Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 471 Private meeting

With Kalad's start, everything that followed naturally went much smoother. Even Bunnie and Lavinia, who had originally been on Ron's side, expressed their opinions one after another.

What the hobgoblins and others consider is the necessity for the existence of this system, and what the priests and others consider is its rationality. If they just have an idea and do it without paying attention to whether it is reasonable or not, the construction of the entire system will not only be in vain. , is more likely to slow down the construction of the entire territory. This is something everyone has to take into consideration.

"As for the manpower of the health system, the most convenient thing is to hand it over directly to the doctors." Soon, a debate arose between Buni and Gilenis, although they were facing the top casters of the territory. At the top of the list, the priest had no intention of fearing the moon elf, and spoke slowly, "Regardless of their level, these people have certain qualities and ethics, and they have all been tested in the epidemic that just passed. Totally trustworthy.”

"As for the judgment and improvement of its professional level, it can be completely left to the lord..."

"The Lord has something he needs to worry about more," Gilenis shook her head, "And among the current doctors, some of them were brought by the previous caravans, right? Their quality and ethics are indeed worthy of admiration. But this is not the reason for us to restrain them. When the last group of patients with poor health recover completely, they should also leave. "

"In fact, some doctors are already preparing to leave in the past two days." Lavinia nodded. Naturally, she had more interactions with those doctors. "I also asked them if they wanted to stay in the delusional place permanently. , but they are basically declined.”

This is also the thinking of normal people. It would be a sign of great love for these doctors not to evacuate with the caravan that came. Now that the plague has dissipated, how could they still want to stay after seeing and experiencing the dangers of delusion? Stay here permanently? Most of them are not alchemists, but just ordinary people who have a little knowledge of herbal medicine.

Although Ron's previous actions were shocking, they were not enough to make them stay here without even taking their lives - mage apprentices and alchemist apprentices were so easy to be.

"We should be able to offer enough money to hire them now..." Bunnie frowned. She looked at Ron, who nodded slightly at her - in the past two days, the desire demon Caogha has come. Once, he sent a lot of gifts, saying that this was Her Royal Highness Gracia's intention to support the reconstruction of the land after the epidemic.

After Her Highness Gracia sent them back, she focused on the Lich and failed to notice anything unusual in Green Marsh Town.

Ron naturally accepted the gift; Ron didn't listen at all to the explanation. Although Yelena flatly denied that her sudden adventure back to the Shadowfell Underworld to seek an antidote had anything to do with Gracia, Ron did not believe that a Grand Duke of Purgatory could miss observing her own layout - this had nothing to do with saying that Tyr was truly blind. the difference?

Andre, who was present, glanced at the Holy Emblem of Tire he was wearing with some confusion, wondering why the Holy Emblem was abnormal at this time.

There are quite a few "evil demons" here, and it stands to reason that they should have been used to it by now.

"Let me talk about this matter," Lavinia sat on a specially raised chair and raised her hands, "Although we also have some doctors here who came with the migration, we want to cover a few One settlement is far from enough, it would be best to get more.”

"I also have some manpower issues here." Seeing that this was temporarily over, Evandell slowly raised his head from the pile of documents, "Although doctors are important, the relevant administrative staff should also be expanded to be responsible for working with doctors. Their connection.”

"Ewendel, we don't have that many manpower in our territory right now," Constance glanced at her colleague helplessly, "You can't treat this place as Yungang or Rose City."

"It is a natural rule to have one more affairs and one department," Evandel's somewhat terrifying face showed no expression. "Before, the lord focused all his attention on exploration, and there were less affairs in the territory. We have more affairs." It’s okay to take care of one thing, but now that the lord has decided to start sorting out the system, he should make the system look systematic.”

"This is not a superficial skill, it is also a rule that allows the entire territory to operate normally. Miss Constance, this is a natural rule."

Evandell repeated the sentence again and then said nothing. He just looked at Ron, as if he wanted to find something on Ron's face.

"Then let's select people from the hired doctors," Ron thought for a moment and waved his hand. "Then the areas they are responsible for can be slightly adjusted to avoid being overwhelmed and overworked."

After all, it is impossible for doctors here to ask patients to do a set of tests first.

"But sir," Evander frowned, "those 'traveling doctors' don't have your knowledge and ability, how can they handle administrative affairs well? I know you want a system built by purely technical talents, but Administration might as well be——"

"In my case, it's not, at least not yet." Ron shook his head.

"By the time you pay attention to it, I'm afraid it will be too late! The system built today is destined to be over-inflated, and it is not easy to reform it!" Evandell seemed a little anxious, "Sir, when can you tell me? Establish an entire administrative team?”

"It's not that I don't know how to adapt, I just blindly apply Yungang's template. In fact, this is the foundation for long-term problem solving!"

"Hmm..." Ron's knuckles tapped on the table, as if he was thinking about something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Just wait until the territory covers 34 million square kilometers and the population is 400 million."

With the size of Daiying, it is also a kind of tribute to follow its path. Now, forget it.

This is much larger than the Hailan Empire in its heyday!

Evandel sighed and stopped talking about this matter. After that, everyone discussed the details of the system construction and ended the whole meeting before dinner.

Ron and others returned to their residences, while Evandel went out alone and turned into an alley. A yellow crystal necklace emitted a faint halo around his neck. As the concealed magic energy field spread out, a plague doctor wearing a bird-beak mask and a thick cloth gown appeared from the depths of the alley.

The man wanted to take off the mask, but Evandel raised his hand to stop him.

"Let's put it this way. I'm not interested in knowing who you are," he turned around and looked at the towering tower with some fear, "and I don't want them to know." (End of this chapter)

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