Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 282 Returning the Property to Its Original Owner

"Ha, should we still thank you for your honesty?" Ivy stared at the elf next to her displeasedly. She sat between Ron and Gilennis to keep a safe distance for Ron, "Ron, If you want to take advantage of this guy, I suggest you tie her up or put her under house arrest to avoid harming the territory."

"Ivy, this makes no sense." Ron opened his mouth to try to persuade the half-elf, but found that Gilennis actually said the same thing as him.

Ron couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but the latter stopped and motioned for Ron to continue.

"Look, if she was hostile to us, she would have taken action long ago. Although the location of Delusion is remote, it has a great reputation. If she wanted to take action, it would be the same everywhere."

"Then we can't just bring her here. This is inviting a wolf into the house!" Ivy still wanted to protest, "She is the chief mage of Hailan's evil empire! How many people has she killed!"

"So, can you name six?" Gilenis glanced at this half-elf human, "If I were as evil as you said, wouldn't it be difficult? "

"Uh, the former owner of Sera's Canglan Grip!"

"I also died with him, okay, that counts as one," Gilenis nodded, "What else?"

"And..." Ivy racked her brains to recall the stories her mother Liya told her, "and..."

"The Massacre in Nixank Village! The Massacre of the Hylan Caravan! Valkivi——" Ivy simply listed all the atrocities she knew about the Hylan Empire, but found that Gilenis actually Speak and pronounce words in sync with yourself! "Why are you trying to imitate me?!"

"I didn't, I just guessed that you would throw all the blame on me," Gilenis shrugged, "I'm just a mage, and Gallan Nord is just a civilian. If it weren't for my own efforts, Maybe they will become slaves in the arena."

"I am a scholar, and I am not a necromancer like Henry Robertson. How can I have the time to commit murders everywhere? My only attempt to make war weapons was rejected by those noble gentlemen. The only one I killed with my own hands was the orc. There is only one other one—the former lord of Carolina.”

"I am interested in fighting, but I am not sensitive to killing. In fact, even dealing with that orc is actually the royal family's instruction. If the eldest princess had not seen my strength and loyalty, I would not have taken action - Huanghuang Empire If you can't even suppress the slave uprising, do you still need the chief mage to take action?"

"Of course I have to admit that there are indeed some warmongers among the researchers under me, but what does that have to do with me? Wouldn't they be serving the empire without me?"

"So you can rest assured that I am not an executioner. If you, Ron, can be my volunteer, I can even be a little more restrained."

"...Are you so obsessed with me?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I follow you?" Gilenis nodded matter-of-factly, "You can certainly understand the feeling of a research reaching a bottleneck, right? Not to mention being stuck in the bottleneck for various reasons. century!"

"Oh, you can't understand. After all, human lifespan is not that long..."

Although Gilenis tried her best to avoid linking herself to the evil deeds of the Hyland Empire, Ron suspected that she was hiding part of the truth. However, if Gilennis is willing to join their side, it will be of great benefit to Ron and others in running the territory of Delusion Land and facing the Delusion Land area itself. A powerful, knowledgeable and even proficient mage in melee combat will will be their biggest trump card.

She didn't achieve the feat of reviving Hyland in a slave city like Carolina, so how big of a wave could she make in a land of delusion? Overall, the pros outweigh the cons!

"Okay, I am very willing to cooperate with scholars like you," Ron drank the remaining wine in his glass, "But in the end, since it is cooperation, I have to put forward my conditions."

"Just say it."

"First of all, you can't do what you did before under my rule. Reversing history and returning to feudal society is the limit of what I can tolerate. Slavery is really too backward."

"Do you have a lot of elves there?"

"A very small part."

"Then you should spare me," Gilenis rolled her eyes, "Inciting other races to say that they are the strongest? Let me die with the Hyland Empire!"

"Okay, then you agree - secondly, there are many dangerous beings in Delusion Land. Without my permission, you cannot use any excuse to provoke them; if we accidentally disturb some of them, You have to be on our side."

"It's acceptable. I even want to add another one: If the situation is irreversible, I have the obligation to take you away safely - how do you feel?"

"To protect your 'experiment'." Ivy rolled her eyes, but Gilenis didn't care at all, and was even happy to admit that this was the reason.

"Finally..." Ron glanced at the spell weaving preface next to the Archmage, "Can you provide some help regarding the future development of me and several of my fellow spell casters?"

"Teaching? Of course, I have served as a teaching assistant in several colleges, and later I was a professor and honorary principal of Highland College." Gillianis did not refuse Ron's request, "Oh, by the way, You don’t have a spell book now, do you have a replacement?”

"Yes, there is a stack of straw paper in the drawer of my room," Ron curled his lips, "If you already have a spell book, can you lend me the Weaving Preface to use first?"

"As a spellcaster, I am still quite limited without a spellcasting tool."

"Of course, I can't use it now anyway, so I'll give it to you. It's a small gift from me." Gillianis stretched out her hand to summon the Weaving Preface. This spell book was extremely resistant to leaving its owner, but Gillianis didn't have any intention of lingering, and slapped the cover of the book.

"It's been so long since we last met, and you dare not even listen to me? Go!"

"Which god left a mark on this human? If I can get some clues from him..." At the moment of hitting the book, Gillianis's eyes were briefly gloomy.

This exchange was limited to Gillianis and the Weaving Preface, and outsiders had no way of noticing it.

"You are just suffering a little more injustice. In my eyes, human life is but a fleeting moment. Don't even think about the high probability that he won't live to the end. Even if you wait until he dies of old age, it won't be too late for you to come back to me!"

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