Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 38: The Madwag Territory Across the River

When everyone returned to the fantasy land, the prototype of the entire trading post was completely completed. Kalad showed great enthusiasm for the joining of craftsmen and refugees, and even took the initiative to ask his subordinates not to disturb them without reason.

But goblins are not such obedient creatures, so even with various restrictions, frictions between refugees and goblins still occur - most of the time the goblins try to steal, rob, and defraud the refugees of the few supplies they have left, and then Readers have to carry out all-round education from verbal to physical. However, the goblins are happy with this.

However, even under such circumstances, the refugees still feel that this is a good place: at least there is unlimited drinking water, they can be self-sufficient in hunting, and there is a lot of open space around the trading post, enough for them to build a residence.

Both Lavinia and Bunnie got what they wanted. Ron's temporarily unused workshop was given to Lavinia, and inside the workshop, the goblins opened a passage that could connect to the trading post next to it. Main building. As for the craftsmen, they immediately started working overtime after receiving the wages paid by Karad.

"The map has been sent out, covering about two days' journey around here," Kalad handed Ron a piece of dry animal skin, on which the outlines of some mountains and rivers were outlined with charcoal. Some places with prominent signs have been specially painted.

For example, at the intersection of two rivers, there is a small island in the middle of the river with two pine trees.

"Do you need me to come with you this time?" Kalad asked in a deep voice. Looking at Ron's gaze, he knew that this human being must have some new goals.

"No, the trading post here is more important now," Ron declined the hobgoblin's kindness, "Now we don't have that many people who are good at fighting, so we can only trouble you to guard the stronghold."

"Other matters are mainly left to our team to handle."

It's not that Ron doesn't like the roaring sea of ​​goblins, but it's just that unlike a few days ago, they are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. If Mindatis were to steal the place while the trading post was empty, it would really be more of a loss than a gain.

"Then I wish you all the best." Kalad naturally understood what Ron meant and stopped insisting.

After resting for a long time at the trading post, that night, Ron and others packed up their equipment and set off under the cover of darkness.

There is no need to go into details along the way. By the evening of the next day, Ron's team of five found that very special island in the middle of the river.

The island is located in the middle of two converging rivers. The river water flows slowly, and under the reflection of the moonlight, it casts a silver halo. There are only two pine trees standing on the island made of sand and gravel. They stand tall and have leafy branches. They seem to be guarding the entire island day and night. When the moonlight shines on the tree crown, it forms mottled shadows, making the sand under the tree reflect the green brilliance. The air here is fresh and quiet, and some mosquitoes are flying by the river, making a faint buzzing sound.

Only occasionally, there seemed to be a few low frog calls not far away, like thunder exploding in the supposedly calm night.

Under the pine trees, Ron and the others found traces of the bonfire.

"It looks like it was left yesterday." Sera knelt down, stretched out two fingers to touch a handful of ashes on the ground, put it to the tip of her nose and sniffed, "Obviously they didn't expect that their whereabouts would be exposed at all, so they didn't even think about it. I have no intention of hiding it.”

"You can actually smell this?" Victoria was immediately shocked to Sera, "How did you do this?"

"I'll teach you another day," Sera laughed, "It's actually not difficult, but you probably rarely want to put your face on the ground."

"But where we are, it's an essential skill whether it's tracking prey or finding plant roots buried under the snow in winter."

"There are frogs croaking over there. It's probably the territory of the bullywugs." Ivy looked across the river. The river was neither deep nor fast. There was a path paved with rocks from the island to the other side. , if Mindatis and the others wanted to take the next step, they would probably cross the river here.

"Let's be careful and try not to provoke them." Ron signaled everyone to keep a low profile.

It is not without reason that the word "mad" is added to the racial name of bullywugs. This group of amphibian humanoids with frog heads consider themselves to be the most qualified and suitable rulers in the swamp. They like to show off their status as lords to outsiders who trespass on their territory, so their warriors will try to capture the intruders alive rather than kill them.

The captives are brought before the bullywug king or queen and forced to beg forgiveness from the bullywug leader. The captives might be able to use bribes, treasures, and flattery to win their freedom from the bullywug leader, but this would have to wait until the leader had finished showing off his territory and wealth to his "guests." Driven by complex emotions mixed with a strong sense of inferiority, the bullywug leaders will try their best to disguise themselves as real kings and queens, and extremely expect these outsiders to show awe to them.

Whether it was a head-on confrontation with them or being forced to listen to them show off their so-called "nobility", it was definitely not what Ron and the others wanted to see - this had nothing to do with tracking Mindatis, it was entirely because they were intolerable.

After all, no matter how the bullywugs behave, it cannot change the fact that the damp and rough environment where they live can't be changed.

After wading across the river, Ron and his companions did not even light up the lights, but moved forward slowly under the guidance of Driver and Ivy. Not long after, the goblin hunters tracked a bunch of chaotic footprints, which were left by the soles of shoes.

"It seems that our old friend has not learned the lesson from the last time, or he does not know why he was discovered last time." Ivy sneered.

But this time was a little different from the previous ones. After Ron and his companions tracked for a while, the string of footprints suddenly disappeared, and instead, there were footprints left by huge webbed feet in the mud.

"They encountered crazy frogs, and these are more likely to be giant frogs." Ivy judged.

Like the lizardmen, the crazy frogs will also use their innate advantages to unite their wild allies. They will use the frog calls in their language to communicate in a wide area. Frogs and toads and other creatures can understand some simple concepts in this language. The crazy frogs will select some larger species from them and establish an oath as mounts and helpers, such as giant frogs that can swallow whole creatures in one bite.

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