mordenkainen's private chamber. The series of effects provided by this protection spell are very suitable for building a mage's workshop, and if Ron can continue to cast spells on the same area for a year, these effects will be Effective permanently.

Isolates sound and sight, and can even block prophetic spells, teleportation, and plane travel. Under the protection of these effects, Ron can be more comfortable in arcane learning, enchantment learning or alchemical research.

But when he walked out of the cabin after a day of classes, he saw someone he didn't usually see easily. Lying on a stretcher next to her feet was a scarred shapeshifter that could no longer maintain its shape.

The shapeshifter's eyes were closed and its mouth moved slightly, indicating that it seemed to be still alive.

"Annie? What is going on?" Ron glanced at the visitor in surprise, and then at the shapeshifter on the ground, "Why not send him to Bunnie or Victoria? Miss Lavinia should also be able to treat him. ”

Although he also carries a few bottles of healing potions with him, looking at the state of this shapeshifter, he probably doesn't have enough reserves for anything.

"I have already been there, my lord," Anne saluted Ron with a sad look on her face, "but they all said they could do nothing about it."

"Miss Victoria said that he was not simply injured, but suffered a curse. Some evil power enveloped him, so that the poor man's injuries could never heal. All they could do was stabilize the injuries. , but cannot fundamentally solve the problem.”

"I went to find Mr. Arcane Consultant, but he didn't know where he was, and the 'Great Eksuri' didn't know where he was either. I had no choice but to disturb you..."

"Can't Exuri remove the curse on him?" Ron motioned to the two people behind Annie to carry the shapeshifter into the cabin first, "Come in first and tell me what's going on from beginning to end. "

"Let's start with the simplest one: Can the identity of this...doppelgänger be confirmed?"

"They all have nameplates written by themselves," Annie handed over a pine-wood nameplate. "His name is Sebach, and he is a carpenter. A week ago, Mr. Quest took people to explore the depths of the swamp. He One of the eleven people accompanying him.”

"Where did you find him? Are others there?"

Speaking of this, the expression on the face of the girl with an innate earth and wood body became even darker: "I saw no trace of anyone else. In fact, even for Mr. Sebach, we don't know where he was found. "

Annie pointed to a wound on the waist and abdomen of the shape-shifter: "He somehow appeared in the trunk of the tree. Our lumberjacks chopped it down with an axe, only to find that blood was flowing out of the trunk. At that time, they thought they had seen it. ghost."

"We were very close to Green Swamp Town and New Green Swamp Town, so we immediately carried him to the Black Dragon's lair, but neither Lord Axuri nor the enchantress had a good solution. Miss You helped him dilute the curse a little, so that the healing spell could have some effect on him. Thanks to her power, this doppelganger can hold on until now."

Ron asked someone to put the doppelganger on his laboratory table for inspection. Under the illumination of the enchanted shadowless lamp, he noticed that although the injuries on Sebach's body were still terrible, the degree of healing had almost saved him from the brink of life and death, but he was still in a coma, accompanied by symptoms such as high fever and dehydration.

Under the gray skin on his chest, Ron noticed some vague black lines, like some kind of living thing constantly moving under the doppelganger's skin.

"What is this? Have they come to a conclusion?" Ron pointed to the part that looked like a bruise. "You are a spellcaster yourself, tell me what you think."

Annie was stunned and twisted her hands in embarrassment: "Sorry, sir, my spellcasting ability is innate, and I don't have this aspect..."

"Since you have this talent, why don't you consider taking it a step further?" Ron shook his head helplessly, "What about others, what do they think?"

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