Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 232 The Last Queen

"Is it me?" Feeling that the living wooden boards on his body suddenly relaxed, Ron quickly tore them off, "Who am I?"

"You are the one who unlocked my seal!" The head flew over, almost touching Ron's face, "Those miserable demons sealed me in five places, but two of them have been opened recently. - And you, you smell like other parts of me!"

Why does this sound so strange...

Ron frowned and tilted his neck back slightly to put as much distance between him and the other person as possible. Although this powerful head loosened its grip on his hands, mouth and nose, Ron was still not completely free at this moment.

At this distance, Ron had no doubt that as long as he made the slightest move, the end would come immediately.

"What exactly are you..."

"You don't know me?" This time it was the head's turn to be shocked. Its already too tall cheekbones now seemed even more towering into the clouds. "You defeated the demon lackey guarding my tomb and destroyed my seal. , took away my bones, but didn’t know who I was!”

"Not to mention, this time you sent people to break into the tomb where my head was sealed, disturbing...wait a minute,"

The head suddenly stopped chattering, and the two flames in the eye sockets turned into a deep purple, scanning Ron's body back and forth: "You... you don't have the blood of the Farama Kingdom, you Not the rebellious people of this kingdom?”

"Are you the last queen of the Farama Kingdom?" Ron now understood the identity of the other party. He looked at his head in surprise, "You can actually move on your own?!"

After discovering that Ron was not a descendant of her own people, the Queen's attitude softened further: "Her Highness Gracia has given me a vitality that is unimaginable for mortals, so that no matter how many years I have gone through, I can still serve at any time. She serves.”

"Now it's your turn to answer my question: You are not a descendant of Falama, why do you come to this place and dig out my seal? I am a betrayed queen who has nothing to give to others except a curse. "

The Queen, who had beautiful long blond hair but could only be considered an average appearance, turned her head, and two red rays shot out from her eyes, instantly piercing the chest of Sebach who was lying on the experimental table, and with a ray Black smoke slowly rose, and Ron could feel that the power of the curse entrenched in the body of the shape-shifter had been eliminated.

"Did you anesthetize him?" The queen raised her eyebrows, "No wonder he didn't wake up immediately. I thought my power had been weakened to this point."

The queen, who had been imprisoned for hundreds of years, seemed to have an urgent need to express herself.

"At the beginning, I didn't intend to get involved in this matter," Ron explained, "but your princess made a condition and was willing to use compensation in exchange for you to serve her again."

"As for me, I don't want any uncertain or dangerous factors to exist in my territory. You are no longer the owner of this land, and I am happy to let you leave."

The flames in the queen's head danced: "Gracia...yes, of course she wants to reclaim her property. And I have an account to settle with the abyss."

"You are the new lord of this land? How interesting, but when you die has nothing to do with me - tell me, which parts of me have you collected? I can only feel that the seal is loose, but I can't determine the specific part. Which two."

"The guardians of one of your legs and one arm are the foul demon and the undead, as well as the copper dragon and the rat tribe respectively." Ron recalled the name, "Datinas, are you familiar with this name?" It belongs to a dirty—"

"The Foul Demon, yes!" It was a good thing that Ron didn't mention this. As soon as he mentioned the name "Datinas", blazing flames almost burst out from the eye sockets of the head in front of him, and the whole body was covered with fire. Every wooden house was burned to ashes, "Datinas, Datinas, Datinas! Even if I was cut into six hundred and sixty-six pieces, I wouldn't be able to forget this name! That vicious tongue-tied woman, the watery bitch Son! Even if I kill it a thousand times, it still won’t erase the hatred in my heart!”

"If it hadn't been for it and its army of foul demons, causing my stupid people to rise up against my policies, my kingdom would never have disappeared so easily! And she was the mastermind behind my burial! It was she who proposed to put me to death Seal it, let me live or die! Where is it? Tell me where it is now!"

"Calm down! Calm down!" Ron was frightened by the hatred accumulated in this head for hundreds of years. This queen must have been very powerful during her lifetime. Even today, the intense emotions alone can make people feel frightened. "That's not what Datinasi said. She said she is your loyal supporter——"

"How dare that bitch say that?!" Even though the queen no longer had her eyeballs, Ron could still see her widened eyes through her facial expression, "How dare she say that?! When I conquered and penetrated from the ground When the demon army came over, she led her army to invade my kingdom, and all my poor supporters were kidnapped by her and disappeared - she actually has the nerve to say that she is loyal to me? "

The head let out a whimper that sounded like laughter and crying: "Tell me, tell me where she is now!"

"She lived in seclusion in a remote mountain village with your supporters," Ron didn't know what to say, "She said she abandoned the devil to preserve the blood of Faramar. As for recently... Gracia fell in love with her and signed a contract with her."

"I don't want to provoke you, but if you return to serve under Gracia in the future, you may be..." Ron made a complicated gesture.

The head suddenly fell silent, and the flames in her eyes dimmed like a candle in the wind, as if they would go out with a blow: "No, you are lying to me, right? You have also been planted with eggs by the foul demon, you are lying, you-"

"Even if you only have one head left, you can still easily defeat me," Ron looked at her helplessly, "You can tell at a glance whether I am lying or not."

"Compared to this, I think the problem lies with you: the words of the devil are certainly unreliable, but her behavior can echo her point of view; what about you?"

Ron exhaled lightly: "Legend has it that there was a pair of brothers. In order to suppress the rebellion, the younger brother voluntarily let his brother seal him in a sarcophagus; but when the seal was broken thousands of years later, the younger brother who regained his freedom fell into madness and blamed all the sins on his brother."

"You have also been sealed for hundreds of years, and your flesh and blood are torn into pieces, with hatred and hatred for the devil. Is your memory really that reliable?"

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