Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 254 Cross or Suture

"What exactly did you add to this arrow?!"

At this moment, Elden no longer bothered to confirm the deformed hag. His sight had just recovered from the dazzling white light, and the dwarf rushed to Ron like crazy, jumped up and grabbed the rash man. The mage's collar forced Ron to bend down to prevent the old dean from tearing his robe.

"It's good that you use bows and arrows to cast magic! Although this is somewhat rare, it is not without precedent - the chief mage of the Hyland Empire, Ms. Gilennis Gallanold, once wrote a relevant article : "Spellcasters and Warriors: Feasibility Analysis of Magic Warrior System Training" - So I don't take it seriously! "

"But what exactly was added to the arrows you modified?! Do you know that using weapons to cast spells involves a considerable risk of failure? You are playing with fire and burning yourself!"

"Okay, old man, aren't I living a good life? I'm not the kind of fool who applies ideas into practice without any preliminary experiments - I'm sure there won't be any consequences in this way. question."


Ron smiled bitterly and opened Elden's hand that was so tightly clenched with veins that it was really tiring to be forced to bend down and talk to him.

"But you are right about playing with fire. Look at the bombing area in front of you. Look at the hag...'s broken limbs!"

Ron's hand holding the bow pointed to the underground area in front of him that had turned into scorched earth. Some of the surrounding soil and rocks were even burned like glass. As for the hag who was at the center of the explosion, there was no trace of the black tentacles released by Elden from her original position. Even the hag herself was only left with a black and burnt torso.

Three of her arms were missing, and her four legs were turned into an indescribable stain on the scorched ground. After being crushed by the golden dragon, she was resurrected due to unknown experiences, but she still couldn't escape the end of her body.

Probably, this can be regarded as a kind of fate.

"Can this guy still talk?" Dreyfus curiously reached out and pried off the half-open lower jaw of the charred corpse. However, with just a slight touch, a mouthful of steam came out of the corpse's mouth, making the goblin howl. Jumped far away.

"Ron, she's not dead yet, she bit me!"

"I haven't heard that the hag's bite can cause burns," Victoria rolled her eyes and touched the corpse's mouth and nose with the hammer head of the hammer. The latter almost immediately turned into a handful of debris. Su Luo said, "Unfortunately, Ron's spell is too 'explosive'. She can still maintain a rough appearance entirely because the remaining magic power in her body is dead. As long as she touches it with a little force, she can only get a bunch of fragments.”

"Mr. Elden, your research is destined to fail this time," Sylvia squatted on the ground, summoned the leader of the night hound from the etheric plane, and gently stroked its hair to comfort the frightened man. The monster said, "But I don't care about this - benefactor, can you tell me how this explosion occurred?"

"I have also learned some more advanced spell-casting skills now, but I am very sure that even if I upgrade the fireball spell, I am afraid it will not have this level of power - this arrow seems to be more than just an explosion, right?"

"Indeed," Ron nodded, and when he saw Elden and his two students looking over eagerly, he couldn't help but feel a little proud, and took out another special arrow from the quiver, " This idea came to me very easily. It came to me about half a month ago when I was mastering how to cast spells with a bow and arrow. "

"I was thinking at the time: My current ability is a cross-combination of archery and spells. It uses weapons to complete the steps of casting spells. When the weapons used change, the spells that can be drawn, and their effects and The range will also change. The better the weapon, the better the magic."

"And I happen to know some knowledge about enchantment. Why not make a weapon that is easier to use?"

"Since I can use enchantments to increase my power, why limit myself to bows and not consider simply attaching some powerful spells to arrows? Although they are one-time, but because of this, I don't need to Consider the issue of repeated use.”

"So, they have chosen to enchant the arrows with magic. This change will inevitably change the specifications and structure of the arrows - why not go a step further and use all the knowledge I have learned on this!"

"The vast majority of arrows are difficult to recover in battle, so what's there to worry about? I just need to project them out without hurting myself!"

"Please look!"

Ron dug out a groove with the arrow in his hand, and there was a delicate interlayer inside. A small and exquisite glass bottle and a small piece of paper lay quietly in the groove.

The small bottle looked extremely fragile, as if it would break if pressed, and the golden liquid inside would flow out and wet the piece of paper with the tiny handwriting written on it.

"Each arrow is the result of the sweat and hard work of more than five people. Me, Lavinia, Masarino, Sebach, Jack... without any one of them, these arrows cannot be completed!" Ron's lips curled up, "When using it, I can use the fire arrow to activate the enchantment pattern on it, and transform the magic attached to it into a single scorching ray, ensuring that the arrow hits the target under the more powerful arcane traction."

"When the arrow hits the target, the reaction force generated can shatter the alchemical bottle inside. Under the high temperature of the scorching ray, these volatile The liquid will diffuse around the target and even inside the body; the same high temperature will trigger the switch I left on this mini fireball spell, activating it to complete the final step-"

"Most alchemical potions are flammable or even explosive," Elden looked at Ron blankly, "so the explosion of the fireball spell will trigger..."

"A violent and precisely targeted second explosion..."

The dwarf muttered, and although he had heard and seen everything, his faded heart and brain refused to believe this absurd fact-this is not in line with tradition at all, and no one has ever done this!

Some people combine magic and weapons, and some people combine weapons and alchemy... What Ron did is unremarkable when separated from each part, but,

Who would sew all of these on an arrow?!

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