Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 305: Disputing Groups

For Ron's tolerance, both the orcs and the current leaders of the centaurs were grateful. A few days later, these kindnesses naturally spread to the ears of their tribesmen.

The Split Tooth Tribe has no objection to the ideas left by the orc priests. In their tribe, the priest is not only a profession in charge of witchcraft, but also synonymous with "well-informed" and "able to communicate with the gods". , even the successor priests of the previous leaders have a certain say. Now that a new leader has not yet been elected, the priest is the only supreme leader, and her words are law to the tribe.

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But on the Zandia side, it was much more chaotic.

The centaurs have a much looser organizational structure than the orcs, not to mention that before Zandia's father died, he entrusted the clan affairs and the new clan leader himself to his younger brother Kolzim. Although neither the people nor the horses wanted to stay in the fantasy land, they had serious differences on the direction of migration.

"They haven't finished arguing yet?" Ron, who moved his residence to the renovated New Green Marsh Town, slept very poorly on the first night. On the one hand, in order to rebuild the New Green Marsh Town as soon as possible, he himself joined the construction team. Yesterday, I was so busy that I finally got a full nap in the middle of the night.

On the other hand, it was because right next door to his bedroom, those people had been arguing at the top of their lungs all night long! There was also a sound like a horse neighing in the middle!

Ron almost thought he was sleeping in the stable.

"Hmm, probably because they are fey, these creatures are really full of energy," Sylvia just opened the door and came out. As a vampire, she does not need real sleep, but meditation also requires a relative Quiet environment, "But don't tell me, they were noisy, but they didn't forget to eat, and they didn't even eat less."

"Based on their weight, this clan has been restraining their appetite in recent days," Gilenis walked in from outside. Massarino left in a hurry after the town's repairs were generally completed, so she is now He is the new arcane consultant in the territory, "But I am only referring to the people of Zandia's faction. Her uncle's faction can be said to be open-minded."

"Kolzim?" Ron raised his eyelids, "I remember that the main reason for his quarrel with Zandia was that he couldn't believe my recommendation, right?"

"Yes, he thought that you just came back from Carolina and wanted to sell them to slave owners in some way, so he advocated turning to the southeast and looking for a pasture between the city-state alliance and the eastern countries."

Judging from Gillianis's face, that Kolzim should have spoken ill of Carolina and Delusion Land. However, an elf who has lived for hundreds of years obviously cannot show his emotions so easily, so that group of people Centaurs and horses can also eat and drink with peace of mind.

"Oh, those principalities and kingdoms have already divided the land five hundred years ago. The only reason why they didn't actually occupy it is that they don't want to see blood." Constance, who had just finished dressing up and walked out of her room, sneered. He said twice, "Pasture? When the time comes, tax collectors from several countries will take turns scraping the land, and I'm afraid not even a root of grass will be left."

"They can do whatever they want, it's none of our business," Ron looked at Constance, who had recently taken on the responsibility of "administrative advisor" because of Falama's return to Purgatory, "Remember to remind them later, we are always here to help." This stay is not a big deal, just be a little more tactful, there is no need to anger that stupid guy."

Ron thought for a while and added: "A man and horse weigh several hundred kilograms of meat. If we really have to kill them all, it will be enough for the goblins and kobolds to eat for the rest of their lives. Why don't we ask them to leave, and maybe we can use them in the future?" get."

"Understood," Constance nodded, "You haven't considered Axuri? He is still growing, right? Dozens of people and horses may not be enough to eat..."

"He doesn't like it," Ron shook his head. "This guy's taste is getting further and further away from the black dragon. After we moved here, we have been around Ivy every day, which annoys your cousin to death."

The black-haired half-elf showed a strange smile: "Their family's cooking skills are all very good, but I have never thought that I can be favored by a black dragon - even a black dragon raised by a golden dragon."

"Even as a half-human, your life has just begun. There are still all kinds of 'unexpected' things waiting for you in the future." There is actually no difference between "half-elf" and "half-human" in common language. It's not too big, but Gilenis always likes to use a proper noun in the Elvish language to refer to the offspring of mixed blood between elves and humans.

When other races are treated in this way, they will probably think that they are discriminating in some way, but half-elves have long been accustomed to this.

"I admit this - but at least in a delusional way, there should be no more 'unexpected's, right?" Constance shrugged slightly, and she looked at Ron, "My lord, you have wiped out the remnants of the Hailan Empire. The remnants of the ancient kingdom have also been cleared away, and the delusional conquest is no longer a delusion. It seems that you are indeed the chosen one to rule this land. "

"I don't dare to say this," Ron's voice was drowned out for a moment by Korzim's shout next door, "The delusional land is far more than the part we are exploring now. Let's not talk about what can be seen from here. Behind the rolling mountains, there is a village ruled by demons just on the edge."

"And, oh, you weren't there at the time - not far from here, the remains of an old green dragon are still coiled under the tree. We still don't know what exactly killed it."

"Elderly green dragon?" Lake Gillennis's blue eyes lit up, "Where is it? Can you take me to see it? There are not many dragons in old age, and even fewer corpses!"

"We have emptied almost all the things in the cave, and now they are all piled up in Exuri's nest, and some are still in our hands." Sylvia took out her cane and shook it, "You If you want to see it, it’s just a few steps outside the town.”

"But Exuri is still the same. Unless Ron goes there in person, no one will be allowed to approach his treasure trove."

"Then he is probably one of the richest young dragons in history," Gilenis couldn't help but smile. "In that case, I want to go and see it with my own eyes. But I also hope that there will be Let’s go and visit. As your arcane advisor, the lord shouldn’t refuse, right?”

"This is nothing to refuse," Ron estimated that the stalemate between the people would continue. Although there were many matters at the moment, there were none that needed to be resolved personally. There was nothing wrong with accompanying the new consultant, "said Get up, is Exuri back now? That guy was rushed to erect a statue by the kobolds a few days ago - the doppelgangers complained to me a lot about this."

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