Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 270 The Troublemaking Goblin

After returning to his own wizard tower, Henry simply dealt with his unfinished experiments, and then began to plan.

The store he wanted to choose was one he often went to. Both the food and service were first-class in Carolina, and more importantly, the owner knew him. Whenever Henry went there, the owner would serve him a delicacy that other guests at other tables would never have the chance to taste.

Sometimes it was steak, sometimes it was offal, and occasionally there would be small snacks such as brains. Of course, the reason why Henry could eat these was not only because he was a regular customer, but also because these ingredients were produced in his laboratory.

Occasionally, his experiments would leave some scraps due to failure or other problems. Henry Robertson was one of the suppliers of ingredients for that restaurant. Therefore, in return, he could also enjoy special treatment there.

Other guests would sometimes envy the exquisite food on the necromancer's table and ask the restaurant owner to serve them a plate, and even be willing to pay any price. At this time, the boss would smile and invite him into his kitchen to watch the whole process of cooking ingredients - of course, no one would see those greedy diners after that.

Henry showed a disdainful smile: relying on the old friendship of accomplices for many years, he was confident that he could convince the boss to stand on his side. If the group of outsiders really had any unrealistic intentions towards him, the thugs and a large number of undead creatures hidden in the kitchen would be enough to make them retreat.

Otherwise, it would not take long for him to "taste" their courage.

What is the meat of the vampire like? Henry subconsciously secreted a lot of saliva in his mouth, and his stomach and intestines also moved unconsciously.

It seems that it is time to have a full meal first, and it is better to talk about other things later...

The necromancer did not let Ron and others wait too long, but three days later, a letter with the smell of perfume was delivered to Ron's door. The letter was signed by the magician Henry Robertson, who sincerely invited the lord of the Delusion Land and his guards to dine together at the "Baka Restaurant" the next afternoon.

"A letter from that scumbag?" Sylvia and Victoria had just returned from going out, and the vampire mage frowned as soon as he entered the door.

"He used this often before?" Ron raised the envelope in his hand, "I have to say, this thing is quite useful, at least the perfume is well chosen."

"Which one is it in Rose City? I can buy some next time."

"This is not produced in Rose City," Constance, who was sinking her whole body into the soft sofa, flapped her nose and frowned, "The spices used in it are very niche. No store in Rose City will use these things."

"And there are some..."

"Animal fat?" Sylvia interrupted and sneered, "But the source is not just 'animal'."

"...Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Ron's hand trembled, and at the same time as he threw the letter out, he instantly shot out a flaming arrow to burn it to ashes: "Are all necromancers so perverted?!"

"I don't know about others, but that old guy is like this-he said where to let you eat, let me guess, 'Baka'?"

"Where have you been?"

"It's a place he often goes to," the vampire's eyes showed a smile. A little bit of nostalgia, but more of hatred, "I... go there occasionally. You know, my diet is different from that of normal people."

"Henry would send his failed products to the Baka Restaurant, and when I was tortured by him and was covered with scars, I would sneak there to 'purchase'."

"In short, if you are not interested in his special food, I suggest not to eat anything there, and it is best not to drink alcohol - there is a reason why he has so many repeat customers."

"It seems that they are on guard..." Victoria touched her chin, "There are also several Orthodox churches in Carolina City. Why don't we inform the church and take this opportunity to take them down together?"

"They must have many eyes and ears here for so many years. It would be bad to rashly alert them," Ron waved his hand, "especially those clergy. They are not short of money, nor do they seek fame. It is not easy to bribe them."

"It's a pity that we are a little old, otherwise they would be happy to help if we deliver it to their door." Quest said with a smile.

Ron rolled his eyes: "Aren't you a doppelganger? Since it was you who proposed it, I'll send you over later."

"Then be careful of them, don't deny your promises," Hendricks's butler Strider happened to be nearby, shaking his head in disapproval, "Carolina is not like Rose City, you can't expect them to keep their promises."

"But I have found some people these days, maybe they can help Miss Constance - and Lord Ron."

Facing the gazes of the crowd, the half-ling butler looked calm: "If you want to develop a market and sell goods in a place, you can't just focus on the people above, those at the bottom are also worthy of attention."

"I have been investigating for my master in Carolina these days, and I have met a group of people - although most of them are ordinary people, they all have some skills, so it's not a bad idea to use them..."

Thread cleared his throat: "And if my prediction is correct, Mr. Daniel and the eldest son of the Faber family have also made progress. The necromancer is certainly wary and has weaved a spider web waiting for Lord Ron. Jump in; but what if the web we weave is bigger and more complicated than his?"

Listening to Thred's words, Ron became more and more convinced that this old butler was definitely not as simple as he seemed, and immediately pulled him into the plan. At the same time, Ivy also brought Daniel and Liya. Los also found his eldest brother.

As everyone separated after the calculation was settled, a dense network targeting the Necromancer was slowly spread out without the other party's knowledge.

"Tomorrow I will attend the meeting with you, my benefactor." After the meeting, Sylvia walked up to Ron and glanced at Ivy lightly. "After all, I am going to the banquet in name. Can I send heavy armor and tower shield?" Useful."

"And the food there must be prepared before taking action. I can eat it without you having to put yourself at risk."

Outside of the battlefield, it would be difficult for Ivy to protect Ron. Although Quest was experienced, it would be difficult for him to take care of all aspects.

"And here's me!" Drayford jumped on the table, "Don't worry, there's something wrong with the food there? Just leave it all to me, you don't need to come!"

"You-" Sylvia was choked up suddenly, and she almost forgot that there was this guy!

Why are you here to cause trouble? !

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