The witch's power seems to have recovered a lot in the past few days. The blood-colored candles around the magic circle are swaying, and the cold night wind gathers from all directions. Behind Hekate, a whole three-headed air giant spirit condenses, moving towards the vampire. The count roared away.

"Delayed fate? Huh..." After confirming that the person in front of him was indeed his wife, the count calmed down. A long sword filled with ominous power fell into his palm, and there was a faint sound of the roar of the dead soul where he wielded it. He said, "You are right, but it is not me who is the one to meet my fate, but you!"

"Let me use this sword to accomplish what I should have done long ago!"

"You beast! This is Mary's body! Are you going to sacrifice her to the lich too?!"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

"I just want to make her whole again!" The count turned into a black and red shadow, and with a huge force that did not match his appearance at all, the air giants collided with each other!

"Sir Ron!" The earl's voice came faintly amidst the howling wind, "Help me take down this witch! She doesn't have the dignity of a noble, and she will never let you continue to exist!"

"But at least I'm not a demon who kills his wife and abandons his daughter!" Hecate shouted in a deep voice, "Boy! Get rid of this scourge!"

"Ron, what should I do?" Ivy looked solemnly at the pair of enemies who were equally matched for a while, and murmured to herself, "Fortunately, they are not my parents, otherwise they would have declined..."

"My suggestion is to leave here. No one can stop us except those gargoyles," Victoria held up the Holy Emblem. The undead in the earldom were all simple farmers and craftsmen in life, and they did not know how to harm people after death. , one after another got out of the way under the divine light and fled in all directions, "Sylvia, let's leave together!"

The vampire mage stared at the fighting count and witch, and squeezed out one word through his teeth: "No."

"What?" The priest looked at his companions in shock, "Are you crazy? This is not a battle we can participate in! One air giant alone is powerful enough!"

"But we don't necessarily have to fight them." The vampire's blood-red eyes were filled with a strange pink color. "Aren't there opponents here that I can beat?"

"Sylvia? You!" Ron looked into Sylvia's eyes and suddenly realized, "She was charmed by that damn vampire! Wake her up!"

"It's too late!" Sylvia laughed sarcastically. Dozens of neighing hounds jumped out from the ether, instantly disrupting the formation of Ron and others. "Do you think I would treat a group of strangers like this?" Unprepared? This companion of yours has been under my influence for two weeks, just for this moment!"

"Although I don't know how you did it, you must have awakened this old witch, right? Since you like digging up secrets so much, then you should be buried with her!"

"Sylvia! Take the cane! From today on, you are my only heir. As your daughter, the cane is given to you!"

"Damn it, stop her!" Ron summoned a piece of cold air as sharp as a cone, forcing Sylvia and some of the hounds back. Quest appeared from the shadows and jumped into the air, trying to intercept Hu Na's cane.

"Give me the cane!" Sylvia ordered, and a neighing hound quickly disappeared into the material world. When it reappeared, it actually stepped on Quest's head and jumped up using the monk as a springboard. He got up, bit the stick in one bite, and once again disappeared into the etheric plane, sending the stick to his master's hand!

At this moment, the hounds are more excited and bloodthirsty than ever before. In the past days, they have always felt that the mistress is not evil enough, but now, they are satisfied!

This is the evil master they want to follow!


"Flame Strike!" Sylvia had just gotten the cane, and before she had time to use the unique darkness technique in the cane, a pillar of holy fire roared from heaven and fell on her body, and the high temperature burned her. The vampire mage was not in such a state of embarrassment, but the light power that could not tolerate a trace of evil almost drove her to pieces!

"Victoria! Do you want to kill me?!" Sylvia turned into a black mist in embarrassment and escaped from the range of the flame attack. Her angry roar was definitely not exaggerated - she might really have been attacked just now. Kill directly!

Even the vampires who escaped with their lives are not in good condition now: the high-end dress was burnt into countless charred pieces. Since it was not lined with other clothes, large swaths of skin were exposed, slightly showing. Under the red moonlight, it looked as fragile as a baby's skin.

Before the ghost choir could run away, whistles sounded again.

"Sylvia! Wake up!" The priest put down the mace that was hot from the spell, and looked at his best friend with an extremely troubled expression, "You really want to end up like that count. The end?"

"What's the end?" The dark spell wrapped up the embarrassing spell tightly, and her voice came from inside, "Look carefully, that witch is no match for him at all! He is invincible here! You still have to ask Let him yield!"

"Bow down to a junior? I won't allow it." Yelena's thorn chain penetrated the dark spell that covered Sylvia like a poisonous snake. "Although I know that you don't know what you are doing now, I am still very unhappy."

"You are just a lowly person, but you really think you can turn into a phoenix?" The shadow spirit, who was also Richthofen, said in a bad tone, "Do you really think he would be so kind to give you everything - you dare to bite me?!"

In the virtual darkness, the shadow spirit covered his neck, and blood flowed from the wound. Opposite Yelena, Sylvia, who tasted the blood of the shadow spirit, squatted down and retched constantly.

The shadow spirit approached Sylvia lightly and took away her magic weapon: "Like I said when we first met - does my noble blood suit your appetite?"

"Although you have a good relationship, I am an outsider. It is understandable to kill you in this situation," Yelena put the thorn chain lightly around Sylvia's neck and several vital points, "Anyway, in this darkness, they don't know what happened, right?"

However, at the moment when the shadow spirit was about to kill, the fleshy feeling from the thorn chain disappeared instantly, and Sylvia actually escaped from her restraints!

"How could this happen--" Shadow Spirit left the range of the dark magic in confusion, and then she understood what was going on: over there, the fighting couple had already decided the winner. Hecate had just woken up, and this was the earl's territory. The power that she initially relied on to burst out with emotions was just rootless duckweed. After several fights, she finally couldn't resist anymore and was nailed to death in the magic circle by the earl's magic sword.

"If it weren't for the fact that I'll keep you for a while, hum..." The earl held up the bruised Sylvia and put her at his feet, "The cane was taken away? It doesn't matter, you can rest here for a while, because all this will soon be irrelevant."

The vampire count let out a sharp roar to the sky, and with the sound of the gargoyle flapping its wings coming from far away, old Opal, the big gargoyle whose lower body has not yet recovered, flew over with a giant stone sword that was two circles larger than the Canglan Grip, and respectfully presented the stone sword to its owner.

"You are not good neighbors, really," the Earl waved his hand twice, and the huge stone sword in his hand was as light as paper. "I had planned a banquet, but now it seems useless."

"Come on! Let you see what real power is before you die!"

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