Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 513: The evil side is revealed

Early the next morning, as the halos of light brightened and dimmed one after another, in just a few dozen minutes, a large number of people appeared out of thin air in the town of Fromm, which had been destroyed into ruins.

Among the crowd were Ron and his team, Victor Fromm and his guards, Shuke and his caravan, and the dwarf Dean Elden.

A single teleportation obviously wouldn't allow them to arrive here at the same time, but fortunately, there was more than one spellcaster on Ron's side. After two trips back and forth, everyone successfully arrived at Fromm Town.


Victor, several of his guards, and most of the members of the caravan experienced this kind of magic for the first time. They immediately ran around and vomited in the surrounding corners, leaving them in the frost giant. The only meal I had there, and today’s breakfast, was all given back to nature.

"I never thought we could come back, old man!"


Sera's voice sounded next to Ron. He was about to start a fight, but turned around and saw Sera holding Canglan's Grip wrapped in animal skin in her arms, her eyes full of adoration.

This matter is simple and simple to say, but it is neither simple nor simple. When Ron and others went to the orc tribe to ask for a big sword, the other party first said that the other party could not hold this sword if they were not of their own tribe, and later said that only warriors could use this sword. How could Sera, who had a bad temper, withstand their difficult prevarications? Immediately let ten orcs come out to challenge her (she singled out a group of them). As for the result...

The sword was back in her hand anyway.

"No, it's all gone..." After the dizzying teleportation, Mayor Victor, who had vomited, sighed and touched the ruins around him with his hands. He was extremely familiar with every brick and stone here. However, now, this place is also Only the bricks and stones are left.

"It's okay, Mayor, don't be sad," Victoria comforted the mayor softly, "We will have a chance to rebuild this place again in the spring..."

"Rebuild?" Elden listened and shook his head, "What's the use of rebuilding? Waiting to be razed again? With the few guards you have here, no matter how many times you rebuild, there will only be one As a result. Disasters coming from the north will inevitably pass through you."

"If you ask me, there is only one way."

Victor had tears in his eyes. Of course he knew what the dwarf was talking about. He also did the same, letting the residents hide in the delusion land, but now he watched helplessly as the town he had run for many years was turned into ashes. How could he let go of the ruins so easily?

If there is no other way...

"I will not change my proposal unless there are other ways to better accommodate these people."

One day later, in Green Marsh Town, a meeting was coming to an end.

The residents from Frome Town have entered the field of vision of the goblin scouts and the people, but the delusional side did not take timely response measures. They just sent people to watch from a distance, waiting for them to continue approaching.

The reason is simple. There are differences among the people who are in charge of the fantasy land. Several people headed by Constance believed that these refugees should be accepted. After all, everyone knew that was where Ron came to Delusion Land, and his current identity as the lord was also certified by Frome Town. Now he meets there. When difficulties arise, it is wrong to sit back and ignore emotions and reasons.

Several people, led by Evander, said that it was now the end of winter and early spring, and this year's winter was longer than in previous years. Their own people were still struggling to make a living, and how could they have the spare capacity to take care of a larger population, so they should pretend to be deaf and dumb and let it go. They were lost in the jungle swamps, making no arrangements, or at least waiting until Ron returned.

Evandell's proposal was a bit cold-blooded, but what he said was not untrue, and he kept saying "waiting for Ron's arrangements". This kind of rhetoric attracted some people to stand on his side, and even raised their hands to vote. Unable to get Constance's adoption proposal passed. During the short rest, Evandell could clearly feel that the half-elf from Rose City was more hostile to him.

But so what? Evander sneered secretly, put on another polite appearance, walked up to Constance and said hello to her.

"Miss Constance, I personally very much agree with your kindness, but kindness should not be divorced from reality, otherwise kindness will turn into evil deeds. If you allow me, I would like to ask you to go out for a walk with me and take a look. The situation on the territory, in this case, you may have different ideas.”

"You can't do it, young master," Constance sneered. "When my parents died and suffered, you might not have been born yet! What do you know? How much reserves do you have now? You know better, we should..."

"Really?" Evander asked with a smile, "Then could you please tell me what the current average daily consumption of rye per capita is to four decimal places?"

"...You are just talking nonsense!"

"Look," Evandel ignored the half-elf's increasingly twisted beautiful eyebrows, "I think you may not know everything."

Constance had a gloomy look on her face. She couldn't figure out why this guy wanted her to take a look. Could it be that there was really something that she didn't pay attention to?

How could that be possible? ! She, who grew up in the inland, didn't know the situation. How could Evander Holt, a guy who grew up in a coastal port city, see more than her? From those header files, from the four digits after the decimal point?

She would never believe that this guy could do this! This is no longer a matter of work ability, this is magic!

But in order to make this guy who has become more and more annoying speechless recently, after informing others, Constance decided to follow him out to take a look.

This is a fantasy land, this is Green Swamp Town, not Cloud Port, nor Rose City. From the bottom of her heart, Constance never thought that Evander would have a more radical move besides deliberately disgusting herself. After all, on top of that tower, there is a young dragon and a legendary moon elf magician.

Anyone with a brain should understand that it is definitely not a wise move to take action here.

However, when Constance followed Evander out of the meeting and walked into an alley that she didn't even know where it was, the half-elf's heart was alarmed and stopped.

"Miss Constance?" The scar on Evander's face was still hideous, forming a sharp contrast with his harmless smile. "Come on, go through here, I will show you some reports that you haven't been able to see before. I used my family's connections to summarize them. You definitely can't do it or see such detailed and intuitive records."

The half-elf's boots stepped back a step, and she pulled out the swift sword that she never left, pointing the tip of the sword directly at Evander: "Holt, I only ask once: where is this? There is no such place in Anne's architectural plan!"

"Of course, how could Miss Anne take care of such a detailed location? I asked someone to repair it myself, with her permission," the man showed two rows of white teeth, "You see, not everyone is as meticulous as you, everyone is lazy, and will be in the right time Be lazy when it's appropriate, such as letting others do the work of building a new alley. "

"You should do the same, Miss Constance. As an outsider, don't you think you are a little too nosy?"

"I warn you, it's not too late to stop now!" Constance shouted, interrupting the other party's last persuasion, "Gillianis overlooks the entire city and even the entire delusion, you can't escape her eyes!"

"And even if you kill me, it's useless, you-"

"Hush, hush," Evander raised an index finger, and his smile gradually turned cold, "Come on, Constance, you can think of it, can't I think of it? Don't worry, you have no chance of being resurrected."

"As for the thousand-year-old albino witch, she should be worried about herself now, hehe..." (End of this chapter)

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