Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 398 The Devil's Contract

Gracia snapped her fingers, and the world in Ron's eyes suddenly became more colorful. Everything in the darkness was so clear that even if he stood on top of the castle, he could still notice the villages in the distance. situation in.

Under the moonlight, in the darkness, layers of red carpets stretch their bodies like some indescribable monsters. One after another, creatures covered with spore clusters are busy nervously, as if It’s building your own home.

"Building homes? You're exalting them too much, look carefully."

The methods of these creatures are quite primitive, and they do not use any sophisticated tools. The so-called building of homes is actually just a replica of those dilapidated houses. Ron noticed that a log covered with red fungi was placed on top of the "house" in a decent manner. However, the next second, the creatures with spore clusters chopped the log into pieces without hesitation. Cut it a bit, making it look exactly like the wooden house next to it that is leaking from all sides!

"Spore people rarely do construction and manufacturing work. Any tools they have are obtained from other creatures, or built by copying simple structures they have witnessed." Gracia snorted, " Those scabs, after you brought them back, you should have figured out a way to solve the source quickly, instead of delaying it until now."

"But Gilenis said that their space for movement is quite limited, and Anastrina also mentioned this..." Ron frowned, "Why did they suddenly come here? Aren't they afraid of the sun? "

Spore people are not afraid of sunlight, but Gibberellus cannot survive under sunlight, and Gibberellus is one of the necessary conditions for the production of spore people. Therefore, normally, spore people will hardly leave the area where Gibberellus grows, and It would not appear in such an empty location.

"The vast majority of Gibberella are still afraid of the sun, but I don't know why, but some of them have mutated," Gracia said. "They have mutated into a hard shell, allowing them to withstand the sun's rays and thus protect them. Other Gibberellus beneath them."

"These mutated species of Gibberella have lost their toxins and parasitic ability and have become no longer afraid of sunlight, alcohol and salt. Under their protection, the living space of Gibberella can be further expanded. If you don't contain them anymore, , I’m afraid that the entire fantasy land will become their world.”

"Of course, it could be worse."

Gracia's explanation made Ron gnaw his teeth. These fungi that were supposed to be very fragile are now becoming difficult to deal with: "This doesn't sound like a strategy that fungi should use."

"Although the creations of the gods are of unparalleled power, the evolution of nature is also shocking. You should know this better than me," the Devil Archduke glanced at Ron, "But I know what you mean: this is indeed not true. It should be normal evolution or mutation, the process is too fast. "

"There is probably something behind that is driving this and is leading all of this."

"Could it be the banker?" Ron thought of the black mist in the sky again.

"It's not it," Gracia shook her head. "This kind of thing is useless to it, but maybe it has something to do with it."

"For various reasons, I cannot confirm the relationship in person, but you are not subject to this restriction, so I will disclose this matter to you and you can decide on your own."

"Don't worry, I won't sit idly by and ignore it," Ron said solemnly, "This is not in my interests."

"Also, thank you for coming to tell me in person."

A sly smile appeared on the face of the Devil Archduke: "Just thank you? That's not enough."

"You have also seen that the former losers have a tendency to rise again. Do you really plan to compete with them yourself? The promoters behind them cannot be small."

"You mean..."

"You also need a strong helper," Gracia stared into Ron's eyes. "She must have common interests with you; have enough strength to fight against the opponent's backer; and abide by the rules of the game..."

Ron narrowed his eyes and took a cautious step back: "An old friend?"

"In other words, new owner."

Gracia raised her hand, and Flame drew a contract parchment full of terms in the air. It flew in front of Ron. When Ron wanted to get closer and take a closer look, a quill also appeared out of thin air. , fell into his hands.

"Come on, serve me," Gracia's voice was full of persuasion, "You are a smart person with brains and strength. My gold coin army needs fresh blood like you to become stronger, and you will also be there. Get everything you want in the world.”

"Unlike Zariel, who treats contractors just once and for all, I prefer long-term cooperation. After all, the father who sits under the eighth-floor conspiracy cannot be defeated overnight, so you can rest assured. I treat my subordinates much more tolerantly and gently than other princes."

"Like how you treated Queen Pharamar?" Ron sighed, "You could have saved her, but you allowed her to be a fragment of a hero for so many years?"

"Of course I have my considerations. Look, didn't she get free in the end?"

"I try not to entrust my life and freedom to others." Ron dropped the quill in his hand, although it was quickly put back into Ron's hand. "Although you have helped us a lot, we are not Just asking for it."

"Didn't we just a short time ago save your property from other devils?"

"Are you talking about that little guy who is not even a high-level devil?" Gracia laughed so hard, "Don't be ridiculous! Don't you think I can't deal with him without you?"

"But that also requires you to expend extra energy, doesn't it?" Ron was not going to give in, "Your attention will not be limited to this world."

"But you are not simply trying to destroy his plan," Gracia snorted, "Don't forget, Yelena is mine, and I know the ins and outs of your action."

"You are just safeguarding your own interests."

"Then, wouldn't it be wrong for you to come here tonight?" Ron asked, "Letting these spores and the masters behind them integrate into the delusion is certainly not what you want to see!"

"If that's the case, then why should I sign this contract?"

"You!" Gracia's face suddenly darkened, "Ron, you have to think clearly!"

"From the current point of view, we do have the same interests, but if I find another agent and truly re-enter the poker game, will you be able to be as strong-willed as you are tonight with no one to support you anymore?"

"At that time, I will never 'cooperate' with you again!"

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