As Raymond Aron said, although paladins generally seek a home for their beliefs, their actual source of power is their oath, which cannot be taken away by anyone. The "deprivation" that Aaron claimed that day was essentially a shakedown of Andre's belief. If the young man had been swayed by his authority, words and will at that time, then Andre would really become a man again. An ordinary person's.

As for the Forsworn like the Death Knight? Andre is far from qualified.

"Yes." Andre said this, but how much he understood, maybe only he can understand, or he will never understand in his life, the presiding judge who almost took out his heart and lungs, invisibly determines his future direction.

Ron didn't know what they were muttering about. For him, the oath he took when he first entered the industry in his previous life could not give him the power like a paladin. Compared with this kind of power, he still believed more in relying on his own hands and brains. results.

Except for the small commotion caused by the reconciliation between Andre and Aron, the whole banquet can be said to be a feast for the guests and the host. The four people in Molten Iron Barrier bid farewell to the delusional land after getting on the horses and beasts of burden, and soon Then it disappeared into the distance with the smoke.

Since dreaming of being on the right track, various forces or organizations have come to visit in an endless stream. Molten Iron Barrier is not the first, and it will definitely not be the last. For Ron and others, they may be just dangerous passers-by, but this journey has changed the fate of the visitors.

Especially Priest Pergran.

Although it is located in the south, with the changes in the environment, this winter has become colder. Molten Iron Barrier, this mountain city forged by the ancient dwarves, also ushered in the sixth heavy snowfall since the establishment of the Order.

"Hiss, ha..." Pelgland walked in the corridor of the religious order's residence, exhaling whitely while wrapping his reddish-brown bishop's robe tightly around him. Shortly after she and her comrades returned from the delusion, with the submission of the report, all four of them received promotions to varying degrees. It is extremely rare for a priest who was removed from the battlefield to receive such a commendation without any military merits. This is extremely rare in the religious order. All three of Raymond have attracted a lot of criticism.

Pelgland is the only one among the four who no one questions. The secondary reason is naturally because she has been nominated as a bishop for many years. The main reason is that this promotion to bishop was personally nominated by the archbishop of the religious order. The reason is that during the delusional journey, Pelgran accomplished the tasks assigned to him brilliantly and strengthened the connection between the Order and a new lord.

But Pelgren herself sneered at this reason - could she not know how much she had done? But no matter what, becoming a bishop was her long-cherished wish, and it was certainly a good thing to be able to realize it in this way now, and she had no intention of delving into anything else.

Anyway, all processes are done in strict accordance with order, right?

Pelgland, who was already a bishop, looked up at the row of round windows in the corridor that connected to the outside world. His eyes were a little satisfied, but also a little melancholy. The responsibilities of a bishop cannot be compared to that of a priest. The next time she returns to the battlefield, she may have to command hundreds of people to fight like Lao Lei. Can she really do as well as him?

Speaking of which, Lao Lei seems to have been transferred to another place. I don’t know when we can get together again...

A burst of footsteps behind her interrupted Pelgren's thoughts. She looked back and saw a tall, gray-haired old man coming along the corridor. He was wearing the clothes representing the supreme leader of the cult. Outside He wore a large and thick dark animal skin cloak. The bright and dark runes on it showed that this cloak was not ordinary.

Ha... Even the archbishop can't stand this damn weather. Pelgren complained in his heart. The order has not experienced such extreme weather in so many years. Many monks and nuns do not have thick clothes at all, but the archbishop is old and mature.

"Bishop Pelgland," the archbishop is sixty-nine years old this year. As a human being, his life span is nearing the end, but as a loyal believer serving God, his career has not yet begun. "It's cold in the corridor. Why are you here?" Why don’t you wear two more thick clothes?”

"Look at how cold you are. Come on, put this on." As a priest personally named by the archbishop, Pergran is naturally qualified to receive special favor. The archbishop took off his cloak and put it on the bishop's body, and a warm current suddenly appeared. Filled in Pelgren's body, "You are still young, and you still have a long way to go in the future. How can you get cold-blooded disease?"

"Thank you, Archbishop." Pelgren felt a little grateful in her heart, but when she thought of the church members outside, this feeling was extinguished. "But there are still--"

"I know, I know," the archbishop raised his hand and pressed down, which is a gesture he often uses so that others can listen to him attentively. "Of course I know the plight of my colleagues, but now we also lack Thick clothing, so I can only wait until the clothing purchased from the elves arrives, and there is nothing I can do.”

fart! If the clothes haven't arrived, then send all the silk and linen in the warehouse! Pelgren cursed in his heart, but an expression of compassion appeared on his face: "They will definitely feel your compassion."

"By the way, sir, it's so cold now, what are you going to do? I'll see you off."

"No, it's just a matter of a few steps," the archbishop said with a smile, "I'm going to the chapel, and I have an impromptu meeting with Lord Thred today."

"An emergency meeting?" Perglen blinked. "Since becoming the bishop, she only spent three days to fully understand the style of these 'adults' - they are the kind of people who have a regular schedule for how many times they chew their food - what could cause them to hold an "adventure meeting"?

And the chapel is not a place for meetings.

"About the war against the abyss," the archbishop's expression became serious. "Before, due to our regulations, our comrades on the front line were trapped in death. After that, we made changes to make the rules more complete and able to adapt to various emergencies. "

Pelgrand's eyes blinked again - how could she not know what was happening at the front?

With such doubts, after seeing off the Archbishop, Pelgrand saw that there was no one around, so he immediately slowed down his pace and followed quietly. As a veteran who had experienced the war with demons, Pelgrand's movements without armor were comparable to those of a ranger. She slowly put her ear to the door that had just been closed by the Archbishop, and listened attentively to the movement inside.

The Archbishop's voice came from inside, his voice was flat, and it was obvious that this was not the first time such a meeting had been held: "Lord Sred, is there any news from Rose City? How did the Grand Duke react to our proposal? "

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