Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 337: Strange Fungi

The thickness of the walls in the castle is far from that of ordinary people's walls. Even if Quest tried to confirm his speculation through sound, it would be in vain. But as a spy with rich experience, Quest's words are naturally convincing.

"Is this the secret door?" Ivy came forward, "Could it be that the mechanism is on this coffin?"

The half-elf leaned down, but she pressed every ridge and groove on the coffin, which was supported by unknown wood, and did not find anything that could be called a mechanism.

"I've been to several dungeons before, and generally speaking, the traps are near the secret doors, right?" The half-elf stood up in confusion, and pondered the other coffins in the room, "Does it mean that all of these should be arranged in a certain order...?"

"Ron, will there be any clues in that notebook?"

"Your way of thinking is just like a pure-blooded elf," Yelena complained, "Don't look at me like that, I'm complimenting you."

"Are you used to thinking in a complicated direction?" Quest chuckled, "Ms. Ivy, you don't seem to have considered the order of these: the vampire count built this When he was in the castle, he was not a vampire yet, so naturally he would not want to sleep in a coffin, let alone arrange the corpses of his subordinates. "

"Secondly, unlike the dungeon, this is the lord's bedroom. Neither the vampire count nor his wife Hecate would bother to use such a troublesome method, so..."

Under the gaze of the crowd, Quest knocked on the wall for a while, and soon came to a lamp. As he stretched out his hand and pushed the lamp into the wall, accompanied by a "click" sound, a stone door slowly opened at the head of the count's bed, revealing a small secret room.

"You're amazing, Quest!" Driver jumped in excitedly, "How did you notice this? I didn't notice any difference between the inside and outside of the castle!"

"We both have our own specialties," Quest smiled modestly, "I'm not as good as you in setting and removing traps in the jungle; but I'm an expert in 'finding things' in these gentlemen's homes."

"It looks like an alchemy laboratory," Ron took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth and nose, and walked into the secret room carefully, "I didn't expect that our Earl is also a botanist."

Ron's knowledge of fungi is limited to basic knowledge, but even he can recognize several common fungi cultivated in this laboratory. These species prefer dark and humid environments to thrive in this laboratory. The adults will be picked and processed, and made into samples on the laboratory table for the Earl to study.

"He also set up a suitable temperature and environment for this laboratory," Sylvia carefully checked the entrance of the secret door. There was actually a series of magic circles here, but because a thin layer of lead was embedded in the middle of the stone door, the detection magic could not see through the back of the stone door. "This is really strange. I thought he would prefer to study blood magic."

"This should be related to the ancient empire." Ron sat on the chair in front of the laboratory table and opened the cabinets and drawers to look for the experimental record form. He did find it, but after flipping through a few pages, Ron threw the record back with a look of disgust.

"This earl is a complete layman. Who writes records only "consistent with expectations" and "different from the groups in the ruins"? Who knows what you expected!"

"Maybe he didn't want to show these to outsiders-are there any left by his wife?" Sylvia asked.

Ron picked up a handful of something that was half ash and half mud from another drawer with all the labels falling off; "I guess this is it. For hundreds of years, the Earl did not take any protective measures on them, and let them, let me see... let all the records from more than 40 years ago become like this."

"And I even found the fungi he cultivated here in it - this guy didn't even wash his hands after doing the experiment?!"

Ron threw away the garbage in his hand with disgust, and tried to shake off the fungi sticking to his hands, but strangely, these dark red fungi seemed to have taken root, and no matter how Ron tried, he couldn't get rid of them!

"...Not good."

Feeling the changes in his hands, these fungi seemed to be alive - no, the fungi were alive! The difference is that these fungi are trying to use his flesh as a breeding ground! Ron muttered something, and then quickly called Victoria to help: "Victoria, I need a protective toxin!"

"It's been used up a long time ago!" Victoria rushed in, but her words poured cold water on Ron, "The fangs of the vampire count are poisonous! They were all used up when fighting him!"

"What about curing diseases? These fungi are not right!" Ron showed everyone the fungi on his hand that were still trying to destroy his skin, "Bear's Toughness should be kept?"

"...Today is expected to have a fierce battle, so I didn't prepare any magic to strengthen attributes."

"Then what do you have? This thing is starting to bite me!"

The priest of Heim lowered his head and pondered for a while: "Let's try a blessing spell?"

The priests of slightly higher-level magic have basically used up all the spells, but there are still a few blessings left. As Victoria chanted to bless Ron, Ron could clearly feel that these fungi had temporarily given up the intention to attack, but this was only a stopgap measure, and the blessing spell could not completely eliminate the bacteria.

"And it can only last for one minute," Victoria frowned and looked at the dark red mold on Ron's hand, "What on earth is this?"

"How should I know? The earl's record is the same as if it was not written," Ron stretched out his hand as much as possible in frustration, not letting these fungi touch other parts of his body. To be honest, this is the first time he has encountered a plant that he doesn't know at all since he came to this world! And he was tricked!

In the multiverse, the lives of many worlds are the same or similar, otherwise races such as humans, elves and dwarves would not be able to flourish everywhere. Take this world and the place where Ron originally lived as an example. The biggest difference between the common plants on both sides is the different names. The main purpose of Ron's homework on herbal medicine here is to match the names of both sides with the plants themselves.

But this kind of fungus, no matter how hard Ron tried to recall it, he couldn't remember any information about it, and several similar fungi were quickly denied by him.

There is no such thing in both worlds? Then how did it appear here? More importantly: How can Ron, who is now entangled by it, escape?

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