"Liya, what are you talking about!" Hearing this, the elf mercenary was immediately unhappy, "Can I let these little guys rush in front of me? I want him to willingly give me more money after completing the task!"

"Then you will be busy, Aunt Anna," Ivy couldn't help laughing, "I really can't think of under what circumstances you can get such treatment."

"I can't think of it either." Sylvia, who had not spoken much before, also spoke at this moment. This elf inexplicably made her feel a sense of threat, which made the vampire determined to try not to give this guy a chance to show off in the subsequent adventures.

As a former officer in the elf army, Anastasia's pride did not allow her to withstand such doubts, so after drinking, she even refused to accept the deposit, and kept yelling that Ron should pay after the task was completed. Ron persuaded the great swordsman to accept the deposit of 200 gold coins, and walked all the way to the second floor with Liya. They planned to sleep together tonight to relive the friendship of comrades.

Daniel was very satisfied with this result. Mr. Congressman happily began to pack up his toiletries and sleep in a separate room.

For other people in this world, when their significant other sleeps with the same sex, they can't guarantee that they won't have some grass on their heads, but Daniel has no such concerns at all. He only knows that after a long life of imprisonment, he can still have a day of rest to adjust his state to cope with all the intense exercises in the following days and nights.

"To be honest, for a veteran like this, I don't think 5,000 gold coins is that hard to accept. After all, a bottle of healing potion is not cheap." Ron and others helped Ivy clean up the leftovers and tableware after the party. Magic can certainly solve these trivial matters quickly, but chatting while washing hands is obviously more cost-effective.

"Not every team has an alchemist, benefactor," Seymour also participated in the cleaning, but he was responsible for cleaning the ground. "When I was with my tribesmen, if a guy on a mission was unfortunately seriously injured and had no value to continue using, even the priests would not waste spells on him: either he would survive this level and suffer from the root of the disease, or he would be eliminated by the family."

"Healing potions are such luxurious items that are only provided to the top families in each city, and they are only given to women. People like me are destined to have no chance of this from birth - until I followed you."

"On the contrary, 500 gold coins can purchase and repair equipment. Usually, these things can save lives more than disposable healing potions."

"In theory, this is the case, but I doubt her equipment." Ivy kept thinking about the outfit of "Aunt Anna" in her mind, and her hands wiping the dishes wished to break the dishes in half.

"She dares to wear it like that, it's nothing more than because it's enchanted," Sylvia curled her lips. Her background determined that the most revealing outfit she had ever worn in her life was probably the "ripped outfit" she wore when she was a slave apprentice. She was very disapproving of Anastasia's outfit, "Benefactor, you also studied enchantment, can you make one for us?"

"You can't expect me to understand fashion design at the same time, Sylvia, I have to sacrifice beauty for enchantment," Ron didn't want to, but he didn't have the talent in this area, "But Lurik said a while ago that he had collected enough minerals in the mine, and when we go back, it may be almost forged. I can spend some time to work with him to make a few sets of metal armor."

"If you want, see if you can keep an extra chainmail shirt?"

"Thank you, but forget it." Sylvia sighed, it seems that someone is going to get there first this time.

What's so good about tin cans!

"It's better to see if we can forge another tower shield," Ivy's eyes lit up, "It was definitely a good idea to embed the lightning gem on the shield before. Can we replicate it?"

If it was an ordinary adventure team, she would never make such an impolite request-it's simply a waste of money-but now they have the support of the territory, from mining to smelting to forging to enchanting. The cost has come down, so they can be a little willful.

"Good idea, but forget about the lightning beam. It's better to engrave some other spells. Let me think about it these days." Ron smiled and agreed. His current level is no longer limited to enchanting soup spoons. Naturally, he wants to try his best to meet the needs of his companions and improve everyone's strength.

After all, the power of the "black hand behind the scenes" before is still vivid.

No one talked all night. Ron and others got up early. On the contrary, they drank too much Anastasia last night and still had a headache when they were called up. After saying goodbye to Ivy's parents, everyone first accompanied the great swordsman to the former employer to settle the balance, and then turned around and embarked on the journey home.

Along the way, they could see scattered priests in a hurry. They were all believers of the Iron Fortress. After the incident in Rose City was publicized, not only the priests in Rose City had a hard time, but also the priests in other city-states. Many people could not continue to work and were ready to go to other places to seek a living.

"I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing," Victoria looked at these people with some worry, "most of them didn't even know about the action above, and they were implicated for no reason. And what about the civilians in their original place? The priests left, and they got sick. Who can they go to?"

"After all, there will still be some herbalists, and they are not the only priests." Annastrina also heard about the "big things" they did last night, but the elf was not interested in it, "It would be better to say , it is precisely because of the existence of these people that it is difficult for other sects to develop. I don’t think you need to worry about the situation of the residents of those villages and small towns at all,”

Molten Iron Barrier can tolerate polytheism, but not every god can join the pantheon of Molten Iron Barrier. Believers of gods such as Tymora will be ostracized by the supporters of these orders. It is not certain that they will leave. That's a bad thing.

"If they can't survive, of course they will migrate, right? Isn't this a good thing for us?" Axuri, who transformed into a black dragon, hummed and sang a ditty as the carriage bumped. His aircraft The carriage was an open-top model, which allowed him and Seymour and others with him to enjoy a wider view of the land.

"Hey! Look! Are those people in front of you the ones who are migrating?" Aixuri suddenly slapped the armrest of the carriage and stood up, shouting loudly, "Hey! Who are you? Do you want to go to Dreamland? We’re on our way with you!”

"Exuri, don't get into trouble!" Carlos, who was in the same car, hurriedly grabbed the opponent. Their team had all the vampiric goblins, shadow spirit drow, and a black dragon! Aren't you afraid of scaring ordinary people to death?

Ron and others also tried their best to avoid those people, but the other party seemed to have no such intention. As the carriage team slowly moved forward, the figures not only did not disperse and give way to the road, but instead gathered on the road, crowding them. The road is blocked!

The low roars and chatter from time to time made the horses and beasts pulling the cart stop as if they were facing a powerful enemy. If it weren't for the chromatic dragon Aixuri controlling their minds with natural deterrence, these The domestic animals are afraid of leaving them all here!

"Damn, they are definitely not migrating civilians!" Anastrina jumped out of the carriage and came face to face with the creatures that were blocking the road and approaching. Her face suddenly became ugly, "Ron Your Excellency, niece Ivy, you don’t have to get out of the car, let me solve these problems!”

"We may have encountered a tiger man gang that was robbing people along the way!"

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