Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 451 Dragon's Ascension

As soon as Gracia spit out the word "dracolich", Ron felt that the gray mist in his body that had disappeared seemed to be stirring again. I don't know if it was to make Ron sure that this was not an illusion, but the gray mist stirred for a while before slowly calming down again.

The little princess in purgatory took a deep look at the depths of Ron... The gray mist that did not seem to exist in the material world did not try to hide its existence, but instead clearly stated its origin.

Do you also have a share...well, at least this is not bad. Although there are more people sharing the pie, the probability of success is also greater.

Not to mention, I had no intention of actually eating my portion.

Gracia looked back, the lust of greed in her eyes fleeting. She was not a saint. She had always been so "indifferent to fame and wealth", simply because what really attracted her had not really appeared yet.

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"A dracolich being hunted by many parties?" Ron frowned. He had made many speculations about the banker's identity before, and this possibility was not completely unexpected.

However, it is "just" a dracolich, so how can He De attract the fungus queen to pursue him? And from Gracia's words, it seems that the demon lord of the abyss is not the only one who wants to hunt it?

"It is not an ordinary dracolich, but a dracolich that seeks to become a god." Gracia became serious, seeming to be dissatisfied with Ron's slight disbelief, "and because the past lords fought for it It has sent too many supplies, and now it is very close to actually taking that step, which is why it is so eager to exert influence on you even if it exposes its whereabouts. "

"After all, generally speaking, creatures like me don't usually spend time just staring at one world. If it is normal, it will take at least a few years from the time I discover its leaked aura to locking in its whereabouts. , by then it might have completed its big plan.”

There was a little ridicule and more greed in the eyes of the Archduke of Purgatory: "Cadriam Earl Airune, also known as Calian Ruen, this dragon lich was once a powerful ancient black dragon during his lifetime. , it followed Tiamat, the dragon queen, to serve for her many years ago, and it was not the kind of service that she just talked about. It followed Tiamat's footsteps and joined Avernus to serve its queen. The saddle is in front of the horse and the horse is behind.”

"Although the black dragon is not as favored by Tiamat as the red dragon, it is also the product of Tiamat's great efforts. As an ancient dragon of color who voluntarily follows him, one can imagine how favored it is. According to rumors ——I heard from Zariel that the war madman is half and half credible. Tiamat has even prepared some measures to wait until it survives 1,200 years to become an ancient dragon and reach the ascension realm. After that, he personally intervened, allowing him to fuse the echoes of many worlds in the material plane into one, and promoted him to be one of the most powerful among the dragons."

Ron remembered the relevant content taught by Gilennis: There are some of the oldest chromatic dragons. After they have spent twelve hundred years in the mortal world, their treasure troves have accumulated millions. , by fusing their own incarnations produced in all the worlds they have traveled, they can reach a state of ascension and gain new powers comparable to the powerful incarnations of Tiamat.

However, it is not easy to achieve such a goal. The homomorphic revenge among the dragons and the intervention of adventurers prevent most color dragons from reaching this level of power, and metal dragons often do not sit idly by and ignore this phenomenon. , once targeted, escaping is a matter of luck. There are very few people who go against the current and achieve success.

The more famous black dragon today is the being named Chronippus, who now lives in the outer realm and is sometimes considered the god of fate.

The story of the other red dragon, Ashadron, is widely sung in many worlds on the material plane. It may also be the first existence to uplift itself by devouring its own echoes in other worlds.

"Does it want to imitate Chronippus?" Gilenis looked at the Grand Duke. She knew more details than Ron, "But judging from the results, it seems..."

"It failed, yes," Gracia nodded. "Due to various interventions, it failed, and it was the worst kind: its echoes in all the worlds were not spared. Before any of his own incarnations could be devoured, Tiamat intervened, but was met with a strong resistance."

"The vast majority of existences thought that it was completely dead, but they never expected that one of the reasons why it was killed so easily and completely was because it spent too much energy on leaving a way out for itself."

"Transform into a dracolich." Ron came to the obvious conclusion.

"It's just that the undead dragon form had a great influence on it, making it more violent, suspicious and extreme. It insisted that all this was Tiamat's fault, and disobeyed and betrayed Him for this. After stealing the secret of making the Abishah dragon demon in his territory, he traveled around a lot and finally escaped to this world to hide."

Ron and others looked at the two unlucky guys left behind by the black fog. They were similar but different from the Abisha Dragon Demon. This was probably the masterpiece of this black dragon lich.

"Of course, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Its traitorous behavior certainly attracted the pursuit of the Dragon Queen, and the metal dragon also noticed its whereabouts and started to track it down. Although it has been very careful to hide itself, after so many years, it will eventually be discovered."

"But it is not completely unprepared. After it failed to ascend to become an ancient dragon, it immediately began to prepare its next plan: it tried to make itself a god by devouring civilizations one by one."

"And you are its last step."

"In that case, do we need to disperse on our own?" Victoria asked, "In this case, its plan will inevitably be delayed..."

"Disband? Why do you have such an idea?" Gracia looked at her strangely, "Once you are lost, it will inevitably hide again, and the delusion will become a complete dead end. No one can predict the mobility of you mortals. As long as a group of blind people come here again, it will take the last step!"

"So you must not leave. On the contrary, you have to continue to develop here, and be more radical!" (End of this chapter)

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