Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 517 Arrived in Time

"(Rose City expletive)!"

Accompanied by a curse with a typical Rose City accent, Constance's tall but thin body was pressed against the wall by a big hand. All her weapons were knocked down in the distance, but Shadow Spirit Yelena could only look here anxiously, completely unable to free her hands from the fake Seymour's pressing step by step.

When both parties possess a certain degree of extraordinary power, the differences caused by gender are usually reduced or even ignored, but when they have not completely broken away from the category of "ordinary people", this gap cannot be ignored.

"I advise you not to come here, you ugly thing." The paint on the clown's face made him look like he was making an exaggerated laugh at Yelena. His hands tightly grabbed Constance's throat and continued to exert force. But all the half-elf could do was struggle with all his strength, but it all seemed to be in vain.

Under normal circumstances, she would never have been restrained so easily, but the poison on those flying knives had already invaded her body and took effect quickly due to the fight just now. At this moment, Constance only felt that she It was as if he had only slept for two hours for a whole week. Not to mention that he was unable to exert any strength. Even when he looked at the murderer who was about to kill him, his funny smiling face was reflected three to five times. indivual.

"Hehehehehe! A real good killer does not have to use brute force, sophisticated calculation is also an indispensable and important quality!" The clown smiled triumphantly, "Otherwise, silly girl? Why do you think I came out to play with you? Even if this guy is offering a bounty of 500,000 gold coins in Yungang, he is not my boss, so he couldn’t have ordered me!”

"Stop pretending, clown," Fake Seymour snorted coldly, swung the knife behind him with his backhand, and accurately executed another move with Yelena hiding in the darkness, "Since you are really like that Unruly, how about you practice alone with me after this order comes back?"

"You..." The clown is still laughing with the paint on his face, but his true appearance has become gloomy - the other person is not a kind person, he just pretends to be crazy to help him achieve his goal, but the other person is a real lunatic. .

No one likes to deal with a real lunatic, not even another lunatic.

"Then it's settled..." Fake Seymour raised his hand and slashed twice again. This was the best time.

Constance was caught, which made the shadow spirit a little confused, and speaking herself gave her a false vulnerability. When the shadow dancer tried to get in, that was when she died.

However, before Fake Seymour could finish his words, a cold arrow shot from nowhere suddenly crashed into the scimitar blade. The huge force made him almost lose his hand and fly away with the sword, let alone slash it. !

There was a crisp "snap" sound, and one side of fake Seymour's shoulder blade was instantly pierced and shattered by the thorn chain. The killer didn't even have time to cry out in pain, and desperately allowed the barbs to hook the flesh and blood on his hand, thus pulling out the chain. Then he ran backwards crazily!

"Who is there?!"

"Ouch!" Almost at the same time, the clown on the other side also received a sap on the back of the head. The iron-clad wooden stick may not be effective if it hits the rough-skinned and thick-skinned frost giant, but if it hits an ordinary human being, it will be 10% effective. It is not uncommon for the back of the head and the top of the neck to be mashed into mud.

However, the person who took action was obviously very measured. The clown just rolled his eyes upwards, let out a strange cry and passed out, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

"Connie!" The figure in heavy armor strode out and hugged Constance, who had purple and black finger prints on her neck. The clown definitely didn't have anything good in his hands. He looked just scared. They were all coated with medicine just like those flying knives.

But these are all trivial matters, because they are back. The priest of Heim stepped forward and immediately began to treat Constance.

"Benefactor, are you sure this is the real person? We just saw several clowns, some of whom were even so secretive that they could no longer be secretive." Sylvia waved her hand to cancel Richthofen's dark spell, and the dark alley There was a certain amount of shadow covering it, and the two killers were not arcane masters. It would be even harder to see through her spells.

They didn't just arrive here. When the chaos started in the town, everyone had just arrived outside. When they saw the guy Evander showing his fangs, they asked Shuke and Elden to stay outside. They secretly entered the city and waited for opportunities. Take action.

"To distinguish between real and fake clones, you must not only pay attention to their appearance, but also pay attention to their movements, tone, demeanor and other aspects. A real master will change the behavior of the real and fake clones at the right time to completely deceive others," Luo En held a magic box in his hand that would not be triggered again after the mechanism was removed, and slowly walked out, "But this guy only learned this appearance, and his timing is not accurate. He wants to guess... It’s too difficult.”

Ron had seen a virtual character with a similar mechanism before and had a rough understanding of its psychology. After observing it for a while, he easily guessed the other party's "reverse thinking" of replacing the fake body with the real body.

Of course, the reason why Ron dared to make a bold guess was because their strength was not at the same level as this clown. Even if he guessed wrong, it would not be a big deal. All he had to do was kill all of this guy's body.

"You...are back," Constance woke up slowly, being held in the cold and hard arms of her cousin princess, and showed a weak smile to everyone, "Be careful, fake, Seymour, and …”

"Don't worry about it," Ivy said, placing Constance against the wall. She might feel more comfortable with her full body armor or the ground. "We're all back. We'll take care of it."

Ron nodded, turned around and looked at the suspicious fake Seymour: "Did Evander send you?"

"Are you, the lord here?" Facing Ron's eyes, the fake Seymour couldn't help but take two steps back. "Sir, I'm just paying for work. It's not worth it--"

In the eyes of the clown, he was a real madman, because he didn't value other people's lives at all and could trample on them easily. He didn't even care about his own body, so he was able to get rid of the thorn chain even though he was injured.

But this doesn't mean that he doesn't value his own life either, or it's because he despises others that his life seems so precious.

It's just his personal perspective, just like how he looks at others. After discovering that his own territory and friends were being tossed around like crazy, the fake Seymour was far from being anthropomorphic in everyone's eyes.

"Kill him, that guy is coming soon." Ron waved his hand, and Driver came out immediately with a short bow, looking at the fake Seymour with the eyes of a prey.

"Don't worry, you will definitely not get any good in my hands-" (End of this chapter)

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