Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 456 The Uninvited Ghost

Moro commanded several of his compatriots to run over and bring over a box containing medicinal materials and show it to Ron.

Ron basically recognized the herbs inside. Most of them were the original roots, stems and leaves of the plants, and a few of them had been slightly processed.

Moro and other kobolds explained the application principles of each herbal medicine and then explained the effects after use. They all knew that the Lord also had considerable attainments in herbal medicine. After the introduction, , all looked at Ron expectantly, waiting for him to say something.

Say something...what?

Ron silently took out several herbs, and a kobold quickly offered an ointment mixed with them.

The materials were not processed well and the preparation method was too rough, but other than that... there were no big problems. Several herbs themselves also have heat-clearing and fever-reducing effects, and there are no taboos in combining them. After all, Lavinia is also delusional. The preparation of these herbs will probably be reviewed by her. In theory, they can be effective and will not make Ron feel uncomfortable. Accident.

Moro said that they were governed by disorder, but they were not governed by disorder.

It's just... Ron looked at the patients, and it was obvious that these ordinary drugs could not work as expected.

"Can't you even reduce the fever?"

"It's a pity," Morrow lowered his head, "The best attempt so far made the patient slightly better...for more than half an hour."

"What about the alchemy potions?" Ron asked the question he was more concerned about, "And the magic of the priests?"

"It's more effective. Their magic can even completely cure patients, but soon, those patients who have just recovered will fall ill again. The priest can't heal a person faster than he gets sick..."

By now, Ron was basically certain that the pathogen of this plague must not be as simple as microorganisms in the usual sense. If you are just blindly confident in your own pharmaceutical technology, you will inevitably waste more valuable time.

After explaining some matters related to caring for patients to Morrow and other kobolds, Ron quickly walked away and walked outside. He needed some help now.

Not only did he need human help, but more importantly, he needed instruments and equipment, more sophisticated instruments and equipment than those they used before.

When Ron walked out of the Gagawaa Tavern, Anastrina was waiting for him at the door.

"Well... I still want to help," the elf mercenary saw a hint of dissatisfaction in Ron's eyes exposed on his mask, and quickly said, "Sir, I have a hunch that it won't be too safe outside, even if I So what if I go to the place you mentioned? I also need food and water! If I catch the plague outside the city, wouldn’t it be..."

"You're right, come on." Ron sighed. Before, he thought it was "just" a plague, and it didn't matter if Anastrana stayed away from the crowd. But now the situation is even worse. In a sense , the mercenary's sixth sense is quite accurate.

"Sir, where are we going?" Annastrina stepped forward nervously. Ron threw a bottle of potion from his alchemy backpack, and she caught it.

"Temple. Before that, you simply clean it with potion." These equipments of Ron are all necessary supplies in the wild based on his own professional judgment. They were not used when the spells were abundant before, but now they are finally available. "Do you have any other clothes? Try to cover the exposed skin."

With so many patients being carried to the tavern for accommodation, it was understandable that the temple was overcrowded. It was almost impossible not to get infected when dressed like an elf and exposed to that environment.

"Okay, okay," Annastrina said. She had never seen Ron look so serious during her previous adventures. She immediately took out the more conservative equipment from her luggage and simply put it on her body. "You found it. Any clues?"

"The plague is not only caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc., but there may also be magic in it." Ron walked quickly and spoke at the same speed. "The outbreak occurred three days ago. Judging from the current situation, it should It's not that the incubation period is too long, but that it's too short. The lethality of the vector is not high, but it is extremely contagious. Regardless of magical factors, it should not be a new pathogen. At least there are no patients who have died from it in the tavern. "

Ron and Ron rushed outside the temple in a short time. They could see Ivy and others busy helping, but what they could do was very limited, it was just some chores. Although it can reduce the pressure on the priests, it cannot change more.

"Ron, you're here, how's the situation at the pub?"

When Ron approached, a short female doctor wearing a floor-length robe and a beak mask hurriedly walked up and asked nervously.

Although the voice behind the mask was a little hoarse, Ron could still recognize that it was Lavinia's voice, and the halfling alchemist also devoted himself to the rescue work.

"It's too bad that the medicinal herbs have no effect," Ron shook his head slightly, "Most of them have high fevers and will inevitably suffer damage over time."

"That's fine. We will only send patients with mild symptoms to the tavern," Lavinia sighed, "Come on, let me show you the real serious illness this time."

The halfling reached out and pointed behind him. In the temple, under the statue of Tymora, there was a creature that was larger than the people around him. It was covered with a large blanket. It was trembling and huddled up. Her body was all red. , but the lips were purple-black and the eyes were closed tightly. Even in coma, the pain did not let go of the centaur.

Zantia, the leader of the centaur is actually here, and he is the one with the most severe symptoms. Ron scanned other areas and found a lot of people and horses. The conditions of these big men were generally very bad, which made them who already needed extra care need more manpower to take care of them.

When Ron walked into Zandia, he found a rickety old woman setting up a large pot to boil ointment next to the centaur leader. Compared to the centaur, she was not that big, but Ron had no body shape just now. Discover her.

"Ghost Polly?" Ron was slightly startled. He didn't expect that she would actually appear here.

"Ah, our hands-off shopkeeper is finally back?" The old woman raised her head and smiled evilly, "Surprise? Although you prohibited me from approaching your town before, I'm sorry, old lady, I came here uninvited. "

"And not only that, I want this little girl, half man and half horse, to drink the potion I made!"

Polly did not stop her work because of Ron's arrival. She vigorously stirred the large ladle in the pot, and as the green and fluorescent liquid bubbled, some herbs and insects The fragments of the stumps floated up, and the three eyeballs were spinning around in the whirlpool, looking in Ron's direction from time to time. (End of chapter)

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