Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 339: The Bengtson Family

Drayford's sudden intelligence is shocking, but with the current state of Ron's team, they really can't continue exploring.

"My shield was destroyed by the Earl, and even Victoria's repair skills can't restore it to its original state." When Ron and Dryford asked other people's opinions, Ivy said in frustration.

"I enjoy the time of exploring with you, but this intensity of battle is really too much for me..." Quest smiled, "I think I can provide you with more help in other aspects."

Shadow Spirit stared at the secret door that was closed again: "I have been targeted by my compatriots. If you don't want to face them in the future, it is best not to take me with you, so that both of us will It will save you some trouble.”

Since the two temporarily invited foreign aids had no desire to continue fighting, and several other companions and their equipment had been damaged to varying degrees, Ron and Dryford had to give up their plan to take immediate action. Instead, he searched the castle with everyone and then returned home.

In the count's study, everyone found a map of the nearby area. There was obviously a gap between the route seen from the perspective of the giant eagle and the better route for flightless humanoids. With the help of the map, everyone finally There is no need to go into the woods and compete with those physically difficult mud monsters.

After crossing the mountains, passing the last settlement of Falama remnants and the green dragon's lair, and passing through the Kobold Canyon, the team finally returned to their own territory after more than ten days. From the outside, New Green Swamp Town appears more prosperous than when they left. The surrounding land has been reclaimed in large areas, and there are almost no traces of the ruins and dangerous swamps that once existed.

"Master, it has moved into that tower!" When Ron and others arrived at Exuri's lair, there was only one spirit left wandering around.

You's body was much more solid than before. At this moment, she was controlling a set of cleaning tools to clean the nest. She didn't seem to be surprised when Ron and others arrived.

"The master lost and recovered a living bronze statue a few days ago. It told the master that you are on the way back," You explained. "The master seemed a little afraid of it at first, but after signing a contract with it, he left it Taken to the tower with several other of his treasures."

"Why didn't you go with me?" Ivy asked curiously, "I remember you won't be tied to a specific place, right?"

"I stay here voluntarily," You's translucent body was erratic. "Master, most of the treasures are still here. I think I still can't trust two Mimics without legs."

"Isn't that necessary?" Sylvia asked curiously, "Is it possible that there are thieves here who dare to steal from us?"

"There are not many residents here, but the current place of delusion is no longer the small and isolated place it once was," You explained. "Recently, another group of caravans came, and then some sneaky figures appeared near here. The owner doesn’t take them seriously, but I think I should take responsibility and protect the owner’s property.”

"Caravan? Where did they come from..." Ron patted his forehead, "Forget it, I think I'd better go back to the city and have a look - I will investigate this matter, if there is really someone with evil intentions. , I will give you and Exuri an explanation."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Ron!"

"How many times have I told you, this is not a place for bargaining!"

In the church of New Green Marsh Town, Bunnie, who looked helpless, was having a heated exchange with a group of outsiders: "This is the temple of the goddess of luck! It also enshrines Heim, Tyr and several other gods. I and other priests We are happy to offer help to passers-by, but it cannot be given away for free - you have to pay a handling fee!”

"Ms. Smile doesn't care about this little money, but we mortals can't just rely on the lord's charity!"

"Come on, Miss Bunney," a tall young man with blond hair and a crew cut sneered, "Look at your magnificent church, I don't remember that Tymora needs such a place to spread the gospel for Him. , you must have a lot of savings, right? You still don’t have enough money like us!”

"We came all the way from Yungang, and my companion was attacked and injured by wild beasts in your territory. You must give me an explanation for this! At least I ask you to provide free treatment services to us!"

"Otherwise..." Behind the young man, a man with his head and shoulders covered in purple satin sneered, "When we go back, I'm afraid we won't have anything good to say for you! I don't know if we wait until Yungang When the caravans no longer pass through here, will your lord, who is going on a sightseeing tour, still care about your merits? "

"You!" The halfling priest glared at the pair of unreasonable strangers, but this only made them laugh more unscrupulously. The other priests and residents in the church cast sympathetic glances at Bunnie, but almost no one Be willing to step up and mess with these guys.

Because this group of outsiders have a common feature: on their left shoulders, they all wear a silver star pendant - this is the symbol of the Bengsen family from Yungang.

As one of the three largest families in Yungang, the Bengtson family, which almost monopolizes the shipping industry, can grab millions of gold coins from the fleets every year. However, in recent months, due to the opening of the trade route through the Delusion Land, a large number of merchants no longer take the traditional safer but less profitable sea route, which has caused their family's profits to drop by 3% in the past few months! This is absolutely unacceptable for a business family that is penny-wise and pound-foolish!

So, a caravan led by Levi Bengtson set out from the land to the Delusion Land, trying to reach an agreement with the lord here in order to maintain their family's business. However, Levi and others came at an unfortunate time, and Ron and others were not here, so they could only stay temporarily.

During the long wait, as patience was worn out bit by bit, Levi and others decided to take the initiative and find a way to let their side take the initiative first, so that when the lord who didn't even have a surname came back, even if he was reluctant, he could only kowtow to their Bengtson family!

Levi, who had a crew cut, glanced at the attendant lying on the stretcher behind him, and sneered at Bunny: "Ms. Bunny, as a priest, you can't just stand by and watch someone die, right? Otherwise, if my companion dies here, won't things get even harder to resolve?"

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