Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 310 The other side of the mountain

"Is this... dead again?"

Dreyfudeau reached out and poked the egret statue, and all his fingers touched was the hard and cold bronze surface: "What was it screaming just now?"

"The other side of the mountain?" Seymour was leaning against the window, looking out into the distance. From here he could only see the relatively nearby Kobold Canyon, but further away, a series of mountains stretched across the sky like a horizon. A touch of heterochromatic background, hazy.

Drow generally do not have excellent vision in daylight, and even the most legendary among them have to endure the scorching sunlight when they first face the rising sun. But after all, Seymour has lived on the surface for many years and has long been accustomed to light.

"I think it refers to the mountains over there, but I don't remember that side is not the territory of the devil? Even it and the remnants of Falama are still there." Kalad's eyes fell on the map, and the hobgoblin said That mountain range was emphatically marked - no contact.

Neither he nor Ron can guarantee that goblins and demons can live in peace. If there is a conflict, both parties are definitely not willing to see it.

"To be precise, the foul demon only controlled a small part of the area." Because of their contribution in the defense of New Green Swamp Town, Grant and his companions successfully washed away the stigma of former cultists. After Ron won a seat in the meeting, "The villagers will hunt and live in the area designated by her. If we don't want to have contact with her, we can completely bypass it."

"It's just..." Grant hesitated and continued, "I don't recommend that your lord go explore there. After all, it's far away from our territory. Even if the sky falls, there will be a taller Purgatory to hold it up. There's really no need to risk it. ”

"After all, the other side of the mountain is even more remote than ours. Many travelers who have not come to Delusion Land or are not close to that direction will not even regard it as part of Delusion Land! Sir, you have cleared the territory. Threat, even if you are officially sworn in as the lord of Delusion Land, no one will question the boundaries of your territory!"

"There is really no need to take this risk!" Lavinia hugged her arms and rode on the back of a chair. There was a stack of thick books on the chair so that the halfling priest sitting on it could expose his upper body. desktop.

"I have a different view on this," Bunney shook her head slightly, "Mr. Ron, the mystery of the delusion land has not been completely solved. None of us can be sure that the danger will not come back from the other side of the mountain."

"'Fortune favors the brave.' If we hesitate to move forward because of complacency or fear of the unknown, I'm not sure whether the goddess's smile can still favor us."

"Furthermore," Bunnie revealed one of Ron's biggest worries, "that former devil and now the devil, we can't be sure which side she and her master are on. If the other side of the mountain really gives out If we pay a price higher than our value, Purgatory will probably destroy us in turn, and the situation will probably be irreversible by then. "

"If the 'bookmaker' is on the other side, this situation is very likely to happen," Victoria agreed. "Although I don't want to say this, 'even' is not for the sake of justice and justice, just from the perspective of self-protection. , we should also do some exploration there, and at least find out what the 'Earl's Manor' behind this statue is."

"It sounds like the territory of some noble lord," Quest's feet were casually placed on the edge of the table, his arms resting on his head, and his whole body's center of gravity was tilted back, "But the earl is not the so-called Baron of Green Marsh. Comparable. I mean, if there is such a count, no matter who is canonized or calls himself, he will definitely not be an unknown person who can own a territory on the other side of the mountain. "

"But unfortunately, it seems that the 'count' is indeed unknown now," Constance and Carlos exchanged glances. "There is no such a number one figure in the city-state alliance, and I have never heard of wooing him." His rumors."

"It may not be the current Earl," Ron reminded. "Don't forget that this statue was a trophy taken from the green dragon's lair. This means that the Earl and his manor already existed at least one or two hundred years ago. , Considering the complicated situation in Delusion Land, I don’t think an ordinary earl family can sustain it for so long.”

"It's also possible!" Ron's reminder opened up the minds of many people, and everyone began to discuss it, and some of them had already begun to look for possible solutions to the problem.

For example, Anne, who has an "innate earth and wood body", when she left the conference room and came back in, a bronze dragonborn was pulled into the room.

Su Linna, this businessman has been doing very well in business with Delusion Land recently. After hearing the news that the renovation of New Green Marsh Town was completed, she was also the first businessman to come here after hearing the news, and planned to open her first store here. Regular shop. It's just that Constance and she haven't negotiated a contract yet, so Ms. Dragonborn is staying here temporarily these days.

"Su Linna has walked the route through Delusion Land for many years," Anne walked in and saluted Ron. This girl who was a little reserved when she first came has now become more generous, but her skin is inevitably a little tanned, " I think she can definitely help you.”

"Oh, Annie, I told you I can't..." Su Linna sighed repeatedly. It was obvious that she wanted to break away from Annie before entering the conference room, but now that she was dragged in, she could only laugh. Bowing to Ron, "Sir, I believe you can understand that a small business like ours is very afraid of suffering losses. How can we change it at will when we finally try a safe route?"

"I have been walking here for many, many years, and I really don't understand the situation on the other side of the mountain."

"Of course, I can understand," Ron smiled kindly and motioned for Su Linna to sit down, "But before that, before you try this road now, have you ever tried to climb over the mountains over there?"

"Don't worry, we know very little about the situation over there. We really want to learn more about it, and we don't mean to blame you harshly."

"Oh -" Su Linna protracted her voice, taking this opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief, "I thought you wanted to check my escape... to test my sincerity in cooperation."

"Let me tell you this, although I have never been there, a close friend of mine, a forest dwarf businessman who is more successful than me, once tried this. The reason is not complicated, probably in the 70s or 80s. Years ago, she heard that a new county was established over there, right in the mountains. "

"In order to make money, she bought a lot of supplies that might be lacking in the mountains to sell. However, after encountering monsters, harpies and even a hag, after going through many hardships, she only found an eerie ruins." When the bronze dragonborn talked about this, her generous body could not help but tremble. It seemed that the "sleep talk" between best friends had brought a lot of shadow to her.

"Another undead creature?" Sera shouted in disappointment, "Ron, can I not go this time? I have been fighting with those dead heads recently, and even my dreams are filled with their looks! I I’m going to vomit!”

"They are not the undead creatures you have encountered recently." Sulina glanced at the barbarians in awe. Even she who was not a resident of Delusion had heard of Sera's bravery. "Forgive me for not being able to remember the specific description. But all in all, the story of my close friend is filled with blood, curses, and all kinds of unspeakable things.”

"From then on, she would rather choose the less profitable waterway than do business from here."

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