Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 361 The priest who was picked up

Delusion Land is further north than the City-State Alliance, and the snow here is naturally thicker than other places. A large number of deciduous plants have become bare, and the few evergreen trees in the forest are mostly weak and look like they will succumb to the heavy snow at any time. The only exception is probably the vegetation planted by the green dragon.

During this first winter, Ron was not in a good mood. This is not because of the snow. The climate in Delusion is not as cold as that in my hometown.

But there are no insulated exterior walls, floor heating, heating and air conditioning!

It is unimaginable that he, a lord who was nominally born as a refugee, has become the most delicate one! Even Evander, the most pampered among his colleagues, is more frost-resistant than him!

"Sir, please tell me, which family do you come from?" The young master from Yungang came over in a hurry. He was already quite familiar with the business and squatted in front of the stove. He took the Luo En held the firewood in his hand, "Don't fool me with the 'falling from the sky' rhetoric. It's okay to lie to Drivedo and Karad, but I won't believe it."

"Which family in the south are you from? I heard that it's very warm over there. It's understandable that you haven't experienced such a cold weather. But I heard from merchants that it snowed heavily over there this year."

"You'd better believe what I say." Facing Evandel's approach for who knows how many times, what else can Ron say? But fortunately, he is the boss now, so he said so.

There were three gentle knocks on the office door. As Ron asked to come in, a moon elf with pointed ears, long white hair, and lake-blue eyes walked in. Gilenis changed her clothes to keep warm. The leather jacket was still on her right arm, and the sword-singing lion armor was still on her right arm. There was a light layer of snow falling on the lion armor, falling slowly as she moved.

"You are indeed here," Gilenis walked in, and Ron noticed something unusual about her today: the Elf Archmage's legs were also wearing a pair of armor today, and her torso seemed to be more swollen than usual. After several laps, this may not be an eye-catching change for humans, but it is obvious for the relatively slender elves. "Although it is cold outside, you, the lord, can't just stay in the house and warm yourself by the fire." Bar?"

"No way, didn't I go to your research institute to be a guinea pig yesterday?" Ron stood up and patted his clothes. The temperature of the flames still remaining on them was so warm. "It's winter now." There is no official business to deal with, so I am the lord staying in the house."

Speaking of this, Ron really likes the pace of life in this world. Although he can't even have a moment of free time during the autumn harvest, the reward is a winter of comfort - in the ice and snow, all farming, animal husbandry, civil engineering and other work have to be postponed. , even the progress at the mine has slowed down.

Ron is not a capitalist, let alone a landowner or even a slave owner. As long as these industries can meet basic needs and orders, it is enough. As for additional production, he is too lazy to arrange it.

Anyway, in this weather, most of the merchants are not going out anymore, so all the supplies they have are just piled up.

"The last time you went to my research institute was a week ago," Gilenis' mouth twitched, "I came here today to review your physical condition."

Ron thought about it carefully and then remembered the real timeline. He rolled up his sleeves obediently and stretched out his right arm. In the crook of his arm, a dark jade stone reflected a warm luster under the light of the fire. .

This is one of Gilenis's most important research results. As the former chief of the Hylan Empire, even under such delusional conditions, she still reproduced the results of her peak period, and even made Certain improvements - although she herself calls this a compromise.

"There is no objection. It seems that I am going in the right direction." Gilenis carefully inspected the jade inlaid on Ron's arm and then confirmed Ron's overall condition. "He is talented in arcane arts." "

"Maybe it's a matter of difficulty," Ron thought of the scythe he encountered in Carolina. "It's much more difficult to get the latter to be able to cast spells - even the simplest tricks - than to get the mage to do melee combat. . After all, zero to one and one to two are two difficulties.”

"That's your judgment as an outsider in this field," Gilenis rolled her eyes at Ron, "Wanting to achieve a level of martial arts that rivals that of a spell caster is not something you can just talk about."

"Have you ever sparred with Sera and the others? Do you really think that spellcasters will have enough advantages?"

Ron couldn't refute that it would be difficult for a spellcaster to compete with a powerful warrior without sufficient preparation - especially when the warrior could dash ten meters in a few seconds and swing continuously with a huge sword like a door panel. When cutting several times, if you are slightly careless, you may go directly to the finalist. Regarding this, Ron has experienced this many times in daily training.

But these days, Sera has been complaining that this kind of sparring is not interesting, so she simply chooses to plunge into the forest and force wild animals and monsters to bar their teeth. Considering that the chief had dealt with more terrifying prey in the North, Ron didn't bother to send people to protect her. He didn't know what she had gained these days.

Ron decided to change the topic: "Speaking of which, why are you dressed like this today? You don't need armor in the research institute, right?"

"Except for your progress, other work is difficult to proceed," Gillianis shrugged, "In this temperature, even the constant temperature array is difficult to sustain, and it is difficult to obtain accurate data - especially for the research on those red molds. They become abnormally slow at low temperatures. I don't want you to misjudge their nature due to experimental omissions."

The elven wizard snorted lightly: "Now I don't need to publish papers and defend them."

"As for this armor, I enchanted it, which can effectively maintain my body temperature," Gillianis knocked on her chest, and a cold and hard echo immediately sounded from it. "I'm about to vomit spells like warm belly fire these days, so it's better to solve the problem once and for all."

Looking at Gillianis's equipment, Ron was also a little tempted, wondering if he should get a set himself. With his current level of enchantment, it is not difficult to make a set of the same style. But before he could put it into practice, the door that Gillianis had just closed was kicked open, and a figure rushed in like a whirlwind with icy cold air, extinguishing the little warmth that was finally in the room.

"Ron! Look what I picked up!" Sera's unique loud voice made the eardrums of the three people in the room hurt. The barbarian dropped the heavy object on his shoulder to the ground and exhaled three streams of white air from his nose and mouth, "Come and see, do you remember who she is?"

Ron looked at the ground where Sera pointed. This person was a female human in her thirties, wearing only a thin bishop's robe, and severe frostbite could be seen everywhere on the exposed parts of her body. When Ron turned her over, his eyes widened immediately; "Isn't this the Perglan priest?! How did she become like this!"

"Quick! Go and call Victoria over!"

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