"Sylvia!" When the priest spoke, the others instantly recognized their companions who had only been apart for a few days but whose temperament was completely different from before.

The vampire wizard at this time did not look like a slave who had just regained his freedom. If you ignore the familiar fabric inside the robe, she looked like a young lady from a vampire family!

With the gloomy atmosphere of this cemetery, was she born here?

"Sylvia, did you escape from those gargoyles?" Ron slapped his cheek, trying to sober himself up and not have such absurd thoughts.

Sylvia said that she was an orphan since she was a child, and the slave catchers in Carolina were all half-baked goods, and it was impossible for both parties to appear here. But how to explain the scene in front of him?

"Ron, Victoria," Sylvia's scarlet eyes seemed to have just focused. She looked fine, conscious, and recognized acquaintances, but she no longer called Ron a benefactor. "You actually managed to chase us here..."

"We spent a lot of effort to find you!" Driver grinned happily, "We went to find the eagle's nest! We also encountered a group of gnolls! In order to find you, I was even scolded by a giant eagle! Ouch..."

The goblin hunter was about to step forward while talking, but Quest took two steps back without a sound and grabbed the goblin's collar. The shapeshifter stared at Sylvia with his eyes that couldn't distinguish the whites of his eyes, and even his face, which lacked facial features and expressions, showed a vigilant look.

"Sylvia, how did you get here?" Shadow Spirit Yelena was also cautious about the appearance of the vampire mage. She had not spent much time with Quest and Sylvia, so she was more vigilant. "Where is the giant gargoyle? How did you break free from it? Or did it leave you here?"

"Giant gargoyle?" Sylvia raised her eyebrows, and after a little thought, she smiled, "Oh, you mean Old Opal? It's fine, but your attack scared it. It was seriously injured and is now recovering."

"They don't have any ill will towards me, they just want to invite me to their home for tea. Look, they also gave me this robe. Does it look good?"

Old Opal? Home? Drinking tea?

Everyone looked at each other. Sylvia spoke clearly and they could understand every word, but when they put it together, they were completely confused.

"What are you talking about?" Ivy frowned, "Did we come to another world, or did your time pass faster than ours?"

"And you said home? How can you have a home here?!"

"Ah, dear Ivy, I can fully understand your confusion," Sylvia smiled, not minding Ivy's series of almost questioning tone, "After all, even I didn't understand what was going on until yesterday."

"But it doesn't matter, you will understand. I heard that there was a fight in the cemetery, so I came to see. Since you are here, why don't you come with me to meet the current owner of this place? You are my good friends, and he will definitely welcome you."

"As for this guy-"

Sylvia suddenly turned her head and looked at the two resentful species who were about to escape quietly. The dark energy in the cemetery was mobilized as she watched. The shadow that Shadow Spirit once relied on for a living no longer favored him at this moment, but turned into a series of imprisonment and shackles, making him unable to move.

"No, no!" The Dark Weaver and his raven struggled with all their might, but all their efforts were in vain. Just as a person trapped in quicksand cannot dig out of the quicksand to get out of trouble, the two creatures controlled by the shadow cannot get out of their shackles by mobilizing the power of the shadow.

Sylvia pointed at the stone platforms, tombstones and dead trees around her, and those dead things suddenly came to life. Two guillotines that fit the size of the criminals were created out of thin air and landed steadily in the cemetery. The surrounding shadows transformed into two big hands, sending the Dark Weaver and his raven to the torture instruments at the same time.

"You can't kill me! I'm the Raven Queen--"

"Shh, shh," Sylvia snapped her fingers, and the rough and bitter bark was roughly stuffed into the mouths of Shadow Spirit and Raven, making them unable to make any more noises. "My friends and I are reunited after a short separation. How can you have a say here?"

"Ron, oh sorry, benefactor," Sylvia turned to Ron with a smile, "The fate of these two guys should be decided by you. Just a word from you, and it will be done quickly without even dirtying your hands."

"Kill them? Or let them go?"

"Let him decide?" Ivy rolled her eyes unhappily, "Everything here is obviously decided by you, right? Look at the surroundings! Isn't it Even our life and death are determined by your words? "

"Sylvia, what have you been through?" The priest of Heim looked at her friend in confusion. The holy emblem in her hand had never been so hot. "Are you possessed by some evil being? Tell me, just one look is enough, we will help you!"

"Possessed? Victoria, what are you talking about? I don't need your help." The dhampir took a step forward, but found that others were retreating backwards, so he had to stop. "I'm fine now, can't you see? I'm stronger than ever! I can deploy my strength at will! I feel great! I have never felt so good since I was born!"

"Do you know what this means? I can return to a 'normal' life! I can control my own destiny! Henry, Carolina! No one or force can control me as they wish! Treat me like a commodity and livestock! I finally Completely free!"

Sylvia's excitement infected the surrounding plants and trees, and the two guillotines were no exception. The oblique triangular blades on them were constantly vibrating, reflecting the extremely frightened face of the shadow spirit below in the moonlight.

"As for what you said, haha," Sylvia looked at Ivy with a malicious joke in her eyes, "You are right, I can indeed control everything here, but please rest assured, 'life and death' and so on , I will only consider the first word no matter what.”

"After all, you have saved me more than once, and you even helped me get rid of my biggest enemy in this life. I can't think of any other way to repay such kindness except using time."

Without warning, a chill went up on Ron's back, but the aristocratic Sylvia in his eyes was so delicate and harmless. She walked towards Ron step by step: "But the good news is, I really have a lot of time now~"

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