Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 443 He just fell for it!

"For one minute, you can continue to hide, hehehehe!"

Mindatis's voice echoed in the underground space. He glanced at the people who had just rescued Sera and were ready to take action again at any time, without any fear in his heart.

The power of his new master far exceeds the sum of these people. The presence of these delusional implants and spore people alone is enough to persuade them to stay calm!

However, as the time for the advanced invisibility calculated by Mindatis was about to end, there was a sudden commotion among the delusional implants who had come back from the dead.

"Hiding among them? You're smart," the elf cracked his lips again, and quickly approached the implanted people with strange steps, "But this time, your cleverness was mistaken for your cleverness!"

"Just accept your death!"

"It's you who will die!"

Ron's voice suddenly came out from among the implants, and a implant that was ordered not to move and interfere with the duel was lifted into the air and thrown towards the elves!

"Try this first!"

Mindatis noticed that the eyes of Ron, who turned around and hid again, were flashing with magic. It was obviously because of this that he was able to have the power to throw heavy implants, but in his opinion, these were not It's just a pointless struggle.

"As long as your magic does not permanently change your body, everything is in vain!" The rapier in Mindatis's hand was like a sharp saw blade and instantly deflected the implant that was thrown as a hidden weapon. The elf's whole body The man turned into a black whirlwind and rushed into the implants and spore people in an instant.

"Are you trying to play the same trick again? It's useless! You don't know anything about power!"

"Really?" Ron's voice came from behind him. When Mindatis turned around, a bunch of dried spores were instantly cut open by Ron, and the rotten spores inside flew up with the wind, heading straight towards Mindatis. The jet came to Tisi's face.

"I told you, it's useless!" The elf was like a ghost at this moment, and his whole body instantly became a blur. "The power the master gave me is much more than you imagine!"

"Martial arts, magic! You have no chance of defeating me!"

There was no response from the surroundings, and Ron seemed to disappear into the room again. However, Mindatis's eyes were cold. His neck was twisted at a strange angle, and his white-less eyes were looking straight at an unknown place. Any unusual location.

"Hehe, I found you!"

"Ron!" The moment Mindatis disappeared, Ivy's heart skipped a beat.

Although she couldn't see Ron's location, this dead-end bastard obviously had some special abilities! The half-elf warrior did not dare to hesitate anymore. She pushed forward with her left hand, and the tower shield forged by Rurik and enchanted by Ron immediately flew out, trying to stop the attack in front of Mindatis.

But no matter what its material is, how easy is it for a tower shield to arrive before the rapier? As the smile on Mindatis's face widened, Ron staggered and stumbled out from behind a spore man. On his chest, the sharp rapier had already penetrated his skin!

"You...how did you see it?" Ron's eyes widened. He tightly grasped the exposed part of the rapier with one hand, trying to prevent the rapier from going deeper.

With the short-hand hint, he was able to maintain his position for a short period of time during the wrestling, but the problem was that the spell lasted shorter than the opponent's own strength!

"I told you, the power the master has given me is much more than you imagined!" The elf laughed ferociously and continued to apply more force on his hands. "This time, I won't make the same mistake as before and take your vitals directly. That’s it!”

"After you die, everything you have done these days and nights will become my wedding dress! I will become the second Saran Lane - no! I will become the first Mindatis!"

"Go to death! Let you feel the loneliness and terror in death!"

Mindatis exerted his strength again, but when he looked into Ron's eyes, an inexplicable uneasiness slowly surged into his heart - why is this?

This human being shouldn't have any chance of making a comeback!

"I'm sorry, I've been there before." Ron felt that his throat seemed to be a little sweet, but he swallowed it back to prevent it from delaying his final plan, "And I'm not ready in the short term." "Revisiting the old place."


The magic power around Ron's body instantly became active as he chanted the last string of spells, condensing into a green translucent ring surrounding Ron's body. Mindatis only felt a huge force impacting his body. It forced him to fly backwards!

Caught off guard, the rapier in his hand was also snatched away by Ron, and he had no time to grab his weapon!

But that wasn't what made him most shocked and angry. What made him most angry was that Ron's last chant was actually in Elvish!

"Are you humiliating me?!" Mindatis, along with the spore people and paranoia implants, were pushed out by Ron's spell for more than ten meters before he could stand upright. As he suddenly raised his head, the elf's His hands transformed into half hands and half claws, and there was a faint black light on the long claws. Obviously, he did not necessarily need the thin sword as an weapon. He himself was already a powerful weapon!

"Elf magic? This is your last resort!" Mindatis stood up and rushed to Ron's position again to kill him with one blow, but as he kicked the ground with his feet, the elf's body stopped without warning!

His instant movement, which was comparable to the phantom step, did not move!

"You--" Mindatis's expression was uncertain, and he turned his head to look at the ground where he was. There were a lot of orange-yellow crystals piled up into a tower, one end of which seemed to be integrated with the ground, and the other end climbed up along his feet. In just a few seconds, it had covered his knees!

"What kind of magic is this?!"

Mindatis looked around and saw that not only himself, but also the plants that Ron had pushed away just now were all trapped in the orange-yellow crystals. Moreover, those plant spirits obviously did not have the power like him. In less than ten seconds, many plant people and spore people were wrapped in the strange crystals from head to toe. Their movements were frozen and they could no longer move at all, just like insects in amber!

"Don't get me wrong, this is not to humiliate you," Ron raised his hand and poured a bottle of healing potion into his mouth. With the power of the healing spell, he quickly pulled out the rapier from his chest and threw it aside. "This is the magic I just perfected."

"The reason why I use Elvish is because the first person to build this model was an elf!"

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