Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 52 The Captured Merchant

The last ring of perseverance with one use left was given to Sera by Ron. The barbarian's desperate fighting style is most suitable for this.

And they have an advantage over the King of the Madwugs: they have a priest to heal the wounds. Although it is still dangerous to bear double damage, when it comes to a do-or-die battle, Sera will not die.

Ivy and Victoria have no objection to this distribution. Driver actually wants it, but when Sera "kindly" proposed fair competition, Driver decisively backed off when he saw the opponent's muscles.

"Take a short break and explore inside." Ron looked at the depths of the cave, which seemed to be empty, and decided to be more careful.

"Ron, is it Lord Ron?"

Just as the team slowly went deeper into the cave, a hoarse voice attracted their attention.

It was a cage woven with some tough plants that were hung above the cave by the Madwugs. Three of the cages still had living people in them, and the rest had begun to emit a rotten smell.

The shout just now came from one of the three people.

"Do you know me?" Ron looked up. It was a dragonborn in his early thirties. Ron couldn't tell his gender - dragonborns are generally much taller and stronger than ordinary humanoids, and their physiological structure is different from that of humans. It is really difficult for Ron to judge gender from body shape and sexual characteristics.

"Of course! I stayed at the trading post for two days, and you were there too!" The dragonborn coughed twice with difficulty, and when he spoke again, his tone was much clearer. Ron heard that the other party was a woman.

But her current state is not so elegant - the crazy frogman almost took away everything from her, and didn't even leave her a piece of clothing. The bronze scales all over the dragonborn were exposed to the air.

"Are you Sulina?" Victoria recognized her. "Aren't you going to Flåm to do business? How did you get caught here?"

"It's a long story..." Dragonborn Sulina said in an embarrassed tone, "If it's convenient, can you put us down first and then talk?"

When the few people found the ropes that hung the cage and put down the three prisoners, Victoria recognized the other two people. They were all merchants who came from the other side of the delusion and were going to Flåm. Because Ron was recuperating a few days ago, Victoria basically took care of the affairs of the trading station, and she was naturally responsible for the registration of passers-by.

"Oh, thank you! You are really kind people!" Sulina took the blanket handed by Ivy and wrapped her body, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It's just that the efficiency should be higher."

"Higher efficiency? What do you mean?" Ron didn't understand.

"Of course, we are going to open up the dreamland," Sulina looked at the other two people who were traveling with her. They were just ordinary humans, and their physical condition was much worse than hers. Although they were still alive, they were basically unrecognizable. She was the only one who could speak. "There are still many monsters running around here, and the safety of people like us is still not guaranteed - of course, it was like this before."

"The only change now is that there is an additional trading post, and I really have to thank you for that. You know, compared to preparing supplies for a long journey, paying a little money here is really nothing."

"You Why do you want to do business in Fromm Town? "Ron asked curiously, "Are there any specialties there?"

"To be honest, there are none," Sulina blinked mischievously, "but Fromm Town is the closest way to Yungang. Although both the Delusion Land and the Gobi Desert are dangerous, as long as you succeed once, you can enjoy a good life for several years, so guys like us are willing to take some risks. "

"Take me for example, I will trade some wood from there, and then bring back pearls and other materials from Yungang. I have taken this route four times, and the success rate is 5% including this time. 10."

"But the profit can reach 1,000 to 2,000 percent."

"What a huge profit..." Ron couldn't help but exclaimed, "But is it really worth it for you? Isn't there a relatively safer route?"

"Yes, but it's too far," Su Lina thought for a while, "If you take the water route along the coastline of the continent, it is indeed safe, but just going from my place to the port requires a big detour - do you know how many towns and city-states you have to pass along the way? How much tolls do those city-states charge? After repeated exploitation, we won't make any money!"

"Again... Adding all kinds of miscellaneous taxes, the last time we took this route, we were robbed in the Gobi Desert. One of our companions took that route again and ended up losing six gold coins and three silver coins. Isn't that funny?"

"No wonder the guy I escorted before wanted to cross the mountains," Ivy nodded, "but he didn't expect that the mountains were more dangerous than the outside."

"We dare not go to the mountains!" Sulina said hurriedly, "I heard that a spice merchant from Rose City went to open up a new trade route, and then there was no news!"


It would be strange if there was news! Isn't the only survivor right in front of you?

"Then I roughly understand. Why don't you tell me why you overturned this time?" Ron nodded slightly, "You have already arrived at the trading post, why were you caught by the crazy frogs here?"

"After we got supplies from you, we headed for the town of Flåm, but something went wrong that night," Sulina said with her head down. "A huge monster flying in the sky took a fancy to our horses carrying goods, swooped down and began to feast on them. The guards tried to stop it, but were easily defeated."

"We saw with our own eyes that several soldiers were pierced by its tail, strung together and hung on it, and were eaten by it like skewers of meat."

"We were terrified and ran desperately here, but it was too dark. We ran into a swamp in a panic, and then our feet suddenly felt empty - when we woke up, we were here."

Sulina said, wrapping the blanket tightly around her body with lingering fear.

"Could it be that you encountered a wild griffin..." Victoria frowned, "This powerful creature loves to prey on horses. You are unlucky to have encountered it."

"It's not a griffin. How could I not recognize a griffin?" Sulina shook her head repeatedly, "It does have a body like a lion, but its tail is thin and long, and its face is flat. It looks weird."

"That's right! It can speak the common language, but it sounds terrible!"

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